Chapter 11: Rise, Rapture, Rise!

The Lazarus Vector.

A mixture That would regenerate a dead plant back to life.

For such a place of horror, Rapture had some of the most amazing breakthroughs in technology.

Julie Langford was probably the single sane scientist remaining in Arcadia, and she spent the remainder of her life completing this before Ryan killed her. If she was smart enough to create this, what more could she have created if she were still alive?

I had managed to break into her office when Ryan released the toxin, but it had acted too fast for me to do any good. Cure disease potions didn't even affect it as I was forced to watch her slowly expire. The only thing I could do was gather up project documentation, and place it in my inventory.

Continuing back into Arcadia after the oxygen was restored, the flame belch made quick work of any doors blocked with plant life as I tried to make my way out of Arcadia.

Since Ryan and Atlas's civil war kicked off, Arcadia has been a battleground between the splicers, and a cult called the Saturnine. Those guys were honestly just splicers with a new coat of paint. Lots of cultish overtones coming from splicers in the first place so it was a little hard to tell them apart.

Ryan at this point was basically a child throwing a tantrum. "If I can't have it, no one can!" seems to be his entire thought process at the moment. Unfortunately, this thought process was causing him to kill off all of the people who could potentially repair and return Rapture to its former glory. I was left to pick up the pieces.

The amount of research and advancements made here in Rapture made me wish I could have brought along some Skitarii and Tech-Priests. One, to collect anything important, and two, to clear out any splicer infestations. I had to comb over every room to ensure that I didn't leave anything important behind, and the splicers continued to be a pain in my ass!

I have lost track of the number of times that a splicer jumped out of nowhere, or pounced on me with a gene-tonic enhanced weapon of some sort. All I could do is kill them and move on.

Brigid came up with a theory on why the Little Sisters recognized me as a Daddy. Apparently, I looked close enough to a Daddy, that when the first little one hugged me, she left some of her pheromones that Little Sisters create behind, then by picking up the second Little Sister, they imprinted, causing the rest of the Little Sisters to recognize me as a Big Daddy.

The Little Sisters were transformed from all walks of life. Each one that I transformed back revealed the whole rainbow of humanity. From black, to white, to asian, to many other ethnicities, all with their own range of hair and eye colors from around the world.

Every time I transformed one back, I never knew who they would change into. These little girls had been kidnapped from all over Rapture, and from the surface as well. Many of the parents that came looking ended up missing themselves. The best thing I could do for these little ones was change them back and send them to Tenenbaum through the vents.

If I tore apart all those vents, how many dead sisters would I find? How many had gotten stuck, or had been trapped by parts of the collapsing city in those vents? I glance down at the sleeping little girl I was carrying on my way towards Fort Frolic, the entertainment center of Rapture.

I had gotten mixed up with Atlas's directions and had ended up in an area called Market Street. At one point in time, it had been a district full of a variety of businesses and shops. Now? It was full of the wreckage and aftermath from bombing and looting.

Some of the shops look to have been barricaded from the inside for protection. The busted down barricades and the large amount of blood within, discouraged me from checking for survivors.

Scavenging through some of the shops, precious little was left by scavengers, but I was able to find some empty and broken bottles of "drinkable" plasmids. Wonder why they switched to the injectables if these existed at some point.

Coming across a vent, I gently wake the Little Sister and help her into the vent so she can make her way to Tenenbaum. I always worry when a sister goes into those vents, but Brigid keeps telling me that they make it to her safely. I wonder how they maneuver the vents so well? If I was a child, I would have definitely gotten lost in those vents. Maybe they can do it by scent?

Another mystery that is the Little Sisters.

Brigid did inform me that the Big Daddy Closets are sealed against anyone who is not a Daddy, so if I needed to sleep, that would be a good place to do it.

Good thing too. It's been roughly thirty-nine hours since I last slept. It was towards the end of the day in the Cyberpunk world, and I've been going non-stop since coming to Rapture. I could keep going for a few more hours, but after forty-eight hours I start taking penalties to my stats. It starts at a 10% penalty and gradually gets worse the longer I go without sleep.

I only expected for the challenge to take a few hours like last time, but Rapture was huge, and taking the time to scavenge for audio recordings, scientific data, and little collectables added on to the amount of time it took to finish everything.

Reaching the closet, I pound on the door and it slides open. Once inside I hit a button switching the closet to an occupied status. While enhanced to super-human levels, Big Daddies had to rest too. These closets were created as a place for a Daddy to rest and grab new gear while running around Rapture. They usually contained rivet's, gas, bullets, and anything a Daddy may need to do their job. From repairing Rapture, to protecting Little Sister's, you will never find a Big Daddy lacking for what he needs to get the job done.

Sometimes the closets contained an upgrade station for improving weapons and gear. This closet had one, but it had an out of order sign. It obviously hadn't been used in a while judging by the amount of dust built up.

But that didn't matter at the moment, for now, sleep.

Ignoring the slimy, waterlogged mattress, I lay down and curl up on an open bit of floor. It's not the most comfortable, but at least it's safe. It doesn't take long for me to nod off.

[Time Skip]

I wake to the sound of a series of taps on the door of the closet. Checking my Praetor suit HUD, I saw that I had managed almost seven hours of uninterrupted slumber.

The tapping continues as I stand-up and stretch the stiffness out of my muscles from sleeping on the floor.

Prepping my drill, I slowly unlock and crack open the door before opening it fully. Standing in front of the door, was a little sister I had saved earlier. This one had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hello little one, I thought you were safe with Ms. Tenenbaum? What are you doing out here by yourself?" I ask her, bringing her inside the closet.

