You are the Boss

Chris and Archer were listening to what Harris went through with Journee, how she attacked him, how she locked and gagged his guard, how she interrogated him.

"Told you! Smart and intelligent," said Chris, impressed. Archer simply rolled his eyes at him.

"And you told her everything?" asked Archer.

"She was sitting here, ready to punch me," Harris showed the couch where she was sitting.

"You are an FBI agent for crying out loud," Archer threw his hand in the air in frustration.

"This building guard is twice my size, twice and she overpowered him. Do you want me to die? Is that what you want?" yelled Harris.

"Just tell me what you told her?" shouted Archer.

"I told her about Zion's plan, how he wants to distribute the new drugs and then wants pickpockets to steal the drug back. Thus, every client will buy the same drugs, twice, thrice. Then she asked who the clients would be, and I said that no one knows about that," said Harris.