Chapter 8: Save the Tree's! OR To Catch a Tyger by His Toe.

The Afterlife made for an interesting bar.

Previously a morgue, it's been the go-to location for the best fixers, and merc's for many years. Once you're allowed in its front doors, many doors open to you that were previously closed. But you never made it past those front doors unless you were somebody.

Rouge went from top solo merc to top fixer when she took over the bar. The most expensive jobs, and the most impressive gigs, none of them happened without her final say-so. The same could be said for any Merc's that take jobs in the Afterlife. If you take a job, you need Rouge's approval.

Everyone here understood that and a comradery was formed because of it. You were here because you're the best at what you do, and you somehow fit into Rouge's worldview in a way that was beneficial to her.

My current spot in her worldview was that of a Ripper, providing medical care and cyberware services for those solo's that proved themselves to Rouge. I gave them the top-of-the-line gear and black-market upgrades for a reduced fee. The trade off? I got connections and my own networks within the medical community. I knew who to go to for the best cyberware and who did custom orders. Rouge paid me a premium to be on call for her at all times.

Plus, drinks were free.

Something I was thankful for as a Militech representative was talking my ear off about coming to work for them.

He was a small fellow, shrill little voice, and he never seemed to run out of air with how fast he was talking. I honestly tuned him out after his first forty-five minutes of his yammering. I spent the remaining two hours trying to figure out how he fits into Rouge's web of connections.

I was contemplating sneaking away when I saw Rouge motioning me over from her booth.

"I apologize Mr. Richards, but duty calls. I say standing up, startling the representative out of his monologue.

"Er, yes, completely understandable. You'll consider our offer?" He asked hopefully.

"If I decide to take that path, I'll give you a call." I say diplomatically causing him to beam.

I head over to Rouge's booth and she comment's; Impressive, your patience far exceeded what we were expecting. I expected you to blow him off after the first hour." She said with a smile.

"I felt it would be . . . undiplomatic, If I didn't hear him out." I state drawing a hum of agreement from Rouge.

"He may be annoying, but he's a good connection to make for Militech gear. A bit on the dense side, but it works out to our advantage." Rouge continued.

"I can imagine. . . . ." I return eying over the large amount of Militech gear owned by the assorted merc's in the bar. Their low-tech firearms were a Militech specialty, and they rarely failed, providing the ideal choice for most merc's.

"However, that's not what I called you over for." She said handing me a data shard.

I slot the shard and start reading the data as Rouge gives me a rundown; "A local Nomad group, the Aldecaldos, are in need of a good doctor. There are multiple complicated medical problems amongst them, but the most prominent of these problems is their leader, Saul. He has a central pump of second gen cyberware failing. You need to provide him with either a fix or an alternative. Others need treatment but more of a case-by-case basis." She informed me as I stood up.

"Is this a simple referral or am I bringing something back in exchange?" I ask.

"A referral." She states.

"Alright then, I'm off." I reply, and I depart from the bar.

[Time skip]

B.O.B. and I arrive out at the edge of the Aldecaldos camp. We are met by several wary guards.



Lvl. 130



Lvl. 125

"Greeting's gentlemen, my name is Dr. Tavish Byrne. I was referred from a friend at the Afterlife. Might you be able to direct me to Saul?" I request.

"Well, when you ask that nicely, how could we refuse." Mitch replied and lead me into their camp.

The Aldecaldos were a nomad clan that had been based around the outskirts of Night City for several years now. They primarily delt in smuggling, scavenging, and hiring out their services to whoever would pay.

The Aldecaldos camp is a mishmash of assorted vehicles, trailers and tents arrayed in an undiscernible array. The assorted members of the clan watched B.O.B. and myself with a sense of wariness born from years of mistrust of outsiders.

We were led over to a makeshift medical area where we met the gruff demeanor of Saul. After some convincing, he finally settled down on the doctor's table provided while I jacked into his bio monitor.

Whoever provided Rouge with the initial data must have fudged the data. Saul's internals were a mess of makeshift cybernetics, and barley working parts, indicators of his nomad lifestyle. The fact that Saul was still walking around, much less as strong as he was, was a miracle in of itself.

When I disconnected and sat back, Saul asked; "How's it looking Doctor?"

I pull out a pack of Purity and offer him a stick; "Call me Tavish, this is going to be a long discussion."

He takes one and I grab one and we light up; "The short of it Saul, is your internals are well and completely fucked. The fact your able to get around normally is a miracle in of itself. I understand that you have to use whatever is on hand at the time, but Jesus Christ man! There has to be a limit!"

Saul laughs at that as I continue; Your central pump is getting rejected by your heart. Normally I would just give you a shot and be done with it. However, the pump itself is failing. The design was old when it was initially installed, and unfortunately, no more parts exist for that particular pump.

Saul leans back and asked; "So what are my options?"

"Option one is replacement. I have a variety of options to outfit you with from name brand to off brand and all the up-and-coming companies providing cyberware. Option two is bio sculpting. Normally it would be used for people who want their idealized look. However, in this case we would use your cells to clone you a new heart." I explain.

"And how much would those options cost us?" Saul questioned warily.

"Simple organ replacement could be as low as a few hundred eddies to a few thousand depending on the options you want. Cloning an organ is going to set you back no less than a hundred grand." I state causing him to wince.

"Yeah, cybernetics may be our best bet. I'm going to level with you Tavish, cheaper options will be better. We nomads like stuff that works well and lasts forever, anything that would fall into those two categories would be great." He explained.

