She is very lucky

All were staring at Journee who was lying face down. Her clothes were torn and all dusty and pasty and wet. The head EMT turned her over and a big laceration on her forehead became visible.

"Ohh… shit!" shouted Jack the moment he saw a big piece of glass embedded in Journee's right abdomen. Henry just stood there frozen. He was not over the fact that he could not feel her pulse.

"Sergeant Davis! Sergeant Davis!" shouted the head EMT. She took out her penlight and one by one checked the reaction of Journee's pupils. "Pupils reactive." She then checked for breath sounds. "Shallow, hoarse, and raspy breaths. Sergeant Davis! Can you hear me? Sergeant Davis!" When Journee didn't respond, she made a fist and rubbed her knuckles on the middle of Journee's chest.