"Mr. B was looking for people to help right?" She asked causing me to stop for a moment.

"That's right. Did you find someone that needs help little one?" I question.

"Yup! A pretty lady helped me out before, and now she needs help. Can you help her Mr. B?" She pleaded.

"You'll have to show me where, but I'll see what I can do." I said hefting her up onto my shoulder.

"Yay! An adventure with Mr. B! We get to rescue the pretty princess!" She said cheerfully.

With the guidance of the former little sister, I made my way through the passages of Rapture. The back routes we took were mostly free of splicers. The few that did jump out of the dark got a rivet in the forehead for their trouble.

We eventually ended up in front of Dr. Suchong's Free Clinic. A splicer perched above the sign started lobbing grenades down when it noticed us. I quickly took cover while trying to angle for a shot with the rivet gun, causing him to duck behind cover.

I send a swarm of Fireflies at the cover the splicer was hiding behind, causing both the splicer and his cover to ignite in flames.

"Marshmallow's Mr. B!" The little girl cheered as the splicer screamed and melted.

I stared at her for a moment.

What the fuck did the conditioning make the little sisters see?! I shake my head and open the doors to the clinic.

The inside of the clinic was stacked high with bodies. Blood was splattered everywhere in the main clinic, with messages written in it all along the walls. A single splicer tried to play dead by the gene-bank machine. An application of Fireflies took care of him quickly.

We finally reached the office of Dr. Suchong.

"Behind there Mr. B!" The little girl instructed.

I could barely make out the hidden door in the office. Searching around, I found the lever that opened the door under the doctor's desk. Pulling it caused the door to open.

Inside was Suchong's laboratory where he conducted his experiments. The trade-off for the supposed free clinic was you consented to being Suchong's test subject. I passed by many sealed bulkheads containing the results of the experiments performed. Each one had a viewing window set to the side of the door, all portraying the grizzly horrors within.

Taking my time, I gather up all the research I come across until we reach the doctor's personal lab. There, the body of the good doctor was pinned to the top of the desk with the drill of a Big Daddy.

"Over there Mr. Bubbles." The little girl gestured to a boarded-up section of the wall.

I smash through the repaired wall exposing a narrow pathway with a much cleaner opening on the other side. The little girl takes lead at this point, guiding me through a series of tunnels until we reach the end of a hall. A body was propped against the window. The little girl ran up to it and knelt down by the body.

As I approached a new notification popped up in my vision.

Easter Egg discovered: Body of Elizabeth Dewitt/Comstock

Reward: "Challenge Token: Bioshock Infinite"

Quest added

[The Cry of the Songbird]

Elizabeth was not delt the best hand in her life. See if you can deal her a new hand.

Objective: Bring Elizabeth back to life

Reward: New Title, ?

You don't ask for much do you Iris?

"Can you fix her Mr. B?" The little girl asked, staring up at me hopefully.

I reach down and pat her on the head; "I'll see what I can do, but there are certain things beyond my ability little one."

For bringing someone back to life, my immediate thought was the Vita-chambers. The problem was that all of the Vita-chambers were genetically locked to one person, Andrew Ryan. The only thing in my favor was that also meant anyone in Ryan's extended family could use a Vita-chamber.

Maybe Brigid would know something, but I lost radio contact a way back. I didn't know when it would be established again.

Heading back to Suchong's lab, I started rifling through his notes looking for a solution.

Most of his last work was dedicated to forming a bond between a Little Sister and a Big Daddy. Plenty of his notes were emphasizing creating a genetic bond between the two, but each of those attempts ended in failure. The breakthrough on this bond turned into Suchong's undoing when he struck a little sister in frustration. The newly bonded Big Daddy ended Suchong's life on the desk where he was pinned now.

I also found why the injectable plasmids were favored over the drinkables. Apparently, the drinkable plasmids used ten times the amount of ADAM required for one injectable. When the war broke out, quantity was favored over quality.

After searching his lab for an hour, I found yet another secret lab off of this one, concealed and built over. Breaking into this lab revealed several of Suchong's personal projects such as the leftover equipment used to create Jack with all of his conditioning and plasmid creation and improving their efficiency. But the thing that drew my eye the most, was the Vita-chamber prototype.

Scoping up the documentation I started reading. This was the first version of the Vita-chambers that were scattered around Rapture. This one was created without being keyed to a specific type of DNA. Theoretically, if I got a sample of Elizabeth's DNA, I could jury-rig the Vita-chamber to work for her.

The true problem revealed itself when I opened up the prototype Vita-chamber. Many of its connections were corroded and would require extensive maintenance to get back in a working state.

It would have taken hours if not days of work, if I were not a Technomancer.

Releasing my nanomachines to swarm the Vita-chamber, I channel mana into a single intent, repair. Dust and debris blew out of the machine as the nanomachines went to work. Corroded cabling renewed itself, previously worn parts refreshed to present part that looked fresh out of the box.

I usually preferred being more "hands on" in repairing any machines that I work on, but I needed to finish this up and move on. I have been out of contact for hours and I didn't want Atlas to send people looking just yet.

Withdrawing the nano machines back into my body, I take the genetic scanner, and extract the previous DNA sample. I head back to Elizabeth. Her corpse had held up remarkably well against decay in the waterlogged environment that was Rapture. I was able to extract a good DNA sample for the Vita-chamber.

