Chapter 3: The Fury of a Slayer

Standing in the face of the Colossal Titan, I couldn't help but wonder how effective a cleaning brush would be against a titan.

Deciding not to contemplate too hard I did what a responsible person would do.


I threw the brush like a spear poking him in the eye.

Very shortly after, I was sent flying of the top of the wall along with my comrades and the rest of the cannons.

[-1150 HP]

I fire my grapples, latching onto the wall.

An explosion goes off below us signifying the destruction of the gate.

And their goes Eren.

He tries to slice into the colossal titan's nape only to find nothing but air as the titan emits a cloud of steam and disappears into it.

I can already see teams on their way with nets to cover up the gaping hole left by the titan.

A garrison soldier lands on the wall and quickly starts issuing orders.

"The contingency plan for the colossal titan is being enacted! Everyone needs to report in!" He barks out.

Everybody starts heading to HQ.

When we get there, the whole area is abuzz with activity.

People running back and forth with messages, people filling gas canisters, people sobbing, the usual.

I topped off my gas at a refuel station and then head out to the street.

Civilians are rushing past me heading to the gate entrance further into the wall.

I quickly speed over to my shop and start issuing orders to my units.

The Sicarian's I had guard the shop but the Panzerhund's . . . .

"Bear, Wolfe I need you to find and kill any titan's you come across. Search and destroy!

Bear and Wolfe raise their heads and roar out into the sky and proceed to charge off into the city.

I turn and grab the Praetor suit and put it on. It's a little snug but felt good. I left my helmet in my inventory and I shot up into the sky to spot my first titan.

[Franz POV]

I had barely just deployed with my squad. I was looking around for Tavish before I had been assigned with Hanna to buy time for the civilians to escape.

We had just about back to the wall when we encountered our first Titan. A 15 meter. It had this big dopey smile on its face.

The squad had just started the anti-titan maneuvers and our leader got smacked out of the air and into a building.

One of my other squad mates tried to help before a smaller titan lunged out of nowhere and ate him gear and all. There were a lot more titans in this area than I realized.

I tried to grab Hanna and run but I was grabbed while turning to leave. I was slowly brought up and placed between the titan's teeth.

I close my eyes dreading what's to come.

The titan's mouth is suddenly forced open, and I am thrown out into the street.

"OY, look alive their Franz! We've got titans to slaughter."

I look up and I see Tavish prying open the titan's mouth!

"Did this fucker eat anyone else?" He questioned.

"N-n-no." I stuttered. I knew Tavish was strong, but to force open a titan's mouth?! That's a different level of strength.

"Good." He states and rips the head off the shoulders and throws it down the street.

All the titans in the area turn and look in our direction. Their usual stupid faces changing from a blank look, to one of fear.

I didn't know how to process this, so I just grabbed Hanna and ran.

[Mina POV]

We had just deployed across the city to provide support for the vanguard.

As we were grappling over the roof tops, I saw a titan lunge up out of nowhere.

It was going to hit Thomas!

I watched horrified as the titan came away from the wall with Thomas hanging from his mouth.

As the titan tilted its head back to swallow him, it was hit by a large metal "something" knocking him over and sending Thomas flying. The Titan tried to get up but the beast was upon it in a flash ripping out its nape in a splash of gore.

Looking further down the street I could see another beast burning the titans to ash as great gouts of fire burst forth from its maw.

"Eren!" I hear Armin shout behind me I turn to look.

I see Eren's arm flop to the ground as he is gulped down by a Titan.

[Tavish's POV]

I grin savagely at the nearest titan. I remember the narration from doom as I bear down on a 4-meter titan.

They are Rage,

I grab its arm and flipping it over my shoulder, sending it headfirst into the wall, obliterating it's head.


I jump at the next titan, blades in hand. I slice through its neck, and down its spine.

Without mercy.

I fire my grapples, looping between its legs and using the momentum to rip its head off.

But you.

I switch to my super shotgun, grappling around another titan's head and blowing out its torso in a shower of gore.

You will be worse.

I swap back to my blades and slice through the napes of two titans, and then use my grapple to slingshot me at the third.



I slam through that titan turning it into a paste, scattering its parts up and down the street.

Perks activated

[Indomitable Rage]

[The only thing they fear is you]

The titans quickly switched focus to me. They quickly realized that there was a predator amongst them.

And it was hunting.

I release a roar that echoed around Trost.

A roar establishing dominance, fury, and violence.

A roar that informed all titans that they had stepped into my realm, thus declaring their lives forfeit for their transgression.

And the titan's knew fear. For the first time, they encountered a being that was not running away, not fearful, or even wary of their presence. The little bit of animal instinct left in these monstrosities, was telling them run.

And run they did.

Skill added

[Battle Cry] (1/100)

Inspire your allies and terrify your enemies

I gave chase, tackling a 10-meter and ripping off it arm and knocking its head clean off its shoulders.

I shot my tethers and launch myself skyward to pullout my heavy cannon. It ripped apart two 4-meters on the way down.

Launching my tethers yet again I flipped around into the open maw of a 15-meter. Unsheathing my chain swords, I bisect the head and send half flying across the city.

I finally stopped to take a breath. Judging by the carnage around me slowly turning to steam, I killed off my group of titans . . . . I think.