We continued for a while discussing options for cyberware before I received a notification.

[Luck Event Triggered]

Oh God Dammit. . . .

New quest added

[Wraith Raid]

The local clan of Raffen Shiv are here to demand tribute from your clients. Disabuse them of this notion.

Objective 1: Stop the Raffen from raiding the Aldecaldos

Objective 2: ?

Rewards: 10 x Gacha tokens (common), $100,000 , 2 x Challenge tokens, new base in the badlands.

An Aldecado ran in; "Saul, Raffen's have been spotted heading towards us!"

Saul jumped to his feet and started grabbing weapons.

"You might want to make yourself scarce Doc, the Raffen's aren't known for their hospitality." Saul warned.

"And miss the chance to send them a message? They should know not to disturb me during clinic hours. The Raffen's need to learn I don't tolerate those type of actions." I inform Saul, marching out to my car and calling to B.O.B.

"B.O.B.! Let's gear up! Got some Raffen's to send to hell!"

I open the back of the car and pull out the chimera and my thunder hammer from the trunk.

B.O.B. and myself head to the road leading up to the camp. The dust cloud indicating the approaching Raffen vehicles.

I set the thunder hammer down and take aim with the chimera.

[Randy the Raffen POV]

Time to show the Aldecaldos what the fuck is up!

Performing regular raids on the local nomad clan was one of my favorite pastimes. So, when the boss asked who wanted to be the lead car, I signed right up.

So, I had a fancy rammer on the front of my ride as I raced towards the top of the hill where the Aldecaldos had set their camp.

As I got to the last straight away heading to their camp, I saw a man wearing a doctor's coat and holding a rifle step out into the road, he was followed by giant metal guy.

Well, I guess they're my first targets. I adjust the path of the car to run them over and speed up.

The guy in the doctor's coat raised his rifle and aimed at me. I was wondering what he was thinking, a rifle couldn't stop me! That's the beauty of crystal dome tech, I could see out but he couldn't see in. He fired the gun and ended that thought process with the exploding of my engine.

[Tavish POV]

The Chimera bucks in my hands as the lead car flipped up and over, skidding to a stop in front of me, blocking the road.

B.O.B. opened fire with his arm cannons as the other Raffen cars were forced to stop.

I could hear the crack of the Aldecaldos rifles from off to my left as they used the cover of nearby rocks and vehicles.

The Raffen's were getting out of their cars and returning fire, trying to find optimal cover behind their cars.

I put a round through the engine block of the back car, disabling it, and preventing their retreat. I blow apart a few more Raffen's with well-placed shots before I sling the rifle and grab the thunder hammer. I take aim and then hit the burning wreck, sending it directly into the Raffen barricade with a boom of thunder.

Arcs of electricity were pouring off the hammer as I leaped and brought the hammer down.


The blast force, knocked down some of the Raffen, the remaining refocusing on me firing franticly at me as I send another vehicle flying, exposing them to the fire of the Aldecaldos.

[-350 HP]

[-350 HP]

[-350 HP]

[-350 HP]

[-350 HP]

[-350 HP]

[-350 HP]

[-350 HP]

I grimace at the feeling of the bullets peppering me. I grab a Raffen body to use as a shield while the Aldecaldos helped mop up the remaining Raffen's.

[Time Skip]

Quest Completed

[Wraith Raid]

The local clan of Raffen Shiv are here to demand tribute from your clients. Disabuse them of this notion.

Objective 1: Stop the Raffen from raiding the Aldecaldos

Objective 2: Prevent causalities of the nomads

Rewards: 10 x Gacha tokens (common), $100,000 , 2 x Challenge tokens, new base in the badlands.

As we were cleaning up after the battle, I could feel the bullets inside me shift around as my body healed up. Thankfully, this batch wasn't poisoned so it wasn't chipping away at my health, but damn was it uncomfortable.

"I don't suppose you would sell us that rifle?" Mitch had approached and was looking over the Chimera.

"I didn't think you guys would be interested in a personal project like this." I comment.

"Usually not, but the local Raffen's have been getting uppity lately, and that seemed to work as a good deterrent. Plus, it's not a Megacorp design, always good to support your local business and all that." Mitch said with a smile.

"It doesn't hurt that we appreciate the throwback style of the rifle." Scorpion states, walking up.

"Thanks for your help Tavish, you good? You took a lot of bullets in that last scuffle towards the end." Saul asked after checking his people over.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll have to visit my ripper to remove the bullets, but I should be right as rain once that happens. I'm sending you the address of my clinic in town. Set an appointment, and I'll take a look at whoever needs replacement parts and find a solution." I state, sending Saul the address.

"Alright we'll do that. Safe travels Doctor." Said Saul, and he left with Mitch and Scorpion to go scavenge the remains of the attackers.

I get in my car with B.O.B. and we take off driving towards Night City. I call up Viktor on my phone.

"Tavish! What can I help you with?" Vik asked.

"How good are you at removing bullets Vik?"

[Time Skip]

It turns out Vik is really good at removing bullets.

I don't have an issue with removing the bullets myself, but it was easier to have someone else do it. Vik was the only other doctor that I trusted, and he didn't keep public records.

We were happily chatting about the latest boxing match when there was a gasp over by the door.

I glance towards the door and see V standing by the open door.