Feeding the sample to the genetic scanner, I did a series of final checks, ensuring the machine would operate properly. Finishing those, I plugged in the Vita-Chamber.

The Chamber lit up with a surge of power, electricity arcing around it, then with a flash of light, a dark-haired woman appeared inside and slumped against the glass.

[Elizabeth's POV]


That was the predominate emotion she had after dying at the hands of Atlas.

For much of her life, all she wanted to do was leave her tower. It wasn't until she turned twenty that this wish came true in the form of Booker Dewitt. After their escape, was easily the most exciting and terrifying moments of her life as they ran across Columbia in an effort to escape Father Comstock and the Songbird.

After Booker died, I was at a loss. I wandered back and forth through Rifts until I resolved myself to a new task. Killing every version of Comstock to ensure that all of her alternate selves were safe. She had completed even that.

Guilt drove her back to Rapture. A need to correct a wrong committed against a little girl.


I put her in danger and almost killed her in my effort to kill Comstock.

My return to Rapture put both of us in danger, but my only thought was keeping her safe.

I did task after task for Atlas on the promise that he wouldn't harm that little girl.

I basically handed him the keys to Rapture.

In the end, as I lay dying against the window, my last thought was of hope. Did I give Sally her chance to get away? Did I get her the chance to live a life free of Rapture? My vision showed that I set things in motion for Atlas's ace in the hole so I'm not sure.

Suddenly, a spark lit up the darkness around me. Feelings and emotions returned.

The desire to live!

That spark turned into a flash of lighting as old injuries healed, and my body reconstituted inside a Vita-chamber.

I blearily got a look outside at a tall armored figure, almost like a Big Daddy, standing outside the chamber.

The doors suddenly opened and the air was knocked out of me by the small figure that grabbed me in a hug.

"Pretty Lady!"

I knew that voice.

I looked down into the blue eyes of Sally.

[Tavish POV]

I didn't expect Elizabeth to breakdown after seeing the little one like that. She was hugging the daylights out of the girl crying her name.


Well at least I have an actual name to call her by now.

I let them have their reunion for a few moments. I remove my helmet and start cleaning up the remains of the lab checking it for useful items.

When I had finished, Elizabeth had composed herself a bit but was still holding Sarah tightly.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Tavish Byrne, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Dewitt" I say, causing her to tense.

"How do you know that name?" she questioned, warily.

"I am what would be classified as a world traveler. It is somewhat similar to your rift ability, but instead of being restricted to simple alternate realities, I can travel to any possibility in the omni verse given enough time." I explain.

This explanation was close enough to the truth that hopefully she would believe me being a reality traveler herself.

"So, you're like the Luteces?" She asked, prompting a so-so gesture from me.

Rosalind and Robert Lutece were Quantum physicists from alternate dimensions. They were essentially the same person from different dimensions. At some point, they had discovered how to travel to parallel worlds. Their machine to do so was destroyed by Comstock scattering the "twins" across time and space, granting them the ability to appear wherever they wanted at will. They influenced events from the shadows, in a grand experiment to cause different outcomes and possibilities to occur, identifying inconsistencies and constants in every world they travelled.

"Yes and No. The Luteces are restricted to this particular set of parallel dimensions, able to skirt around the main events but cannot truly interfere without risking the removal of their powers."

"I, on the other hand, can interfere with events as much or as little as I desire without risk to my powers. My travel is completely random in comparison to the Luteces. I can go back to where I've been, but If I travel to a new place, I have no idea where I might end up." I explain, getting a nod of understanding from Elizabeth.

"If your travel is random, that still doesn't explain how you know my name, or why you revived me." She stated.

Elizabeth was truly, a smart cookie.

"You know what a television is right?" I ask, getting a nod from her.

"Ok so imagine a television or a book that you can interact with to effect the outcome of your favorite program. Now take that same program or story, and imagine it as a place or a world you could visit. That is what I am essentially doing right now." I explain.

"My whole life, is someone's television program?" She asked, incredulously.

She was starting to look a little overwhelmed. Maybe that was too many earthshattering revelations after coming back from the dead.

"Every story is like that. I could be a story in someone else's world, or they could be a story in mine. These stories just represent a "possibility". Everyone has their own stories, and each story stems from somewhere. For your purposes, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Knowing it isn't going to change you. Let your actions decide your story, all that I advise is that you make it a good one."

"As for why your back amongst the living, you have little Sally to thank for that." I explained, causing Elisabeth to hug the little girl tighter.

"How long have I been dead?" She enquired.

I have to sit back and think on that for a moment.

"I honestly don't know. I know you died in 1959 but I don't know what year it is currently. I know the civil war is still going on between Atlas and Ryan, but other than that I just don't know." I replied causing Elizabeth to jolt.

"Atlas is still alive?! We have to stop him! If he gets his hands on the "ace in the hole" he'll basically own Rapture!" She said frantically.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that. The "ace in the hole" already died in a plane crash. I have Atlas convinced it's me actually." I say casually, causing her to stop and stare at me

"Atlas thinks you're the "ace in the hole"?" She asked


"Atlas, as in the best con-man in Rapture?"


"You've conned the con-man?"


She stared at me for a few more seconds before bursting into laughter at the absurdity of the situation.

"Oh my god, I wish I could see the look on his face when he realizes. What does he have you doing now?" She asked, wiping a tear from her eye.

"I'm "supposed" to go and kill Ryan, I have to pass through Fort Frolic yet. Unfortunately, I got lost on the way. Then Sarah found me and we got side tracked saving the pretty princess." I say with a wink, causing Elizabeth to blush.