Hey, look theirs another group running towards the gate! I better kill them just to be sure.

[Mikasa's POV]

I had just killed off the abnormal that was running towards the gate and was trying to get the merchant to move his cart when I heard thundering.

I look down the road and I see a group of five titans running towards us. The rest of the squad and myself engage our ODM to engage the threat.

As we get closer, I see a green blur hit the ground and bounce, punching through the center mass of the titan and out the back.

Is that Tavish?

I watch as he flips up into the air with his ODM and then brings his fists down on top of the 10-meter's head, pounding it down between its shoulders.

He continues to use the force of the blow to launch himself towards two of the remaining titans slashing their napes on his way by.

The final 4-meter takes off running in the opposite direction, it's almost as if its running in fear? But everyone knows that titans don't do that.

Tavish gives chase, moving like lighting, he grabs the titan. He lifts it up and suplexes the titan with extreme force tearing its head clean off.

He stands there, panting, absolutely coated in titan blood that was steaming off of him.

The crowd of people clamoring to get through the gate was dead silent.

"Tavish?" I call out. He focuses on me.

[Tavish POV]

"Hey Mikasa" I say in greeting

I try to wipe away the titan blood that I am coated in. I am seriously regretting not wearing the helmet. This is just gross.

The crowd around the gate just stared at me, I am going to take a wild guess and say that Mikasa hadn't resolved this yet. Fun

"Sooo, what's with all these people hanging around outside the gates? Do they know that titans are in the city? I question her.

"They do, this merchant however is trying to bring goods through first." Mikasa comments directing the attention towards a fat merchant.

I walk towards the cart and blockage, the crowd parts around me until I'm standing in front of the merchant.

"Hello! I believe your cart is blocking the gate preventing everybody from escaping, could you please move it? I do believe that everybody could only bring small personal items." I casually state.

The Merchant looks up at me and then back to the titans decaying in the street, and quickly gives the order to move the cart.

The civilians quickly start streaming through the gate.

I gather up with the rest of the vanguard group.

"Is this the last of the civilians?" I question. I can see the gate closing when the last of this group made it through.

"Yes." Confirmed one of the garrison soldiers. "The evacuation went smoothly. The evacuation alarm sounded but no one is heading towards the wall. There haven't been any orders from HQ for a while either.

"Alright then, lets rally whoever's still left and head for HQ. Chances are most of the defenders still left will either be out of gas or blades. We can try and scavenge some on the way, but we will need to get everyone to HQ before getting over the wall." I direct.

We head off as a group.

I wonder how Wolfe and Bear are doing.

[Armin's POV]

Mina and I managed to move Thomas back to Jean's group. Those giant metal machines kept the titans at bay with their rampant slaughter.

Thomas was in bad shape. I'm fairly certain that his ribs and arm are broken. But his heart is still going so that's a good sign, I guess.

Unfortunately, he was an outlier. There were no people with injuries among Jean's group.

When fighting titan's, you were either alive or eaten. The fact that we managed to bring back a wounded through all the titan's is another miracle in of itself.

I kind of wish that Thomas could grant us another miracle. Everyone is low on gas, and we can see that titans had overtaken the HQ.

On top of that Eren's dead. Mr. I-am-going-to-kill-all-the-titan's is dead. I think the only reason I haven't completely broken down is I'm helping Mina haul Thomas up onto the roof where the rest of the soldiers are based.

I can see that the survivors are fresh from the 104th. It looks like none of the veterans survived thus far. After checking around, I find that everyone else is low on fuel. I have about a third of a tank left myself. I am fairly certain Mina has the same amount as I do.

I hear the sound of an ODM and I look up.

It's Mikasa! She lands on the roof with several extra tanks of gas! Her squad is coming up behind her. And Tavish! He's hefting tanks of gas over his shoulder. What's up with the armor though.

And of course, the first thing that Mikasa asks is how's Eren. I can see tears running down Mina's face. Tavish . . . is wandering off.

[Tavish POV]

I am looking over the edge at the tear marks left in the napes of some of the titan corpses left nearby. It looks like some huge teeth marks were left … OH!

I let out a shrill whistle causing some of the cadets nearby to cover their ears. I hear an answering roar followed by rapid thumping noses.

Pretty soon Wolfe and Bear come tearing around the corner of the building, skidding into the side of a house.

I jump down from the roof and they scamper up to me. I start scratching under their jaws. These guys really are the best.

I look up at the people standing on the roof.

They are just staring at me in shock. I hear Jean call down to me.

"Tavish, what the hell are those things?" He asked.

"This is Wolfe, and this is Bear." I cheerfully introduce. "They are my Panzerhunde!"

"So, they're yours?" Mina asked for clarification.

"Yup! I made them in my spare time! I set them loose in the city a few hours ago to find and kill any titan they came across." I comment.

I can see Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt standing off to the side on one of the roofs. They pale significantly at the mention of the "task" I assigned Wolfe and Bear. I know that if I didn't have a target on my back before I certainly do now.

"Alright, quick raise of hands. Who has enough gas to get to HQ?" I question.

Most of the cadets raise their hands.

"Alright I need two volunteers." I ask.

Two of the cadets hesitantly stepped up.

