The OG Hall family

Archer was at his wit's end. Every time he would talk about Journee, he would lose his mind. He grabbed Harris's shoulder and shouted, "who is she? Who in their right mind lives like that? Not even our president lives like that."

"Calm down! Why are you freaking out? I should be freaking out. Not you," pouted Harris.

"Why? Why? Why would you be freaking out?" asked Archer.

"Because this afternoon, I was happy. There was no tension in my life. I had no trouble. I just have some paperwork and then I would train to be a good pickpocket. I went to my favourite café, Gram café as usual. I sat there, ordered my sub and coke and I was eating peacefully. And guess what happened? I got a free coffee. Out of nowhere? I was having a really lucky day. Free coffee, tasty sub. I sat back down in my chair and guess who came to pay me a visit, guess, no seriously, guess," Harris stared Archer down with anger.