Didn’t sleep

Archer had a multitude of emotions he was dealing with right now. Most prominent among them was, shock. He was in the FBI, he had seen pretty sophisticated hardware, but Journee's house was something else. Why would someone like her have a house like that? William was in the police his whole life, then how he has so much money to get such a huge house for his daughter?

Even if would not think like a sexist and really believe that Journee bought that house, it was impossible to have that house on a salary of a sergeant. She was not always a sergeant, she was a detective and patrol officer, just like everyone starts, and even after accumulating all the salary, it was not possible to own that house and that high-tech security.

And why did she need such security? Her father was the head of NYPD, he needed that security. Was that security in place for Kay? If, yes, then why? How was he? God! That family had so many secrets.