"Hey V! How's your day going!" I cheerfully ask, as Vik pulls another bullet from my torso and sets it on the ever-growing pile.

"Don't you "Hey V" Me! What the hell happened to you?!" She exclaims, closing the distance to get a closer look.

"Oh, you know, just a little dust up with some Raffen's while out on a call. They took exception to me." I explain.

"Then where was B.O.B.?! Isn't he supposed to protect you during that sort of thing?!" She asked.

"He's more like my big, imposing, deterrent against people while I'm working." I try to explain.

"That still doesn't explain why you have so many bullets in you." She said glaringly.

"Ah, I also left my armor at my place. I thought it was just a doctor's visit I swear!" I say hurriedly.

V stairs at me for a moment before she finally said;

"And that is why I am taking you home where you're going to rest. Obviously, getting shot wasn't enough of a wakeup call, but when you get shot, most people need to recover and think over what they did wrong. You on the other hand, can just shrug it off like it's an everyday occurrence. One of these days, you're going to run into something that will just kill you outright."

At some point, V and Mama Welles had teamed up in their attempts to look after my wellbeing. I was touched that they cared so much but there was one problem. While Mama was stuck minding the bar, V had no such restriction.

I glance at Vik, who is silently shaking in laughter and at B.O.B. who is quietly reading a book in the corner.

"And B.O.B. won't help you out of this, your taking at least a day break, maybe two depending on how I'm feeling." V continues.

"Wait, you're grounding me?! On who's authority?!" I exclaim.

"Mine, do I need to get Mama Welles involved?" She asked cocking her eyebrow.

Damn it.

"Fine . . . ." I said.

"Vik, as soon as you're done, make sure I know. Don't let him wander off. I'm going to go up and visit Misty." She said, and she turned and headed up stairs.

"Not a word Vik." I threated, causing him to finally burst out into laughter.

Viktor remove the last of the bullets and I was able to leave with V.

We went back to my place and watched a few movies for a while. After a few hours, Jackie showed up with a bottle of tequila and some board games.

[Time Skip]

I smile as I finish my newest alchemy project. The leaves of the tree I was experimenting on glowing a soft neon green.

[Radiation Tree] (minor)

A sapling that once planted, will start absorbing harmful ambient radiation as its energy source.

After my experiment with the steel tree, I always had that project sitting in the back of my mind. It only came to a head when I discovered a few radioactive waste barrels as I built downward. It was something that I was mulling over with all the Waste around and in Night City. With the collapse of most governments, things like the EPA ceased to exist, allowing for corporations to cause massive amounts of environmental damage with no regulation.

Night City was one of the few places that still had standard rain. Many other places and locations had acid rain. Most animals were non-existent due to extinction, deforestation, plague, and a handful of other reasons. The world was going through massive global climate shifts, and nearly all dogs were extinct due to a disease carried by canines.

After the fourth corporate war, people built on top of the nuclear fallout left from the Arasaka tower bombing, leaving pockets of radiation and toxic waste spread throughout the city. People got around this by getting built in radiation shielding, and by not drinking from their faucet. The only water you could get cost $100 a gallon.

Hopefully, these trees will change that.

I plant the sapling in my basement, and watch the tree perk up as it starts absorbing ambient radiation.

This particular tree wasn't very efficient, but it just provided proof of concept. I picked up a Geiger counter and watched the radiation very gradually decrease. The tree grew ever so slightly with the more radiation it absorbed.

Hopefully, if I left the tree for a few weeks, it would eliminate the need to wear a lead suit when working down here.

A nice little side effect was that when harvested, the tree could be used for all of my uranium needs, well, if I had needs for uranium that is. I'm already working on several other variants of the tree in order to help clean up other sections of the city.

I think I've almost figured out a toxic waste variant. The only problem is that it just kinda eats everything. Metal and heavy metal variants were a piece of cake, I had a copper tree and a nickel tree growing around here somewhere and a lead tree growing upstairs. The copper and nickel trees possessed a glowing metallic color, while the lead tree possesses an odd quality of being made completely of lead.

I had made the trees to offset the main project, Zero Dawn. I had grabbed parts and pieces of that project to actually restore earth to a healthier state. I had even taken part of the area received out in the badlands and converted it to a Cauldron, and enabling me to create the terraforming machines.

The Cauldron was set into the wall of a mountainous area and extended deep underground. It wasn't quite complete yet, but it was getting there. My nano machines helped start the initial building process and the creation of the construction drones, building the minimum operational functions of the cauldron. I had adjusted the design to incorporate working facilities for humans as well as the machines.

The Snapmaw, was the first machine that I deployed before resuming construction of the cauldron. I released "Bubbles" into the rivers around Night City. His initial pollution reading was rather worrying when he started processing the water. Bubbles could only run for five minutes at a time before he had to offload material from the river. Right now, he had to return to base and drop off materials before returning to process more water. Once the cauldron was up and running, he could just stay and process material.

But ultimately, I needed more machines up and running because Bubbles wasn't even making a dent in the ever-increasing toxin levels in the water. He was just harvesting usable material from the water, and purifying it when he can.

The materials he was providing were invaluable for ensuring the continued construction of the Cauldron. There was a limited number of materials I could actually acquire from the rock itself, so the construction drones were quickly processing the materials that Bubbles brought back.

Bubbles also provided invaluable data to GAEA that allowed for optimizing and improving the machines. GAEA already has HEPHASTUS designing deep sea machines and bases to reduce detection from the megacorporation's. I know it's only a matter of time before they start sticking their noses in my business.