"Ok, your job is going to be to move Thomas. Hang to the back and let the rest of us take care of titans." They nod and start prepping Thomas for transport.

"Alright next up, Annie, Jean and Marco. We are going to be the tip of the spear going in. Bear and Wolfe will help set them up but you're going to have to be ready with a follow up." The three of them look on nervously.

"Reiner and Bertholdt as well as Mikasa and Conny. You guys are going to our left and right flanks respectively. If anyone in the forward group slips-up, its your job to bail them out if you can." Receiving nods of understanding.

"Mina and Sasha, You two will be our vanguard. We're not leaving anyone behind if we can help it."

"As for the rest of you lot." I turn to the remaining cadets. "Be ready to replace anyone that falls. And look out for each other, the only way we are making it to HQ and over that wall is if we work together. If you see an opening, take it! But return to formation as soon as possible. Chances a good that we'll have to kill titans that have overrun the resupply chamber so save as much gas as you can on the way there." I finish.

"W-wait, Tavish" I hear Jean stutter. "I understand that we have to get to HQ, but the building is absolutely covered in titan's how could we get in?!"

"I'm glad you asked Jean! We are going to kill them, because its either that or giving up and dying right here. And to be honest, if I have to die today, I am going to send a couple hundred titans to pave the way for me." I cheerfully inform him. "Any other questions?

Nobody speaks up.

"Alright then." I turn and pat the sides of Wolfe and Bear. "Ok guys lets go."

I take off running towards HQ with my dogs keeping pace with me.

We eventually come across the first group of titans.

The titans turned to face our group and start running towards us.

"Come on lads, time to Rip and Tear!" I roar out charging forward.

Wolfe and Bear bark excitedly following me in.

As we get closer the titans, I activate some perks

Perks activated

[Indominable rage]

[The only thing they fear is you]

[Pain Train]

[Jean POV]

Tavish was absolutely insane. No one in their right mind would approach a titan on foot. I don't care if those machines are backing you up, that's a surefire way to commit suicide.

As they get closer, I see the blank faces of the titan's morph to a look of terror?! Titans don't fear anything!

I see Tavish pick up speed and hit the legs of the first titan, completely ripping them off the body and leaping forward into the next titan punching it and causing it to explode in a shower of blood.





Can he actually do that!? Is that allowed!?

I hear Tavish's war cry, what is that? Rip and tear?

But that's what he's doing, ripping and tearing his way through the titans.

Wolfe and Bear are no better, leaping through the air onto titans and tearing into them.

Flames were licking their teeth and maws as they proceeded to rip through any titan that stood in their way.

Suddenly I see Misaka leap forward and veer off to the right in an expulsion of gas.

"Shit! Conny, Armin. Go after her and back her up! She might has seen something we didn't."

I call out to them and they nod and veer off in the direction Misaka went. "Next group form up! Replace that right flank!" I command.

Showers of blood and viscera are flying everywhere around Tavish as he whips out two of his blades and they spin-up tearing into another two titans.

The remaining titans ran away! They are running from Tavish!

He turns and calls up to us.

"Hey! Quit lollygagging and help me kill those fuckers!" he roar's out.

I fire my ODM hooks and speed off towards the remaining titan's.

[Tavish POV]

I leap up onto the roof and use my ODM to pick up speed. Thanks to the fear perk, that gives us some breathing room as we get closer to HQ. We are even able to break into the building with the reduced titan presence.

I crash through a window, and I hear a series of crashes follow shortly after.

Looking back, it looks like we only lost one person! Yay go us!

As Jean starts beating up the remains of the supply team, I decide that now was as good a time as any to snap a couple of Gacha tokens.

[Pyro vision goggles (common)]

I stop. There is no way I would not pass up the chance to fuck with someone's mind. The question is, who to give them to?

Ah well, something to mull over for later. Let's see what else . . . .

[Australium Pan (Rare)]

[1 x machine pack (Common)]

[Thunder hammer (Epic)]

[1 x machine pack (Rare)]

[Fuzzy dice (Common)]

[Companion gem: BT-7274 (Epic)]

[Pac-man head-to-head gaming table (Common)]

[Harkonnen II weapon system (Epic)]

[Clubsy the Seal (rare)]

[ The Big book of Time and Space (Legendary)]

Well, those were some decent pulls, but what's with the book?

[The Big book of Time and Space]

Details the very beginning of the concept "Bigger on the inside". Is the equivalent of an elementary school science book for time lords. Reveals more relevant information as your intelligence grows.

I pull out the book and quickly realize that I can't read it like a skill book. I try flipping through the pages and receive another surprise. The book is also "bigger on the inside". I keep flipping through the book till I reach a Padlock inside the book.


[Time lock]

Prevents certain actions before it is "time".

While this is super cool, it looks like I am going to have to learn the contents the long way around.

It looks like Jean has stopped yelling at the resupply guys. Guess I better pay attention again.

I say that as a massive hole is opened in the far wall.

Two titans have their faces up to the hole peering in at the mass of cadets and garrison members.

Up until a giant fist cleared them out of the way of the hole.

This was shortly followed by Armin, Mikasa and Conny busting in through a nearby window.

"Hey guys! That out there is a titan that kills other titans!" Conny exclaimed pointing out the window.

