Out of her game

Henry and Jack stood near Journee waiting for her answer. What was David talking about? And what footage did Kay go to get?

"Did something happen last night?" suddenly Henry realized that something was up.

"She says someone came to her room last night," replied David.

"Excuse me! What? Who? What did you see? Who did you see? Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Oh, did you kill someone last night?" both Henry and Jack kept babbling question after question. Who said what, Journee was not sure.

"Boys! Boys! Boys! Shut up! Take a deep breath! Relax! Pho… pho… pho… breathe," Journee did breathing exercises with them. "To answer your questions – yes, something happened last night; I don't who know that person was, all I know is that someone was inside, I could feel him, I could smell him, but I didn't see him; I am okay; no, they didn't hurt me… um… I am not sure, but they might have touched me; and no, I didn't kill anyone last night, though I wanted to kill David in the morning."