Militech was already able to find me and attempted a soft recruitment, I have no doubt that Arasaka, Kang Tao, Night Corp, and others had somewhat of an idea of where I am. I just didn't know how long they would leave me alone.

V finally relented and let me work on some things around my place, after I installed some basic subdermal armor.


[Subdermal armor] (Common)

Reduces Physical damage by 20%

It wasn't the type that I wanted but it was the only type available. It did get me to make some cybernetic designs . . . .


[Pyro Vision Optics] (Common)

A reimagining of the pyro vision goggles. Designed to be implanted like a standard pair of cyber eyes.


[Nano Blades] (Epic)

An arm augmentation that utilizes your nano machines into the form of a blade. (Upgrade quest available (enemies killed 0/200))


[Scythe] (Rare)

An arm augmentation that when deployed, unveils an arm mounted minigun. Its tri-barreled configuration is capable of unleashing 1200 rounds per minute with pin point accuracy.

Alchemic Augmentation

[Dragon Gland] (Rare)

Ever wanted a breath weapon? Well now you can! With Horizon's new patented dragon gland, choose from a variety of elemental combinations based off the dragons of old. Warning: requires mana to use.


[TESLA] (Epic)

A hand augmentation. Charge your fists with high-voltage electricity, augment your fighting style or take out targets at up to a dozen meters. (Upgrade quest (0/200)

I was also working on a new type of dermal armor but I hadn't made a huge amount of progress yet. My nano machines were analyzing the cybernetics and developing a solution for this issue.

The Dragon gland was something I came up with while working with a dragon's breath potion. The idea was that it was a one use cybernetic that had to be recharged at a ripper, but then I had a better idea. I created a single gland armed with fire breath and put it up for sale on the gamer shop. All gamers had mana, so they could put it to better use that someone in Night City.

Within the hour, the gland sold for $54,000,000 on the gamer's shop. I immediately was sent a request for a more powerful variation as well as more requests for other variations of the gland.

I had also managed to create a preliminary design for a cybernetic heart. It was simple, it was a heart, nothing more or less. I had designed several other important organs like the lung and kidneys and liver just for the sake of having them available. People were going to be looking at Horizon as the go-to company for replacement cyberware, so it was essential that I design the replacement organs to be reliable, and able to function for years without problems. But most importantly, it had to be inexpensive.

I was already stealing customers away from Fingers due to superior business practices, cheaper fees and a non-discriminatory attitude. The ability to walk into a clinic with a professional feel, receiving excellent medical care, and leaving after paying roughly the cost of a taxi, was an invaluable resource for many of the residents of Night City. This no doubt made me some enemies, but I had faith that with time, I could replace many of the corporations that sold cyberware.

[Time Skip]

Everybody entered the clinic with the understanding of one thing; This was a safe zone. Fights of any kind were not tolerated, no "business" will be conducted here, and interfering with patients was not tolerated. The offenders of these rules would be met with extreme prejudice, delt out by the Skitarii, B.O.B., or myself.

So, it came as a surprise when I found ten dead bodies on my door step when I was opening for business this morning.

All of them were customers that I had seen within the last week. Four were Joytoys that worked over off of Jig-Jig Street. One was an older gentleman that I had done a liver replacement. The remaining five were a family I had given a standard checkup, the father, the mother, and their three children, ages two, three, and eight.

The bodies were vandalized with Tyger Claws graffiti, and threatening comments toward my person. The most prominent of these being a letter pined to the body of the old man with a tanto.

I grab the letter and start reading;

I don't appreciate when someone takes my customers.

Stick to your end of town or things will get worse.

After all, this is just a taste.

I'm almost positive that Fingers is involved somehow, but I need to be sure.

I order the Skitarii to clean up the bodies and the graffiti and I place a call to Rouge.

"Go." She states simply when she picks up.

"I have a stack of bodies dumped in front of my clinic covered in Tyger prints. I need to know if the higher ups in their organization sanctioned it, or if they were stupid enough to take a job against me." I request, my rage quietly bubbling away inside.

"Why?" She asked, trepidation seeping into her voice.

"So I know how many people I have to kill." I explain

"Ok, please don't go anywhere, I'll call you back." She said hurriedly, and hung up the phone.

I waited five minutes watching as the Skitarii gently placed the corpses in body bags and transferred them into the morgue. Rouge finally called me back.

"So, while that wasn't a sanctioned mission, the bosses are supporting its results. They asked me to pass along a list of their demands if you want them to stop. The job was paid for by Fingers and the Tyger's supported him." She informed.

"I would like you to pass along my declaration of intent Rouge . . . ." I begin.

"If the Tyger's do not back off, I, Tavish Byrne, will kill at least a hundred "Claws" a day, increasing on a Fibonacci scale until they give their complete and total surrender. For the duration of said conflict, I will not be allied with any person or organization. The Ripper known as "Fingers", has deemed his life forfeit for his attack on my person. They have precisely fifteen minutes to give a response before I commence ripping their organization apart." I state.

Rouge was silent for a minute.

"Are you sure this is the path you want to take?" she asked quietly.

"I'm just speaking a language they seem to understand. Tick-Tock, Rouge. My timer has started." I reply

She quickly hangs-up.

I quickly put in a call to Judy.

