Polite and kind, or rude

Archer was thinking about what had happened to Candy when Journee asked Zion to get in his clothes and come with her. Zion too now understood that something was wrong.

"What? What? Please tell me," pleaded Zion but Journee just sighed. It was clear that she had no idea how to break the news to Zion. Archer kept noticing her expressions and emotions. She had some devastating news about Candy. Either she was badly hurt or she was dead.

"What is it?" asked Archer. Maybe Journee would tell him as it was clear she didn't want to talk to Zion.

Journee looked at him and said, "please let him get into his clothes." She diverted everyone's attention to Tony. Maybe she thought that would change the topic or for at least a minute no one would ask her about Candy. "And you! Go get yourself patched up."