+40 Reputation with Elizabeth Dewitt for bringing her back to life.

+20 Reputation for pulling one over on Atlas

Elizabeth Dewitt (60/100)

Quest completed

[The Cry of the Songbird]

Elizabeth was not dealt the best hand in her life. See if you can deal her a new hand.

Objective: Bring Elizabeth back to life [x]

Reward: New Title: Life Giver

[Life Giver]

Your ability to bring about life where there is none has been recognized. Grants access to the Prestige class: White Mage

[White Mage]

A class steeped heavily in the celestial arts. Enables the user to use white magics.

While interesting, I have no idea what white magic consists of. I won't find out either until I complete Technomancy.

I stand up and stretch; "Would you like to come with? I don't exactly know where Fort Frolic is, and I could use a guide. If nothing else, I could point you towards a safe house." I offer.

"Yes, I'll come. If nothing else I need to pay Atlas back for beating me to death with a wrench." Elizabeth said grimly.

"Well then, let's get you a weapon." I state and pull some items out of my inventory.

Elizabeth takes a shotgun and a revolver from my stash of weapons and we depart for the Fort.

On our way there, I help Sally climb up into a vent to travel back to Brigid's hideout.

[Time Skip]

As we travelled towards the bathysphere station that was located in Fort Frolic, Elizabeth and I swapped stories. This was cut short when the bathysphere dock sealed itself off from us.

A new voice came in over the radio; "Finally! I have been jamming Ryan and Atlas for hours waiting for your arrival. But what an arrival! Not only did you arrive fashionably late, but you showed up with my lost Songbird as well. Truly a momentous occasion, I believed her dead."

"But no matter, she can rejoin her fellow disciples shortly, but for now, welcome to Font Frolic."

Elizabeth made a face at the voice; "Sander Cohen, why did he of all people survive Rapture's civil war." She said with disgust.

"Now, now, don't be like that my dear. Soon you will belong to me, as it were." As Sander said this, splicers started climbing out of hiding spots and running into the room.

I hit the first two with rivets while Elizabeth took out the third with her shotgun.

I can here Sander calling out in the background; "Wonderful! Magnificent! It seems you still haven't lost your touch for the arts my dear. You truly would make a marvelous addition to my final masterpiece!"

"So, this guy has the key needed to actually pass through to Ryan?" I call to Elizabeth, as I ram my drill into another splicer.

"He's also the one who's probably jamming all radio transmissions." She comments, firing her pistol into a splicers head.

"So hypothetically, if I knew where he was, I could just take the key from him?" I ask, releasing a Firefly swarm at the remaining splicers, turning them to ash.

"You could, but you would need to get past a metal gate." She said as she reloaded her weapons.

"Wonderful, give me a moment." I walk over to the grand staircase before Sander's "masterpiece" and head up, despite Cohen's protests to the contrary.

At the top I rip open the metal lattice that led to Cohen's dressing room.

"No! Stop! The artist isn't ready to see his audience!" His protests got louder as I got closer and I caught sight of him cowering behind a curtain.

I grab him by the scruff and haul him out; Hey Liz, I found him. Do you want to take a crack at him or can I just put him out of his misery?"

"I'm good. I'm saving my revenge for Atlas!" She shouts back.

"Ok!" and with a quick grab and twist followed by a snap, left one Sander Cohen, plus one broken neck.

I get to the panel to unlock the bathysphere and open it up, next to it was the radio jammer which caused me pause before I just simply broke it.

Searching around the room, I found a few interesting odds and ends, but the one thing that stood out, was the crossbow.

Not having a use for it, I offered it to Elisabeth which she gratefully took, and we made our way back to the dock.

As soon as we entered the dock, Atlas's voice crackled over the radio; Kid! Where the hell were you! I've been trying to call you for a dogs age! What happened?"

"Sander happened. I was stuck doing stuff for him in order for him to open the docks to Ryan." I bullshit.

"Never mind that we may have bigger problems. Would you kindly kill Elizabeth Comstock if you spot her? I'm hearing rumors that she was seen wandering about Dr. Suchong's old lab. She may try to stop you killing Ryan." He states.

Word travels fast apparently.

Elizabeth has covered her mouth to prevent giggles escaping as I reply; Sure thing Atlas, if I spot her, she's as good as dead."

I turn off the radio allowing for Elizabeth to erupt in giggles.

"When do you think he'll catch on?" She asked after her giggles subsided.

"I'm hoping he doesn't realize until after I killed Ryan, but I anticipate he may figure it out sooner." I speculate, climbing into the bathysphere.

[Time Skip]

Arriving at Hephaestus, Elizabeth and I were almost immediately besieged by splicers trying to hamper our progress.

This continued until we got to Ryan's trophy room outside of his office. There were corpses of his enemies nailed to the pillars outside of his office.

Ryan's voice continued to mock us over the radio when we encountered the electromagnetic lock on his door.

"Crap! We are going to have to find another way in." Elizabeth groans.

"Maybe not . . ." I trail off as I observe the door.

This door looked primitive from a maglock stand point. I might be able to disrupt the flow of electricity to door. I wonder if I could brute force it?

I check my stats before I attempt it.