"Hey Tavish! What's up? You want to come by Lizzie's and hang for a bit?" She asked cheerfully.

"Gonna have to take a rain check on that Judy. Can you give me a list of Tyger Claw hideouts, businesses and locations?" I question.

"Sure, that's something the Mox tend to keep track of. What do you need it for?" She asked.

"They seemed to think it funny to leave a pile of dead patients outside of my clinic. I intend to return the favor." I explain.

Judy's end of the phone is silent for a minute.

"Are you sure?" She asked

"Positive. I intend to add Tygers to the endangered species list." I return

"Ok, just be careful Tavish." Judy replies and hangs-up.

Moments later, I receive the list from Judy.

Rouge returns my call.

"They think your joking and invite you to try at your own peril." She states.

"Thanks Rouge. Sending you the payment. Have a nice day." I return

"Good luck to you kid. How long do you think this will take? I have a potential job that may require your particular set of skills." She asked.

"Probably no more than a week. It depends on how stubborn they are." I state.

As soon as she hangs up, I start moving.

I grab a non-descript helmet and an armored merc jacket with no markings. The day was young, and I had work to do.

[Time skip]

Hefting my chain gun, I approach one of the many overpasses throughout Night City. The area underneath had been converted into a Tyger hangout. I was about to convert it into a graveyard.

Tapping into their local network, I identify at least fifty Tyger Claws. Might as well announce myself.

I chuck a few flashbangs over the external wall of their make shift hang out, wait for them to go off, then rev up the chain gun and rip them apart. Some of the Tyger's try to return fire only to meet the magnetically accelerated tungsten rounds of the chain gun.

When I ran low on ammo, I grabbed the nearest "Claw" and jam my nano blade through his face. Retracting the blade, I pull out a chainsaw from my inventory and start ripping through another Tyger.

Perk activated

[Bloody Piñata]

Fresh ammo explodes out of his corpse, showering his horrified friends in a combination of blood and metal.

Perks activated

[Indomitable Rage]

[The only thing they fear is you]

I switch back to nano blades and channel mana through them causing lightning to arc from the blades, searing the flesh of the Tygers that got to close.

The terrified Tygers tried to retreat before I was upon them ripping limbs, torsos and heads from bodies. I was covered in blood by the time I had killed the last of this group.

A Skitarii squad backed up a "liberated" dump truck to the hang-out and started loading up bodies. They had a special task yet to complete.

[Time Skip]

I opened the door to Finn "Fingers" Gerstatt's office.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Fingers smarmy voice grates on my ears.

"I'm here to investigate a case of unethical business practices. You wouldn't happen to know what I'm talking about would you Fingers?" I ask glaring at him through the visor of my helmet.

"Ah, you must be that new Ripper over in Heywood. I apologize but that's just how business is conducted. If you have a problem with it, I have some friends that are more than willing to discuss it with you. . . ." he grins nastily.

"Killing patients, killing children, that's how you conduct business?" I ask quietly.

"Who cares, thousands of people die every day. What's one or two more brats in a place like Night City." He said uncaringly.

I grab his scrawny neck and slam him up against the wall.

"I guess that's the difference between people like me and scum like you . . . ." I whisper as he chokes for air.

"Because I care!" I roar, snapping his neck in my grip.

I drop his body in my inventory and depart, switching his opened sign to closed on my way out.

[Third Person POV]

[Outside Megabuilding H8]

All activity halted when a covered dump truck pulled to a stop and backed up to the steps of the building.

A few cloaked figures jumped out and ripped the covering off the back.

Shouts and screams of horror permeated the area as the truck off loaded its cargo, dumping dead and dismembered Tyger's all over the front steps.

A spear was placed in the middle of the pile, held up by the surrounding bodies. The head of "Fingers" was mounted on the spear, recognized by many of the passersby.

A large banner was draped by the body pile with a message;

Day 1 as promised Tyger's. 105 of your friends. Expect more tomorrow. The culling of your kind has begun. Fingers paid his dues, will you?

[Time Skip]

[Tavish POV]

I received a call from Rouge while I was staking out another Tyger Claws hangout.

"The higher ups in the Tygers have sent a revised list of demands . . ." She began.

"Does it include their surrender?" I question.

"No . . . ." She trailed off.

"Inform whoever is in charge that this is not a negotiation. Their organization will be torn apart brick by brick until they either surrender to me, or the Tyger Claws are an extinct species within Night City." I state.

"Wakako Okada has also asked that I pass along the message; "I am not involved with the Tygers. When you are done with this mess, give me a call if you need a job." Rouge finishes.

"Always pragmatic, isn't she." I comment.

"As far as she's concerned, the Tygers poked the sleeping Dragon. Whatever happens next, on their own heads be it." Rouge said with a chuckle.

"I'll agree to leave her and her sons alone, just make sure to stay out of my way." I state.

"That will make her happy. Anything else I can help you with?" Rouge asked.

"Do you have Tyger locations that the Mox don't know about?" I ask

"Maybe, but it's going to cost you. You're really upsetting the balance here Tavish." Rouge states.

I wire her a million eddies causing her to choke in surprise.

"Jesus, alright sending you a list of cords." Rouge said, and hung-up.

I took a look at the GPS coordinates and then return to my previous task of observing their hideout.

I received a ping, notifying me of the completion of the Cauldron. I grin and put in a request for a specific design.

After all, why do it all myself.