I turn to see the side view of the titan in question as it came into view, dang that's some serious overbite.

As Eren commences his crusade against the titans outside, we start figuring how to kill the small titans in the resupply chamber.

After a bit Jean comes back with these old rifles covered in dust and a plan is swiftly formed and carried out.

One group stationed in the old lift would blind the titans with the rifles, while the second group would slash their napes.

We all get into position. The lift lowers down to the gas room catching the attention of the 4-meter titans.

The titans draw closer, and closer, until the rifles open fire blinding the titans.

The second team jumps from the rafters slicing into the titans.

Conny and Sasha miss the mark and land on the floor, but Mikasa and Annie bail them out.

Everyone lets out a cheer and we go to refill on gas.

I top off my gas and take the time to check over Wolfe and Bear for damage.

Wolfe has a couple of scratches but his armor plating held extremely well. Bear on the other hand had a couple of dents in his side plating and a few chipped teeth.

I try to repair him as much as I can before I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Mina and Mikasa standing at my shoulder.

"Hey, what's up?" I question.

"Tavish, we were wondering . . . . how are you so strong? We have seen you tear a titan in half with your bare hands today, and continue charging forward to kill the next one. For some reason, titans seem to fear you. The reason we had such an easy time getting here was that after you killed a couple, they turned and ran. Titans don't ever do that Tavish, so why do they run from you?" Mikasa questions.

I can see some of the other recruits near me turn to listen to my response. Well if they want a response, I better make it a hell of a good one.

I open my stat sheet and put 40 points into charisma, bringing me up to 100.

For reaching 100 Cha you get a perk


Your orating abilities will inspire those around you to do miraculous things.

Provides a 25% bonus to abilities to those that follow you.

"Its because I abandon all fear." I begin

"It is within our nature as humans to fear things, fear is good, it keeps you alive and keeps your reflexes sharp. But to surrender to it is when you have lost. We stand as humanities last hope against the titans as they try every day to take more and more of what little we have left. Until today we have always been forced to run, but I'm done running.

This is the second time in this lifetime the colossal titan has interfered with my life. I've watched as hundreds of titans overwhelmed my home, slaughter my family, and kill many of my neighbors. When they breached our wall again, I was ready. I trained for the day they came to take more, so that I could meet them with a fury that would be sung about for centuries.

Titans have never feared humans because they were the predators of the world, hunting us to extinction because all we could do was run. But for the first time they met someone who didn't run. They met someone who's fury outmatched their own, who would hunt them and their like to the ends of the earth for attempting to take our right to live.

I am this strong because I choose to live, not just survive. I choose to give the titans a being to fear! One who will not falter, and not yield no matter the odds!"

+20 Rep with 104th cadets

Well, I guess they liked the speech at least.

Everyone finishes topping off their gas and goes the final stretch up to the inner wall.

I land on the roof of a building with some of the Cadets had gathered.

We watched as Eren's titan tear through a few of the remaining titans before it collapses.

The titans body evaporates until Eren's unscarred body is exposed.

Seeing the regeneration capabilities of a shifter is something truly fascinating to behold. Eren had completely lost his arm and leg and there they were, good as new.

Well, let's get his carcass over the wall before more titans show up. It wouldn't be a problem to kill them, it's just getting gratuitous at this point.

[Time Skip]

I grimace as I examine the chain sword blades for the ODM. I managed to acquire an empty workbench to work on stuff near the gate. Mikasa, Armin, and Eren were whisked off to wherever Captain Woermann was going to attempt to gun him down. Good times.

But back to my chain swords. Apparently, they need to be made of sterner stuff than the ultra-hard steel I used. The teeth have almost no tearing ability left in them, and I can hear the motor burning up every time I throttle it. It's an honest miracle that the blades have held up this long.

The transonic blades on the other hand, are still in peak condition. They hum softly as I check them for damage.

Now that we were out of combat, I was able to upgrade the Plating on both Panzerhunde and increase the slashing ability of their claws. Bear was a real trooper continuing with the damage he sustained. He overstressed his leaping hydraulics trying to keep up with Wolfe and then managed to get up and over the wall. I fixed the hydraulics and played with him for a bit as his legs and armor finished their repair.

A cannon goes off not too far away, sounds like the good captain has an itchy trigger finger.

But the blast didn't quite sound like a cannon. Was it a howitzer?

Well crap, now I'm curious. I wasn't aware that they had moved any of my guns to the inner walls. I'll have to check that out later.

Wasn't a cannon fired at Eren today?

Well yes, but he shakes that off no worse for wear.

And you designed the howitzers to kill titans?


. . . . . .

Well hopefully Eren managed to stop the round, Let's go investigate, I guess.

I head over in the direction of the explosion and I see Captain Kitz Woermann frantically shouting at the gunner to load another round.

It was clear that the gunner was either brand new at firing the howitzer or only fired cannons before because he was struggling to load the round.

The partially formed titan that Eren and co. were hiding in was missing an arm. The gunners aim was off enough that it wouldn't have killed them but it was a near thing.

That stupid loader was trying to load the round in backwards! I thought that I had left enough instructions to prevent that but they may have just commandeered it. Alright time to buy some time for Commander Pixis. I probably shouldn't risk that the gunner may actually figure out how to load the thing.

