Suicide or murder

Journee had to do everything fast. She raked her brain and knew that only firing her weapon again could help her. She didn't want to injure anyone, but she had no other choice. The girl in Zion's arm was shivering like she had a fever.

Tony moved towards her and lunged, the blood from his chin kept spilling everywhere drop by drop. She stood in front of him but the moment he was about to touch her, she jumped away and rolled to the other side of the bed. Tony stumbled as he was not ready for Journee to jump away. Archer immediately broke his fall.

Before anyone could understand what happened, she again stood up and pointed the gun at Zion. "STOP! Or I shoot him," she gave the final warning.

"What do you want?" shouted Archer.

"Ask him a few questions," replied Journee.

"And this is the way to do that?"