[Tyger Claw POV]

The guard shifts were tripled in this area after what happened last night. The Massacre. I had seen the aftermath of many gang battles throughout Night City, but I had never heard of that many deaths at the hands of one man, in one day even.

I had personally thought he was an arrogant ripper refusing to pay up the profits from his new drug when Jin and his crew were sent to issue the "threat". Within the span of a day, he had threatened our bosses and razed three of our bases to the ground.

I had no idea why he had taken it so personally, I mean, after all . . . it's just business.

A growl sounded out really close behind me. I turn to look and freeze at the sight.

Creeping out of the shadows, came what looked to be a robotic dinosaur. It had two massive, hooked claws on each foot. Sharp claws on each hand grasped at the air ready to rip into flesh. The growl I heard just seconds ago was its chainsaw like lower jaw revving, ready to rend its opponents to pieces, its feather like plating fluttering slightly as it locks onto me.

The last thing I am able to do is scream as it pounces on me.

[Day two]

[N54 News]

"Hello Night City. I'm Gillian Jordan, here to bring you the latest News."

"After yesterday's Massacre and message towards the gang known as Tyger Claws, another body pile has been found."

"The body count numbered two hundred and eight bodies added to yesterday's total of one hundred and five Tyger Claws members."

"All of the gangers had outstanding warrants from the NCPD, and no other Gangs have claimed responsibility for the attacks."

"We here at N54 News, will keep you updated as more develops.

[Day three]

[WNS News]

"Good evening, I'm Arif Iqbal, with WNS News."

"The Tyger Claw body count escalated to a whooping six hundred eighteen bodies as a body pile of three hundred and seven was found."

"This marks the third day of assault against the Tyger Claws gang, and the highest body count in a day that Night City has seen in years."

"When questioned, NCPD officials discourage residents from going out unless they have to, to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.

"I'll continue keeping you updated on the latest in Night City."

[Day four]

[Info Flash]

"Hey everybody! It's Ruth Dzeng, here to bring you a new Info Flash."

"Apparently, someone really hates the Tyger Claws This week."

"Sure, a lot of people will admit to not being fans of the Tygers, but they must have pissed off someone special."

"Their body count continues to climb as an additional five hundred twelve bodies were found in a junkyard next to Megabuilding H8."

"This brings the total body count up to one thousand one hundred and thirty dead gangers."

"Now if you're a consistent watcher of Info Flash, you probably saw our gang numbers episode. We calculated the size of the Tyger Claws gang to be roughly five and a half thousand members in Night City."

"That means that over the course of four days, someone has demolished a fifth of the entire gang."

"Now I have a theory, the body count has been increasing exponentially each day in a pattern. So, if our special friend continues their pattern, we will see no less than eight hundred more bodies tomorrow, reducing the gang by yet another fifth."

"Now who did the Tyger's piss off? I know that viewers noticed my singular use of theorizing who's responsible."

"So, who is capable of killing half a thousand people in a day? Remember that ghost that took out those Scav's a few months ago? My guess, our "ghost" evolved into a reaper. The Tygers threatened something related to the ghost, and they took serious offence to it."

"But I could be completely off. There is also the off chance that Arasaka decided their puppets were more trouble than they are worth and disposing of them in a mathematically accurate fashion."

"Either way, it will be interesting to see how things progress over the course of the rest of the week."

"Thanks for tuning in, and I'll see you guys for our next Info Flash!"

[Day Five]

[Tavish POV]

I love the Clawstriders.

They were so much more efficient then doing it all myself, and even allowed me time to work at my clinic. I was still raiding at least two Tyger hideouts a day, but I could do other things too!

The only thing I had to worry about was transporting them quietly about town to do their work. That was the only difficult part about it really. Maybe I should look at incorporating cloaking tech into their design, another idea to submit to HEPHASTUS I guess.

I receive another call from Rouge.

"Hey Rouge, what can I help you with?" I ask.

"Guess what the Tyger's did?" She said.

"They have revised their demands, and I should be honored that I received such a good offer?" I question.

"Good guess. How far are you from your quota for the day?" She asked.

I checked Skitarii reports before I responded.

"Four hundred and thirty-seven Tygers and counting." I inform her.

"Better hurry up, its already two pm." She said with exasperation.

"Don't worry, I'll catch a couple extra to make up for it." I say jokingly and she hangs-up.

[Day Five]

[N54 News]

"Good afternoon Night City, I'm Gillian Jordan and this is a N54 News Update."

"Multiple body piles were found scattered across the city, adding eight hundred and fifteen bodies to the Tyger claw death total and bringing the overall total to one thousand nine hundred and forty-five dead Tygers."

"Officials have noted that outside of the dead gangers, there has been a distinct drop in the crime rate in area's normally patrolled by Tyger Claws."

"Small businesses in these areas are reporting record profits for the week due to a lack of robberies and extortions."

"More on that at nine."

[Day Six]

[Info Flash]

"Welcome to another Info Flash, I'm Ruth Dzeng."

"Well, it's just like I predicted folks, today our ghost escalated to one thousand three hundred and fourteen Tyger's scattered about Night City."

"His kill count this week alone is three thousand two hundred fifty-nine Tyger Claws Gang members."

"It's official, he has killed over half the gang in the course of a week, causing violent crimes to take a big hit throughout the city."

"At this point, you have to wonder what Tyger leaders are thinking at this moment. If our friend continues like he has, by the end of tomorrow, most if not all of the gang will cease to exist within Night City."