"Captain Woermann, for a moment there I thought that you had stopped attempting to kill cadets today but surprise, surprise, here you are back at it again." I loudly comment grabbing the attention of more than a few people.

"How dare you! I did no such thing! What the hell is your name Cadet!" Woermann yelled.

"The names Cadet Byrne. I was one of the many cadets and garrison that were left stranded in Trost when you abandoned your post with your circle of hangers-on. I am surprised that they left you in command of anything more than a fucking soup can. Did you get demoted but enough people died to make you captain again?"

His face paled and he kept stuttering. "N-now listen here . . . .

I continue not giving him an inch as I get right up in his face.

"No! You listen here Captain Coward! What we are told going into battle is that desertion is punishable by death! Are you not held to the same standard for abandoning your post? And you have the absolute gall to attempt to kill one of the cadets that helped the remaining defenders escape?! Cadet Jaeger has no fucking clue how he was able to do it, so why would he suddenly know now while you're threatening him with a howitzer?! And QUIT FUCKING TRYING TO LOAD MY CANNON YOU PUTZ! YOU'LL JUST DAMAGE THE LOADING GATE!"

I direct the last comment at the hapless gunner still trying to load a new shell into the howitzer. He yelped and almost dropped the round he was holding.

"Now back to your long list of fuck-ups today. Not only did you abandon your post leaving all of the defenders to their certain death with no supplies and no way to acquire more in the event of running out, but you threatened your subordinates with death if they tried to stop you from abandoning you post! The mere fact that you haven't been stripped of your position or gutted like the rat you are, either speaks of the gross incompetence of either your superiors or staff."

I turn to the gathered soldiers.

"Who here is his second in command?" I demand.

A woman with white hair shakily raises her hand.

"Has it become standard practice to assist your leader to abandon their post!?" I question.

"N-no." she answers.

"Then either relieve this gutless worm of his command, or I will do it for you!" I say, pulling out my super shotgun and reloading it.

Kitz pales even further.

As I cock my shotgun with malicious intent, a calm voice echoes throughout the area.

"Is it necessary to spill more blood today Cadet Byrne?"

I turn to see Commander Dot Pixis.

"Unfortunately, yes sir. It appears that we'll have to spill a sea of titan blood in order to retake Trost." I respond.

"So you were reloading that firearm because?" Pixis questioned.

"It was out of ammo sir! I just happened to be reloading while facilitating a change in leadership sir!" I cheerfully inform the commander.

I managed to delay long enough for him to get here. Woermann can live for now.

"Did you see any female titans out their cadet?" Pixis asked

"None worthy of note sir! You will be the first to know if I find one!" I respond.

While it's a little odd, that basically sums up Dot Pixis. Just a little odd.

[Time Skip]

The commander took Eren, Armin and Mikasa off to the side leaving me to go finish up my projects.

I examine the praetor suit for damage. Other than a couple of minor scratches its held up very well.

"It seems that you are yet to be done surprising me Mr. Byrne." I look up to see the Commander.

"Oh, I have yet to begin with the surprises Commander." I comment.

"Think you could pull out a few more to retake Trost?" Pixis questions.

"I can certainly pull out some anti-titan gear sir, just came out of R&D so I don't have more than one or two pieces. Give me a workshop and a hour and I'll be ready to leap back into the fray." I state.

"Good. What is your opinion on Cadet Jaeger?" He asked

"He's determined sir. He excels at hand-to-hand combat and has a bit of a temper. Designate an objective and he will do whatever he can to complete it. He tends to shoot his mouth off about killing all of the titans so that remains his primary objective. With the discovery of his titan ability, I would highly recommend that he visits a therapist to help resolve his mental state. Being a survivor of Shiganshina would result in part of it but if he were to be deployed effectively against the titans, he would need extensive training by dedicated handlers. It would help if he had a clear mental state with well-defined objectives." I summarize.

"So, you think he could be used to help humanity?" Pixis states.

"Without a doubt sir. Whether in combat or tests, Eren would help make progress in both reclaiming land from the titans, determining titan origins, or ferreting out the colossal and armored titans." I explain.

"Ferret out? So, you think that those titans are like Eren?" Pixis asked, observing me.

"After today? Yes. After seeing a human turn into a titan combined with the way the colossal titan just disappears, that is an assumption I can safely make." I inform.

"Alright then Cadet. Be ready to deploy in an hour." Pixis says walking away.

He turns back after a moment; "And Cadet?"

"Yes sir?"

"Please refrain from discussing your revelation with others for now. Don't want to tip our hand just yet."

"Yes Sir!"

I head over to the workshop that I am provided and I lock the doors behind me. No one needs to see what I'm about to do. I pull out one of my companion gems and crush it in my hand. In a flash of light, Bastion appears.


Bastion & Ganymede (Level 175)

Once a frontline combatant in the devastating Omnic Crisis, Bastion has all but lost its combat programming and now explores its surroundings, fascinated by the world and its inhabitants. Though Bastion's new nature is gentle, its core combat programming takes over when the unit senses danger, utilizing its entire arsenal to eliminate anything it perceives as a threat.

Hello Bastion, it's a pleasure to meet you.