Tavish Byrne

Level – 175

Class – Doctor – Lvl 75/100 [63%]

Prestige Class – Technomancer – Lvl 55/100 [34%]

Production Class – Alchemist – Lvl 60/100 [47%]

Race – Transcendent Human

Alignment – Neutral Good

HP- 13,850 [2770 per minute]

MP- 14,950 [2,390 per 30 seconds]

SP- 13,850 [2770 per 30 seconds]

Soul Well (24,473/3200)








Mana Regen = WIS X 2

MP = INT X 10

SP/Health Regen = END X 2

Health = END X 10

SP = END X 10

Stat points (1,900)


I really let my stat points get away from me. My soul well is practically overflowing too! A grin starts to form on my face. Atlas continues to yammer on about finding another way in, something about an EMP?

Turning the radio off, I turn to Elizabeth; "I think I've figured out another way in, without using a bomb, or even leaving the room." I state.

"Really? What is it?" She asked, skepticism clear in her voice.

I add a thousand points to strength and dig my hands into the joint of the door.

"Tavish, I like your optimism, but I very much doubt that it will be that simple" She chastises.

Ignoring her, I start activating perks. Each perk, multiplying my overall strength.

[Mana Enhancement]

STR 12,050

[Indomitable Rage]

STR 120,500

[Storm Rage]

STR 602,500

[Super Human Strength]

You have exceeded the normal limits of strength for your race. Feats of strength can be attempted with half the required strength stat.

The metal folds under my hands as I grip the door.

[Elizabeth's POV]

I thought Tavish was joking when he went up to grip the door.

My skepticism turns to shock as I watched electricity started arcing off his armor. His hands dig into the door, and the screech of rending metal follows as Tavish rips the door out of its space leaving an opening in which to walk through.

The lightning disappears from around him and he looks over his shoulder to give me a cheeky grin.

"Let's go. Its bad policy to arrange a meeting and to leave the head of house waiting." He states before stepping over the threshold.

I hurry to follow him.

How on earth did he do that? Was that a new plasmid or gene tonic? Or something else entirely? Either way, the door was open, and we could skip all of Atlas's carefully laid planning.

[Tavish POV]

Seeing Ryan face to face was interesting.

His shock from watching us over the camera was extremely entertaining to observe.

However, all good things must come to an end, so I shot him.

Elizabeth stood there for a moment before she commented; "That was anti-climactic to say the least."

"What were you expecting?" I ask.

"Something along the lines of an epic show down between good and evil, the speech of a megalomaniac, maybe a clash of titans, I didn't expect him to go out quietly." She replied.

"We still have one more if that helps." I comment.

Speaking of Atlas, I forgot to turn my radio back on. Switching it on, Atlas's voice starts crackling through the speaker.

"Hey kid, where are you at on that EMP? Have you found it yet?" He asked.

"Actually, I just killed Ryan." I state.

The other end is silent for a moment before his voice comes through; "Fantastic kid. Now, Ryan has a key on him to access Rapture's computers. Would you kindly plug the key into the computer in his office? I need to disable the defenses so we can leave Rapture."

"No thanks. I don't feel like it today." I reply

The radio is silent for another couple of seconds.

"I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. Would you kindly plug the key into the computer?" Atlas repeated.

"Nah, I don't feel like it, how about you do it?" I offer.

"How about I provide you some incentive lad. Code Yellow." He stated smugly.

We waited, and nothing happened.

"I don't understand, I gave the correct codes . . ." Atlas was heard muttering.

"Having trouble with your "ace in the hole" Frankie?" I comment, addressing him by his real name.

"What did you call me?" He stated, incredulously.

"I called you by your name ya' mook. Still, I have a hard time believing that Ryan didn't know that Atlas and old Frankie Fontaine were really the same person." I comment idly.

"I mean seriously, how did Ryan label you such a threat is beyond me. I walked in here and came up with a plan to con you in the space of ten seconds. That entire adventure around Rapture, that was just a convenient way to pass the time while I figured you out."

"Fontaine isn't even your name though is it, Frankie? No, that's a name you stole from a certain smuggler. I mean the truth is, you're just a two-bit vaudeville boy who got too big for his britches. Got lucky convincing a boxer to win a rigged match, and then moved on to running a bookie out of the basement of a drug store." I continue.

Elizabeth is currently messing with Ryan's computer, resetting the security parameters and setting a new target, Fontaine. She had him up on the security feed as he ran through Rapture, towards Point Prometheus.

I watched as the door in front of him suddenly sealed shut.

"The Fuck? Nobody knows that! Who the hell are you?!" Atlas shouted, scrambling for another route.

"Me? I'm just a visitor. But there is a particular young lady that wishes to "express" her grievances with you." I state before handing the radio off to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth finished closing the bulk-heads around Fontaine, trapping him in a hallway. I handed her the radio and she pushed to talk button; "Hello Fontaine."

"A-ah, hello darlin'. Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" Atlas stutter's, scrambling to find a way out of the hall he is in.

"Much better now that I am no longer dead. So kind of you to put yourself in a position for me to return the favor." She states, pressing a button and deploying security bots in the area.

The bots immediately open fire on Fontaine, gunning him down in that hallway. The bots continue firing into his corpse until they run out of bullets.

"Feeling any better?" I ask Elizabeth.

"Very. What do we have left to do?" She asked.

+20 Rep with Elizabeth Dewitt for allowing her revenge against Fontaine (80/100)

[Time Skip]

We were standing by a bathysphere as the last of the little sisters climbed in.

Elizabeth and I had finished collecting the last of the little sisters that we could find along with Brigid.

We were taking a separate bathysphere to the surface, leaving Rapture behind.

"You have any plans after this?" I ask Elizabeth.