"Abductions as well as sexual assaults, and torture statistics will take a sharp dive from their usual numbers with the Tygers gone. The Tyger Claws were the second biggest gang residing in Night City. Now? They barely have enough numbers to compete one to one with the Animals."

"The question is, what will the Tygers do next? Will the gang known as the Tyger Claws face extinction? Why didn't the NCPD do what one man accomplished in a week."

"We here at Info Flash will keep you updated as things progress."

[Day Seven]

[Tavish POV]

I was half way through my day when I got a call from Rouge.

The Skitarii were reporting roughly seven hundred "Claws" had been killed today. The slaughter had calmed down somewhat since they have actually started hiding in different hideouts. The Skitarii were tracking them, but it was slow going.

I answered the call;

"Hello Rouge."

"The Tyger bosses wish to hold discussions to discuss the terms of their surrender. They have offered a penthouse in Megabuilding H8 to meet." She states.

"Excellent, I knew they would come around eventually. We will actually be meeting at a quaint little pub I found along the edge of Wellsprings. I'd also like to talk to you about hiring some people to serve as a neutral party to keep everyone "honest"." I inform.

"They are not going to like that." Rouge states.

"Tough Shit. They had the opportunity to end this a week ago. Instead, I was forced to wipe my ass with the pathetic excuse they call a "gang" instead of doing other things like being a doctor. I would like to set the meeting for two hours from now, do you have anyone who can serve as guards on that short a notice?" I ask.

"I'll find someone. Send the address." She said and hung-up.

[Two hours later]

[The Hive]

I sat at the bar, waiting for the rest of the party to show.

This bar surprised me by being one of the last remaining places that cultivates bees. It uses honey as a base for many of its drinks and food.

Plus, I really liked its black and gold honeycomb theme.

The merc's I hired showed up and were shortly followed by the Tiger bosses, Jun Azegami and Marcus Ichida.

"Gentlemen. Please, have a seat." I direct the new arrivals as they sit across from me stiffly.

The Waiter delivers food and drink and departs, leaving the three of us sitting in the corner.

"What do you want? We have been waiting long enough." Marcus states.

"Oh? You have? You've been waiting for all of fifteen minutes, while I have been waiting for a week." I reply, setting my drink down.

I lean over the table as I continue; "At the start, I would have demanded the punishment of the child killers, but I was forced to wait a week for you to realize that I was not fucking around."

I lean back and stretch; Now? My price has increased. For me to stop my conquest, you must now meet my demands. I know you attempted to send agents after my associates, and while none were successful, I will not stand for it." I finish.

[-55 Rep from Jun Azengami]

[-55 Rep from Marcus Ichida]

"You demand compensation? After slaughtering over three thousand of our people?!" Jun snarls back.

"Technically it was over four thousand as of this afternoon before you begged to parley." I correct, causing him to pale slightly.

"Make no mistake gentlemen. You are only here because I allowed it. I was forced to take time out of my busy schedule to teach you and your people a very painful lesson after threatening, and then trying to extort me. One way or another, this is ending tonight. The question is if you and your people will leave alive or in a body bag." I explain darkly, causing them to pail further.

"What are your demands then?" Marcus questioned.

"Ownership of Megabuilding H8 and the various properties owned by the Tyger Claws. You and your people will have twenty-four hours to evacuate the premises and leave Night City entirely. You will be allowed to remove owned items and devices, but this does not include any Dolls or Joytoys in your possession. They are to be left alive and unharmed. Should you refuse to comply with any of these rules, the stay of execution will be lifted, and I will personally hunt you down to the ends of the earth. If a Tyger wishes to part ways with the gang, they will be allowed to do so and remain within the city. If they attempt to restart any of their gang activities, it will result in their immediate termination. Is this understood?" I list off.

Both men sputter and attempt to renegotiate before I slam my fist on the table.

"You had your chance to negotiate a week ago. Instead, you chose strong arm tactics. Make your choice gentlemen."

They whispered back and forth between each other for ten minutes before they turn back to me;

"We agree to your terms . . . ." Jun states through clenched teeth.

"Fantastic. I've arranged for a notary, so we can do the signing now. Afterwards you may return to deliver the good news to your compatriots. I've sent several squads of my men to oversee your exodus from my property. I state, waving one of the merc's over.

After they sign the paper work, they left The Hive and headed off down the street. I sent a text to Rouge informing her that my little quest was finished and I called V.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey V. Want to go clubbing?" I ask.

"What?" She asked flatly.

"I need to make a trip to Lizzie's to talk to Suzie "Q" and Judy. Wanted to know if you and Jack wanted to go on an adventure." I inform.

"Jackie is on a date with Misty but I'm free. . ." She stated.

"Great, when and where?" I ask.

"Infront of Megabuilding H10 at six, I am looking at an apartment there." She explained

"Cool, see you then." I replied

[+20 Rep with V]

[Time Skip]

I picked V up from in front of the megabuilding.

"No B.O.B. today?" she asked, climbing into the passenger seat of my Quadra.

"Nah, gave him a day off. Plus, we're heading into Mox territory. If anything happens, their people will back us up." I explain.

"So, why invite me to come along?" she questioned.

"Well, we haven't done anything in a bit, so once business is settled with the Mox we could hang out and do something. I had fun with the board games that you me and Jack have been playing, so I figured we'd find something you would like to do." I state as I pull out into traffic.