*Beep Beep Whirr*

I take the time to explain the situation to bastion and get his agreement to help out. He drives a hard bargain, but basically, we negotiate his vacation and exploration days so he can travel around and visit different places that are currently accessible. I then modify him slightly to account for grappling gear. It's the best I am able to do currently with the time that I have.

Ganymede is a cute little bird that never strays too far from Bastions side. While he is not combat capable, he is an appreciated addition.

After the hour is up, I unlock and open the doors and head for the deployment zone with Bastion in tow.

The shocked looks I get as we climb the stairs to the battlements is so worth it.

I find Commander Pixis talking with several squad captains including that white haired woman from earlier. Pixis's eyes widen as he takes in Bastion.

"Well Cadet, you promised another surprise and you certainly delivered. Are you ready to deploy?"

I whistle calling Wolfe and Bear from where they are resting.

"Yes Sir! Ready to rip and tear through some titans!" The Panzerhunde roaring in response to my words.

"Good, your objective is to defend Cadet Jaeger while he seals the hole in the wall. Defend him while he does this and kill any titan that stands in your way!" The Commander orders.

I look down at the large group of titans down below us. "Bastion, target the napes. That should bring them down." I comment before I leap into the hoard of titans.


I hit the ground knocking down the most of the titans in the immediate area as Bastion reconfigures to start raining bullets down tearing apart the titans.

Wolfe and Bear leap into the fray, butchering the titans below.

I draw my transonic blades and rip through the titans. One by one they fell creating more space to work with.

We move off towards the boulder that Eren has to move.

The titans in this area are surrounding the boulder. I just set Wolfe and Bear loose to go clean them up.

Bastion takes a position on a roof further away firing rounds into any titan that gets into range.

Eren transforms into his titan form and goes on a mindless rampage attacking anything in range until he finally collapses against the boulder.

The various defenders are forced closer and closer in. If the titans get much closer, I will be forced to activate the fear perk. I was trying to avoid that situation in case it caused Eren's titan to run.

[Perk activated]

[Indomitable Rage]

[The only thing they fear is you]

I jump at the nearest titan and jam the doom blade into its throat, using it as a leverage point to tear its head off.

Pulling out the Thunder hammer, I cave in a titan's skull and demolish its nape on a second swing.

I launch my ODM and swing the hammer, obliterating the upper torso of another titan.

And I continued tearing through titan after titan, I was pushing my limits as far as speed. I had some points banked up so I put all of them into Dex.


For reaching 500 Dex you gain a new perk


Increases overall speed while in combat by 50%

For reaching 600 Dex you gain a new perk

[Body control]

Grants you extremely fine motor control, increases your effectiveness at unarmed combat.

I was moving ridiculously fast now. I am going to have to upgrade my ODM so that it can actually keep up because right now its just slowing me down.

With every swing of the massive thunder hammer, I blow another titan in half, either killing it outright or by forcing it beyond the point of regenerating.

Thunder was echoing within the walls of Trost, drawing the attention of defenders and titans alike as the blast of force from the hammer booms out across the district.

The roar of Eren's titan echo's from not too far away. I guess his brain is functioning again and he's moving the boulder.

I lost track of wherever Wolfe and Bear took off to. But they will be back soon enough. I head back in the general direction of the breach, killing off titans as I come across them.

I can see some Garrison soldiers trying to lead the titans away on foot. Come on guys! Just because you see me do it doesn't mean everybody can do it!

I charge forward, amputating a titan of it legs and bringing the hammer down on its head, splattering it all over the ground.

The hammer booms again as it blows out the torso of another titan.

Eren's almost in place, just a few more steps. . . .


Eren drops the massive boulder in place.

Hey Iris, how many points would I have to have in strength would I need to move something like that?

Roughly 2000 in your Strength stat.

Holy shit! The nine titans are a different level of strength entirely huh.


Well, better finish killing the titans then. We still need to collect Wolfe, Bear and Bastion.

It quickly became a long day.

[Several hours later]

I was extremely sore from swinging that hammer for hours, but it looks like we are finally done. I just want to wash off and sleep at this point. I lost count after a hundred titans so I just kept killing till there were none left.

This was particularly difficult because the kept running away. I had the Thunder hammer slung over my shoulder as I headed back to report that I wasn't dead.

As I continued walking, I could see clean-up crews going about cleaning up titan vomit and dead bodies. I spotted Jean and Marco helping dispose of bodies. If I remember correctly, Marco was found dead with a massive bite taken out of him after Trost. I don't quite remember how that came about at the moment . . . . eh, I'll remember later.

I spot most of the cadets from the 104th as I continue my slog to the command center. I also see Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt on one of the clean-up teams. After learning of the strength of the nine titans, I get nervous If I don't know where they are and what they're doing. Maybe the creation of some spy type machine might be in order.

The door to the command center stands before me as I push it open. Activity in the main room ground to a halt as people stared at me. I check around and identify the meeting room before I knock on the door. I hear a come in before I push the door open.

Inside, sitting around a table is Commander Pixis, Commander Erwin, Commander Dawk, Captain Hange, Captain Levi and that white haired chick. I really should learn her name at some point.

"Sir, I am here to report the last of the titans in Trost have been removed." I direct toward Pixis.