She leans back with a sigh; "No. I don't even know where I could go after this. I can feel the last one of my other selves in another world, but without my power, I can't even consider helping her. I apparently missed a Comstock when I was on my spree."

"If your interested, you could come with me." I offer

She stared at me for a long moment before asking; "Why offer someone like me that? The last time I had the power to switch dimensions, I used it to kill every iteration of a person and almost killed Sally in the process."

"I'm not offering your old powers back, I'm offering the chance of an adventure. One that will cross all times and spaces. The opportunity to see all sorts of different worlds, some good, some bad, but all unique in their own way." I reply drawing a thoughtful look from her.

"Could we possibly rescue my other self?" She asked.


[The challenge token you received should take you to her dimension. I recommend stopping at your home first and taking a quick break first though.]

"Yeah, we can do that." I reply

"Then I suppose you got yourself a deal Mr. Byrne." She said in an overly posh voice, the sphere resurfacing in the lighthouse.

"After you then Ms. Dewitt." I say opening the door.

Quest Completed

[Would you kindly?]

Jack had the misfortune of dying before getting into Rapture. Don't let this story end in the prologue.

Objective 1: Acquire Jack's DNA to enable bypass of Rapture lockdown [x]

Objective 2: Purge any splicers that get in your way[x]

Objective 3: Throw a "Wrench" into the plans of the factions within Rapture. [x]

Bonus Objective 1: Rescue all the little Sisters[x]

Bonus Objective 2: Kill Atlas before he absorbs the mass quantities of ADAM [x]

Bonus Objective 3: "Save" Elizabeth and convince her to come with you. [x]

Bonus Objective 4: Avoid killing Big Daddy's [x]

Bonus Objective 5: Out-con Fontaine [x]

Rewards: Little Sister Nursery, Rapture blueprint bundle, Portal location unlocked, Big Daddy Perks Upgraded, New Perk acquired.

[Apex Big Daddy]

You are recognized as a predator above your own kind. Little Sisters recognize you as one of their protectors. They can more easily find you and vice versa. Other Big Daddy's will recognize you as a higher authority and Big Sisters are tranquil in your presence.

[Apex Big Daddy Instinct]

By accepting the perk "Apex Big Daddy" you know where to respond if you detect a Little Sister/ally in danger. You will do anything, and everything in your power to protect that child/ally.

[Apex Daddy's Home]

When arriving at the scene of a little sister/ally in distress or a home base under attack, your rage will eclipse that of legend. This enables you to keep fighting until all enemies have been neutralized. Grants a Rage multiplier based off of initial number of enemies engaged.


While not your chosen profession, its practices are not unknown to you. Your significantly better of Conning people than you were before.

[Little Sister Nursery]

A facility attached to your home base dedicated to rehabilitating and taking care of all of the needs of the Little Sisters you rescued. It comes with a caregiver and psychologist to re-habilitate these children.

Wait what? I'm taking care of the little sisters!?

[You're the main protagonist.]

[It falls to you to take care of them.]

I mean, that's fine, but I wasn't thinking that far ahead.

At least they are going somewhere to be taken care of.

[Time Skip]

Elizabeth and I spent a week at the Fortress of Doom.

When we first arrived through the portal, Elisabeth was blown away by the view. She had never been in space before, and the Fortress was orbiting Earth currently.

While she was staring out the window, I quickly bought a companion room. She was startled when a new room materialized into existence off to the edge of the window. We eventually started settling in.

The Little sisters were enjoying their new home. Their absolute favorite activity was when the gravity was disabled in the room and they could float around and play.

I got to work preparing for Bioshock: Infinite. I was trying to figure out a good way to bypass some of the shenanigans that happened during the campaign. The easiest was probably to just tell the other Elizabeth the truth about why we were there. Honesty was always half the battle, but the other half was combating Comstock and his men. The Vox Populi might be an issue too if we can't move fast enough.

Reinforcements would be unavailable until the challenge was complete, so any help that I would have would have to be built once we were on Columbia. I loaded parts for some of my machines into my inventory, plus a few surprises in case things went south.

I went ahead and got a few new Slayer perks since I had an overflowing soul well.

[The BFG 9000] (1/100)

A Big Fucking Gun designed to fire balls of argent plasma. Great for clearing out large crowds of enemies. Recharges one shot per day.

[Hellbreaker] (1/100)

A Sentinel hammer once wielded by the betrayer, has now fallen into your possession. Kills recharge the hammer. Rank up the hammer to unlock more of its abilities.

["Axe" of the Slayer] (1/100)

While technically not a weapon, this crucible themed guitar was designed to capture the riffs that make up the music of Doom. Use to initialize Background music, kill people/demons, or play music of your own.

[Legend of the Slayer] (Passive)

Every world has legends, no matter how small. Records of your deeds may exist within the worlds you visit. Every devout believer of your legend increases your stats by 0.01.

The last perk caused me some confusion.

Tons of people were aware of the Slayers existence, but then I re-read the line.

Every devout believer of your legend.

Thousands of people were aware of the Slayer as a concept in video games but no one was aware of my iteration of him.

It was a perk that encouraged me to visit as many worlds as possible.

Liz also wanted to browse through my weapons properly for an improvement of some sort. She picked out a Galvanic rifle, and a taser goad.

I gave her a handbag of holding from the gamer's shop as well so we could blend in as long as we could. And after putting on some appropriate clothing for the period, I opened the portal to Columbia and we stepped through.

[3rd person POV]

A glowing blue portal opened in an ally between a bookstore and a shop, unnoticed by passersby. The crowds and the festivities in the street distracting everyone while a man and a woman step out of the portal and close it behind them.