"Nova! Have you ever went to the . . . ." and she trails off lost in thought.

"What is their to do in Night City actually? I know there is braindances, and movies, but outside of that I have no idea." V asked causing me to laugh.

"There are clubs . . ." I start out.

"Hard pass." She said simply.

"Cage fights, and underground bands." I continue.

"No and maybe, depends on who is playing." She replies.

"Bars and restaurants," I list.

"I'm up for the bar, neither of us have nice enough clothes for a restaurant." She comments.

"Alright, bar is on our list. Movies?" I continue, changing lanes.

"No. Damn it! Is there really this little to do in Night City outside of work, sleep and party?! Do these gonks have street races or something interesting?" V started ranting.

"You have to know the right people, I can ask around, but chances are, we couldn't participate in the one happening tonight." I comment.

"We'll save that for another time then. We are going to have to pick Jackie's brain about other stuff to do." V said with a nod.

We continue talking till I pull up to Lizzie's Bar.

I get out and I hear Rita's cheerful greeting;

"Hey Tavish! Who's your cute little friend?"

"Rita, this is V. V, this is Rita." I introduce.

"A Pleasure, you here to keep him in line?" Rita said jokingly to V.

"Nah, he's house trained. I'm more like his carer." V joked back.

Rita laughed and replied; "Good luck then, he gets up to too much trouble for his own good."

"OY. I'm right here." I state causing them to burst into laughter all over again.

"Go ahead and head on in then, Judy is in her den, and I think Susie is down their too. Just remember the usual rules." Rita said with a grin and opened the door an lets us in.

We walk in past the camera booth, through the dancers dressing room and down the stairs to Judy's braindance studio. Amongst the reclining chairs and computer equipment, we found Judy editing a braindance. Susie was standing off to the side, waiting for Judy's verdict.

"Tavish! Haven't heard from you since you called Judy about those Tyger hangouts. Did you resolve everything?" Susie asked with a grin.

"That and more Susie. This is V by the way." I introduce causing Susie to acknowledge V with a nod.

"And?" she prompted.

"I have a proposal for you and the Mox, we'll start as soon as Judy is done." I explain.

We wait a few minutes before Judy exits the braindance.

"Alright that one's done Sue. Hey Tavish, what's up?" She said with a grin.

"Tyger's are done." I state without preamble causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"I met with them, gave them the choice be out of the city in twenty-four hours, or to leave the gang entirely. After that its open season on them. Their leaders agreed to leave, and signed over all property owned by the Tygers, including Megabuilding H8 . . . ." I continue.

"So, Clouds is out of Tyger control?" Judy asked, a hopeful look on her face.

Clouds is a dollhouse in H8. A dollhouse as basically a pleasure house that caters to the every whim of its customers. Clouds happens to be the most esteemed dollhouse in Night City. I know Judy used to have friends that worked there.

"Yep, which is part of why I'm here. I wanted to know if it was possible for me to higher the Mox to take over the running of Clouds." I explain causing Susie to start.

"Are you sure? You're just giving away the control of the dollhouse?!" Susie questioned.

"I would like a slice of the profits, but I have no problem leaving it to you guys to manage as you see fit. You guys can run a classy establishment, and you know what the dolls need. I have no idea how to run a dollhouse to be honest, and I have too much on my plate to figure out how. I will also be managing the rest of the building and cleaning it up so really, you'd be doing me a favor." I finish.

Susie sits back on her chair and thinks for a moment; "We would love to do it, but we don't quite have the man power to make it happen. The guards alone, we don't even have enough people to guard the place."

"I can provide people, if it comes down to it, I can get some animal bouncers. What's really stopping you, Sue? This is an opportunity to do what the Mox always tried to do and protect their own. The increase in funds alone would set you up to better do it, so why hesitate?" I urge drawing a smile from her.

"Its just a bit surreal Tavish. Not to long ago, we were always struggling to just get the gang to make another day and stick to its original intent. Now you come in and stomp around, wreaking your brand of havoc, and just pull out a solution out of your pocket like its just any other day. How the hell do you even do something like this?" Susie questioned.

"I guess I'm just a person who likes solving problems. Give me a problem, and a screwdriver, and I'll move mountains." I state, drawing a giggle from Judy.

"A screwdriver? How on earth would that help?" Judy asked.

"I like a challenge. So, Susie, you in?" I ask.

The Mox leader hesitates for a second, before she relents agreeing to having the Mox run Clouds.

We discuss a few more things before V and I depart from Lizzie's.


[B.O.B.'s day off.]

[B.O.B.'s POV]

I was a simple omnic.

I didn't ever speak but I was always able to communicate what I desired. Speech wasn't necessary so I didn't use it.

It took a moment, but I got the lady at the Spa to arrange a mineral oil bath. As I relaxed into the bath, I thought back onto my experience in Night City.

It was a little disconcerting how many people thought he was human. Granted their were people that were more machine than human, but I was fairly exotic looking.

In all his years working under Ashe, he was never once quite considered equal by anyone outside of the gang. He was just the omnic butler as far as people were concerned.

But here? He was the silent Merc who had the exclusive privilege to guard Dr. Tavish Byrne. It would take some getting used to his new freedoms, but he'll manage.

I relax deeper into the bath.

Maybe I'll hit up that A.I. Delimain before I go to the dealership and buy a car.

After all, who better to ask about cars, than the owner of a successful transport service?