"Oh? Did you run out of titans to kill?" Levi interjects.

"Yes Sir." I respond.

"Good job Cadet Byrne. While you are here, we would like to discuss somethings with you." Commander Pixis interrupts whatever Levi was going to say next.

"Sir?" I question. I just want to go to bed, what could they possibly want a report on?

"It has been made clear that your machines were invaluable in this fight as well as your creations, and for that we thank you. However, because of this, your too valuable for the Scout regiment to hog you all to themselves. It would also be a damn shame to keep you from fighting on the frontlines so our proposal is thus. We would like you to head up the development of a new regiment. It has become clear that in our rush to fight the titans, we have stagnated falling into ruts of trying the same tactics over and over again. We need new tools to fight and we need the support for those tools. You're going to be in charge of recruiting and developing the regiment to support the other three branches of the military."

"Is the new regiment strictly supporting the military sir? Or can we develop for the civilian sector?" I question. This is important, it would allow me to separate my personal business from military.

"Primarily military, if it happens to benefit the public then its just happy coincidence." Pixis responds.

"Due to the fact that you did just graduate from the cadets, you will have an oversight leader in the form of Rico Brzenska. Her team is down with injuries from the battle so she will be re assigned to monitor your progress." Commander Dawk states while gesturing to the white-haired chick.

Well, its good that I know her name now.

"So do you accept the proposal Cadet Byrne?" Commander Erwin Questions.

"Yes Sir!" I reply dutifully.

"Excellent. General Zackly has already approved this so consider yourself promoted to probational commander. All that's left is to establish the actual name of the regiment and the emblem." Erwin said smugly.

Quest Complete

[Defend Trost]

Objective 1: Kill the Titan's within Trost[x]

Objective 2: Reseal the wall[x]

Objective 3: Help evacuate the civilian's [x]

Bonus Objective 1: Prove the worth of your machines [x]

Bonus Objective 2: Show off your combat capabilities [x]

Bonus Objective 3: Prevent deaths that would otherwise occur [x]

Bonus Objective 4: Use at least one of the slayer's weapons [x]

Bonus Objective 5: Prevent Marley's spies from discovering Eren's Titan form [ ]

Reward: New title, Defender perk, Machine pack [Epic], Home base unlocked, Faction base, Technomancer's grimoire, 100,000 XP, $5,000,000

Title gained: [Titan Slayer]

Grants a 25% increase in damage against titans

Perk gained


"I will be your shield!"

Grants 25% of your current endurance stat to nearby allies

[Technomancer's grimoire]

Grants the gamer the technomancy class.

"So, what shall the new regiment be named Mr. Byrne?" Pixis asked.

"The Engineer Core." I state as I grab a piece of paper and a pen. I draw out the design of a black and white skull inside of a red cog atop the shield used by the other regiments. The Cult Mechanicus won't mind if I steal their design, right?

"Anything else?" I question. I am hoping to find my nice warm bed soon.

"That's it. You will be shown your work area tomorrow. Be sure to come up with a list of possible recruits you would like to see in your regiment. We would also like for you to start planning for a method of faster transportation and communication within the walls as soon as possible. More possible requests will follow depending on regiment." Pixis stated.

I bade them goodbye and departed from the HQ.

Arriving back at my shop, there was relatively little exterior damage. Wolfe, Bear and Bastion were waiting outside. I unlock the big doors to let them in and then lock them again before heading to the wash room to clean-up. After a quick scrub I head up stairs and go to sleep.

[Next Morning]

[Rico POV]

It took me a while to locate Byrne's place of residence. It was surprising enough to learn that anyone spent the night in Trost.

By the time I arrived at his workshop, I could see smoke pouring out of the smokestack on top. I open the front door only to come face to face with a machine. Its metal faceplate looked vaguely humanoid but its hands ended in very sharp looking claws.

"I am here to see Commander Byrne, is he in?" I address the machine.

It nods once, and leads me around a counter to the back of the shop. I can see a variety of designs and prototypes for all sorts of machines scattered around back here. There is even a gun with multiple barrels laid out on a work bench in pieces.

We finally come across the cadet working on what looks to be a metal arm. He is currently fiddling with some extremely small connectors under a magnifier.

"Commander Tavish." I state causing his head to snap-up. He sets aside the tools in his hands and starts cleaning them off with a nearby cloth.

"Squad Leader Rico, Pleasure to meet you officially. I assume you're here to direct me to our new base?" He questioned.

I nod in assent and gesture over at the arm; "If you don't mind my asking, what's that for? I question.

"That's going to be a prosthetic arm hopefully. I have a bit of a problem with the connectors and unfortunately it is going to just require time and extensive study of bio-engineering." He explains.

"Why?" I ask just to get him to explain more in-depth. Why would that stop him from making a fake arm? Heck people make fake arms all the time. The arms are usually wood though because that's more comfortable during the winter.

"In order to get the arm functioning properly, I have to be able to hook it in to the nervous system. Otherwise, it won't function like a proper arm. The problem lies in the fact that the connections are small and numerous. I need to figure out how small and what procedure needs to be taken during a surgery in order to install a fully working arm." He informs me.