[Tavish POV]

My first sight of Columbia was amazing!

Shop fronts on their own dedicated islands floating by along with its neo-classical architecture made for a beautiful scene.

I could see the zeppelins floating by along with assorted hovercrafts and gondolas. What really grabbed my attention was the Sky-lines running between the islands.

The desire to steal a Skyhook and ride one was strong.

A parade was currently flying between the islands, celebrating a local version of Independence Day.

[Welcome to Bioshock: Infinite]

Quest added

[Salvation of the Lamb]

Elizabeth has asked for your help to save the version of her in this reality.

Objective 1: Rescue Elizabeth Comstock

Bonus Objective 1: ?

Bonus Objective 2: ?

Bonus Objective 3: ?

Bonus Objective 4: ?

Bonus Objective 5: ?

Bonus Objective 6: ?

Reward: ?

"I forgot to ask Liz, do you have a key to bust yourself out of Monument Island?" I question, checking up and down the street.

"Yes, I do. The key seams to be consistent across all realities. But if that doesn't work, you could probably just rip it off." She comments Idly as we make our way down the street.

"I'd rather not go to those extremes immediately after I meet her." I comment.

Our conversation was interrupted as two people stepped into our path, one holding a chalk board, the other, a plate.

"Heads or Tails?" Robert Lutece asked

"It's probably going to be heads" Rosaline Lutece comments.

"But it could be tails." Robert argues back.

"Or you both could be wrong." I comment picking up the coin.

"The statistical probability of that being the case is so astronomically low it does not even factor." Rosaline states smugly.

"For once, I agree with my sister." Robert comments.

"And that is why you two will always be confined to this set of parallels." I inform causing their attention to snap to me.

"Everything starts as an improbability, it's by choosing the path never traveled that makes an event a possibility. I choose the edge." I state, flipping the coin.

I realize that it is almost impossible, but I have 300 luck god-dammit! It's got to be good for something!

[Luck Event Triggered]

The coin lands on the plate, perfectly balanced on its edge.

"My, I guess this one is very different from the others." Robert comments, eyeing the coin.

"Indeed. You have found yourself a contradiction Ms. Dewitt. Things will be most interesting, I think." Rosaline stated.

And with that last statement they departed.

"How did you know it would land on its edge?" Liz asked, staring at me in shock.

"I didn't." I reply, continuing our walk down towards the street fair.

Wandering around the fair, I picked up quite a few different vigor's being given away in celebration.

I came across a sign that gave me pause though.

The sign was titled; "Beware the Slayer, for he will lead our lamb astray.", displaying a hand with the symbol of the Slayer on the back of it.

Double checking my hands, I made sure I didn't have the mark on the back of them.

It's definitely an odd sign to put up, especially since I had just got the Legend perk.

Liz took notice of the sign as well.

"That's definitely a change from last time. Do you know what that symbol stands for?" She questioned.

"Yeah, that symbol represents one of my main powers." I explain.

"Do you have any defining symbols like that on you?" she asked.

"No, while it is representative of my main abilities, I never tattooed it on my hand or anything like that. I have the symbol on my armor, but if I have to put my armor, I think we'll have bigger problems." I inform

"Good. I'd hate to bring anymore attention down on us than we have to." Liz comments.

"Isn't it going to be unavoidable if we have to go through the raffle?" I question.

"Yeah. No matter what I do, the raffle always happens." Liz said with a sigh.

"Well incase we get split up, take this." I hand here a spike with a handle attached to it.

[Nano Spike] (Epic)

A device created by Tavish Byrne. When stabbed into a machine, the machine is upgraded and granted automaton properties under your command. One use item.

"What does it do?" Liz asked.

"When you stab a machine with it, the machine will undergo a drastic upgrade. It will also gain very limited sentience, so it can be given commands. Use it on an Airship if you manage to capture one. Our first meeting place will be the "First Lady" airship. If that doesn't work, try to make your way to the "Hand of the Prophet"." I inform.

"What about the Songbird? Do you have a plan for that?" Liz asked in bemusement.

"I'm going to either steal a whistler box from somewhere, or face it myself. We won't be able to escape otherwise." I say with a grin.

"Well, lets hope that everything goes according to plan." Liz comments, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the raffle.

[Time Skip]

Why do people suck?

What makes them think that any of this was what some god or person on a cloud would have wanted them to do?

These were my thoughts as I was handed a numbered baseball and ushered into the crowd surrounding the stage.

Jeremiah Fink was standing up on the stage whipping the crowd into a frenzy for this "annual" raffle.

In reality, it was an excuse to stone an interracial couple and pass it off as almost a carnival game endorsed by the "Angel of Columbia".

I haven't met a god or higher power myself yet, but if there was one endorsing this, I would happily introduce them to the business end of my BFG.

A notification drew me out of my thoughts.

[Luck Event Triggered]

"Number seventy-seven!" Jeremiah called from the stage.

"Hey this man has it!" The man to my left volunteered me.

Oh for fucks sake.

"Get ready." I whisper to Liz, before I'm ushered up to the front of the crowd.

"Amazing, my good sir! Take your first throw so we can commence the rest of the festivities!" Jeremiah encouraged.

Behind him, the couple was being pushed to the front of the stage. A white man and a black woman, who's only crime was falling in love.

I toss the ball up in the air and catch it.

"Alright then, lets get this show on the road." I state.