My eyes widen. That is a huge breakthrough in science. So many people would regain limbs lost to titans or accidents. I am forced to reevaluate my initial opinion of Tavish. He is a lot smarter than he lets on. To be honest, half the words that came out of him mouth I didn't even understand.

"Alright, give me a minute to change to my uniform and I'll be ready." He comments. And he runs upstairs.

[Tavish POV]

I come back down in my cadet uniform and we depart. We pass through the gate of Trost and get on horses to travel outside of town. We travel for a few hours before coming to a huge abandon workshop.

Rico pulled out a set of keys and unlocks the massive doors allowing them to swing open with a screech. They obviously haven't been used in a while judging by the rust that had built up on the hinges.

Inside there was a massive open space filled with broken down bits of old carts and workstations. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and most of the rubble would need cleared out. I wish I thought to bring a Mr. Handy and set it loose in here. It would take time but I can make it work.

Rico looked irritated and was quick to comment; "I was expecting a facility that would be ready for you to start producing, instead we get an area filled with nothing but junk and filth!"

I glance at her and comment; "Don't worry to much about it this way I can design it to my specifications. We'll be able to build everything from the ground up, and we can have the facility up and running in no time."

She huffs, I quickly add on; "This also gives the opportunity to head back to town and recruit some of the new cadets to help clear this out. I can even grab some of my machines that would expedite the process." She agrees and we head back to town.

I head back to the smithy and grab the Mr. Handy floating about the place and about half of my available MRVN's. Bastion decides to tag along because he is curious. He's got Ganymede perched on his head as he trots along.

We make it to the gate before Rico does with her recruited help so I decide to open my epic machine pack.

[Omnissian axe] (Epic)

[Battle-Automata] (Legendary)

[Tech Priest (mechanical)] (Epic)

[Skitarii Vanguard] (Epic)

[Ausmerzer] (Legendary)

Those are some really good pulls. I take a closer look at the blueprints for the tech priest. Apparently, it functions by setting it to a specialty, and it studies that specialty religiously up to the point where it can be upgraded to an Enginseer or a Lexmechanic. This will help speed up my R&D significantly.

And the Ausmerzer! That was such a cool ship in Wolfenstein. It always looked cool fighting across and through its decks. That is still a long way off though.

Looks like I burned enough time for Rico to get back with her recruits. They were staring at the machines that I had collected for helping. Which reminds me I should invent the truck soon to move stuff without needing carts.

The soldiers that showed up to help piled into a cart we requisitioned alongside the MRVN's and we were off.

Another long journey later and we make it back to the foundry.

I set the Mr. Handy loose in there and every body start clearing out all the old junk and scrap. One of the MRVN's manages to find some old office space towards the back of the building. The only saving grace of the offices is that the desks are in decent shape, everything else has to be scrapped.

I could accomplish all of this faster with territory management mode, but I didn't want Rico asking uncomfortable questions. So the long way it is.

Once everything is cleaner, I assign a MRVN to start wiring this place with electricity and proper lighting. While this is going on I start laying out where everything should be. I need to plan around the fact that this isn't just a workshop, this is a base for a new regiment so some surrounding buildings are going to need set up. A training area, a testing ground, barracks, design area, repair shop, cafeteria, and who can forget the garage.

This Area will be for where we are storing all of the machines and devices that will be assigned to the other three regiments.

Now, turning onto the request I received in Pixis's office. I have pretty much figured out how to enable rapid communication between the different districts. Radio's will be fairly easy to set up especially with the height of the walls. Just stick an antenna up in a strategic spot and bam, communication across the city.

Interfering signals will be a problem though, I'll just have to make a tech priest or a team of them to manage radio communications. Once I have enough priest's they can communicate with each other in binary thus providing a secondary means of communication.

We finish cleaning out the new base. I will treat the entire crew to dinner at a nice bar in Trost once we get back to town. They put in good work; I wouldn't mind looking up a few of them latter for recruitment.

Before leaving the building, I post a Flag with a slogan on the back wall and I hang the Symbol of the Engineer core above it.

May your weapon be guarded against malfunction,

As your soul is guarded from impurity.

The Machine God watches over you.

Unleash the weapons of war.

Unleash the Death dealer.

Its pretty amazing what you can find in the gamers shop. I'm not converting to Cult Mechanicus, but since I'm using a lot of their stuff, I think it should be represented. At least a little anyway. I might have to monitor that in case I accidently start a new religion in this world.

[Annie POV]

I run down the street panting heavily, clutching my stump of an arm

I attempted to break into Tavish's workshop after seeing him leave town with all of those machines, and I forgot to take into account that Wolfe or Bear weren't with him.

There were some seriously dangerous looking blueprints from the single glance that I got before I was mauled.

I felt my titan healing kick in slowly regenerating my arm. It would be very hard to explain why I am missing an arm to a commanding officer. As it is, I need to figure out how to account for the shredded and bloody sleeve.

I get to the ally where I was supposed to meet up with Reiner and Bertholdt.

When I get there, they both wince at the steam coming from my arm.

"Any luck?" Reiner questions. I give him a glare in return.

"We need to get a message to Zeke, this situation has spiraled out of our hands, and we acted too little too late. Tavish is operating from a stronger position than ever and he will probably beef up his security before we can attempt that again."

"Dammit Tavish." All three of them thought.