Winding up I hurl the ball, sending it whizzing through the air, and through Jerimiah's skull causing it to explode in blood and brain matter.

The guards were slow to react as I grabbed one to use as a shield against a Skyhook swung at me.

His face splashed into the front row as the Skyhook ripped chucks out of the officer's skull.

I equip my Super Shotgun, and blow him away, scattering his remains across his horrified brethren behind him.

"No . . . ." one of the guards whimpered.

"It can't be . . . ." The other guard said.

"Steady yourself men, he's probably just a rebel sympathizer" Their captain said in an authoritative voice.

I grab the next guard, ramming my arm through his chest, before throwing him into his comrades.

A series of shots go off nearby, causing the remaining guards to drop.

I turn to see Elizabeth standing there, holding a smoking pistol.

"Well, I guess our element of surprise is gone." She comments sarcastically.

"I think I can live with that." I comment, walking over to Jerimiah's corpse.

I quickly check his pockets for access cards and keys, stuffing them into my inventory.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I would do that too but I don't think I could get away afterwards." Elizabeth stated.

"Did you happen to spot a hovercraft of some type nearby?" I ask, tossing Liz a Skyhook from a dead policeman.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, we are going to have to fight our way toward it." She said, catching the Skyhook.

"Well, let's not keep them waiting." I state, equipping my Praetor suit and pulling out my Chaingun.

We started making our way towards the hovercraft.

Police kept coming from all angles in an attempt to stop us, but the tungsten rounds from the Chaingun ripped through anyone that poked their head out.

They deployed a Fireman in an attempt to slow us down, only for him to be ripped to shreds.

We switched to some of the back alleys as we fought our way to our destination, and ran across a couple of house slaves discussing events.

"Did you hear? Jeramiah Fink was killed at that horrible raffle of his." The first woman said.

"Good riddance, couldn't have happened to a better asshole." The other man spat.

"Jacob! You can't say stuff like that! What if someone overhears you?" The first scolded

They both turned at the sound of me and Liz running down the ally, and their eyes widened.

I point at the slayer symbol on my helmet, causing their eyes to widen even more.

"Y-you do exist." The woman stuttered.

"Yeah, I do. Out of curiosity, can either of you message Daisy Fitzroy?" I question causing them to glace at each other then back to me.

"No but we know someone who can." The man finally risked.

"Good. Tell her Fink is dead, and to make her move before they recover. I'll clear out the Songbird to make space. I'm on my way to "remove" the Fraternal order of the Raven, so if she needs use that as a staging ground, she is free to do so." I inform them, causing them to start.

"You're going to fight the Songbird?! That's suicide!" The woman exclaimed.

"I've fought thing far worse than that overgrown chicken." I state, causing the man to chuckle.

"Well, I look forward to seeing it. Is that it for the message?" The man asked.

"One last thing. Tell her to fight like hell!" I say with a grin.

"Well best of luck to you friends." The man stated, before departing with his friend.

"Why go out of our way to communicate with Daisy of all people?" Elizabeth questioned.

"It will help avoid misunderstandings later. Ultimately, while we can get rid of the bigger targets, it will be up to the people of Columbia to decide what they do with the place. I may build a version of this flying city at some point, but its not up for me to decide how they run the place. Plus, once we get your "sister" for lack of a better term, she hasn't been disillusioned by Columbia yet, so she may want to stick around and help." I explain, continuing our path down the ally.

"That is a fair assessment. While we are rescuing my "sister", There is no guarantee that we will be identical." Elizabeth stated.

After a while we finally make it to the hovercraft. It was a Gunship parked there by the local police and looked to have been abandoned for a while.

Walking up to it, I stab a Nano Spike into it, causing it to start upgrading.

Nanomachines started spreading out from the spike, adding armored plating, and several autocannon emplacements around the length of the Gunship. The automaton driver was removed, enabling manual steering. The entire upgrade finishes with the underslung missile launcher underneath the Gunship.

"Well, shall we." I ask.

"Let's go get "the lamb" out of her tower." Elizabeth agrees, hoping onto the ship.

I step on to the craft and walk to the controls.

Its probably like driving a boat, right? I grab the pilot wheel and gently throttle the craft forward. We shakily rise up into the sky and start flying towards the Order of the Ravens Lodge.

Skill added

Piloting (Columbia's Hovercraft) (1/100)

God damnit Iris!

[Interlude: The beginning of something good.]

[Daisy Fitzroy POV]

I had just finished bandaging up another causality of Fink's horrible working conditions, a messenger burst through the door of our makeshift clinic.

"Daisy! I have a message for you from the Slayer." The man said excitedly.

I scoff; "Yeah right, and let me guess Fink is dead too."

"He is!" He exclaimed, causing all activity to halt in the room.

"Fink is dead?" I parrot back, causing him to nod enthusiastically.

"Yeah, the Slayer killed him personally this afternoon at the raffle." He stated, causing mutterings all around the room.

"Alright then, what was his message?" I ask

He fumbles for a minute, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket and beginning to read.

To Daisy Fitzroy,

Jeramiah Fink is dead. Hurry and make your move before Comstock recovers. I'll clear out the Songbird to make space. I'm on my way to "remove" the Fraternal order of the Raven, so if you need to use that as a staging ground, you are free to do so."

The entire room was silent as the man finished his message.

I jump up and address the room; Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't care if this guy is the real Slayer or not, he just gave us the opportunity we've been looking for. Arm yourselves and let's rally the troops!

This was met by resounding cheers as people ran about organizing people and preparing to free those still in chains.