Chapter 1: Alright lets Warmup . . . Time to Fuck up a God

[Tavish POV]

Sitting with my legs swinging of the edge of the island, I grasp a fishing pole in my hands as the sun shines brightly overhead.

This has truly been a wonderful vacation from the life of a gamer.

While it has been a bit . . . cartoony at times, it has been enjoyable for everyone, I think.

Harley had her crusade against Tom Nook, Ivy had her gardening and V was enjoying Bug catching surprisingly.

Eleanor had made it her mission in life to redecorate our home nearly every day, always finding something new to improve upon.

Thankfully, with all our hobbies combined, it brought in enough bells to fund that particular hobby.

Time was somewhat weird here, from how crops were grown, to time of season for certain activities.

Distilling liquor became a bit of a pastime as I relax and spend time with my companions. B.O.B was a very avid partner in this venture, as we figured out the basis for whisky and vodka between the two of us.

Neither of us went blind so I'd consider that a ringing endorsement.

V was truly enjoying herself here truth be told. The lack of Megacorp oversight, the untouched wild that wasn't artificial in any way, her body was actually getting healthier without having to fight off the pollutants of 2077.

Feeling a bite, I reel in the line, pulling out a small soft-shelled turtle.

Unhooking the little guy, I set him down gently next to me to let him explore as I cast my line again.

Overall, its peaceful outside of Harleys crusade against the "capitalist overlord" Tom Nook. I had no fucking idea what started it but after about a month of being here she was ranting about how he was running a monopolistic institution and how he cornered hapless vacationers into positions where they couldn't organize labor strikes and how he had reverted to 1800's style capitalism.

Personally, I understand where she's coming from, but I think she may be overreacting a tad.

Ah well, at least she's having fun.

"I see you made a new friend." I heard V chuckle from behind as I glance down at the little turtle I had set to the side.

"Yeah, couldn't bear to sell him in town so he can keep me company while I fish." I laugh, gently patting the little guy.

V sits down on my other side and leans against my shoulder.

"Are you concerned that your powers haven't returned yet?" She asked as I wrap my free arm around her.

"Eh, not overly. I know that it would take at least a year. A bit longer or shorter isn't a bad thing in the grand scheme of things." I muse aloud, watching the bobber bob up and down over the waves.

"Pray for sooner." V stated flatly and I looked at her inquisitively.

"While everyone is enjoying themselves, Harley is getting bored. And I think she's figured out how to make explosives . . ." V left the statement hanging.

"Well she was a supervillain in her past life . . ." I started to comment before realization set in.

Harley made explosives in one of the most wholesome videogames . . . .

. . .

Iris, if you're out there, please come back soon.

I don't need to deal with the consequences of her trying to firebomb Tom Nook's house.

[I don't know . . .]

[That seems to be on brand for your particular band of misfits.]

I grin in response.

Rather coincidental in timing you think Iris?

[You know me, always there in the nick of time.]

[Ready to hop back in the saddle partner?]

A familiar blue screen appeared in my vision, familiar words appearing on the front.

[Press Start to Begin!]

Hitting start, information screens spring to life around me as perks reassert themselves.

"So V . . . Want to come back here again?" I ask innocently as I reel in the line on my pole and pull her to her feet.

"Are you kidding?! I love it here! It honestly wouldn't be out of the question to move here. But why phrase it like that?" She questioned, warily at the grin grew across my face.

"I'm itching for a bit of adventure, let me stretch my legs with a warm-up." I state, snapping my fingers and a portal opened nearby.

"Alright, be sure to be back by dinner, Liz and Elise were wanting to try a new recipe." V said a grin spreading across her face.

"Alright! Be back in a tick!" and with that last comment, I leap through the portal.

[Well, lets select something suitable for getting back into the swing of things.]

[Ah! This should do nicely . . .]

Stepping through the portal, and out of a coffin, swirling argent wreathed my feet as I take in my surroundings.

I was surrounded by hooded cultist looking figures, each of their robes embroidered with the symbol of the slayer.

"Well, this is unexpected. I must confess, I wasn't sure he existed when you initially came forward. Yet here he stands . . ." a new voice interjects, causing me to turn and observe a beautiful woman with flowing midnight blue hair.

It was offset by her piercing emerald eyes, and her white dress inlaid with gold and navy colors.



Lvl - ?

Eldest of the Valkyrie

"If he didn't exist, all of the realms from heaven to earth would be in danger milady. For he serves as the bulwark against the denizens of hell." A nun nearby stated, her eyes sparkling with stars as she staired at me fervently.

The nun finally approached closer and knelt down; "King of the Night Sentinels. I beseech thee to help humanity in its time of need. Ragnarök approaches, and the gods seek our end. While your task has been conducted in the shadows of humanity, please step into the light and fell those that would threaten our survival." The nun begged, bowing her head down.

[Welcome, to Record of Ragnarök!]

A grin spreads across my face at her declaration.

You're the fucking best Iris.

Walking up and lifting the nun up to her feet, I speak; "None of that young lady. Was never one to stand on ceremony." I comment, the nun going stiff at my touch.

"He speaks!" One of the cultists whispers, causing an explosion of hushed whispers.

"As for your request . . . my crusade against the legions has ended, but mankind's foes will always find me standing at the forefront ready to kick their teeth in." I stated, the warm feeling of rage building in my veins.

"So what are we waiting for? I wish to add another few gods to my kill count!" I roar, the slayers armor appearing around my body, answering my rising fury.

"Wait, add more to your kill count? You've killed gods before?" Brunhilde asked eagerly, a savage grin spreading across her face.

"Lady I have a story or two to tell you . . ." I began as the exchange of information began.

[Time Skip]

[3rd Person POV]

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the next round of Ragnarök!" The announcers voice boomed out through the stadium, the hundreds of thousands of individuals gathered here cheering wildly.

"For the Gods, he stands as the Bhairava of the Cosmos, leader of the Hindu Parthenon . . . ." The announcer stated as a horde of elephants surged onto the battlefield.

A four-armed man with purple skin, and five eyes rode out onto the field on the back of one of these elephants, a roar of applause from the Hindu pantheon meeting him.

"The Supreme Being! The God of Destruction! Shiva!" The announcer finished, as Shiva jumped down from his mount.

"The Creator, and the destroyer! Reality stands as putty before this god, as he smashes his way to the top!" The announcer continues to ham up the appearance of the Hindu God.

"While for humanity, on this night, we bring you a special guest that time forgot!" The voice continued, a gleaming red pentagram appearing on the stage.

"In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer." The announcer finished, as a beam of argent shot into the sky.

A green armored figure appeared in the beam of light, his feet hitting the stage as the earth quaked under his boots hitting the stadium floor.

An invisible wave of power shot out from the being, and the assembled entities started shaking in fear.

"Transcending the bonds of man, his rage allowed him to rip and tear his way to the heart of hell, and carve out the heart of the Dark Lord before continuing across time and space as humanities defender, claiming the title; God slayer. His rage finally carrying him to the sounds of Ragnarök, to remind all gods of who stands in their way. That regardless of their designs on humanities fall, they have to answer to him."

The armored man's sight locked onto the purple skinned god, a shotgun appeared in his hands and he racks a shell with malicious intent as he steps towards his opponent.

[Hermes POV]

"Who the hell is that?!" Ares exclaimed, shaking in his seat, pushing his chair further back.

I feel like I've swallowed a rock as I observe Shiva's opponent.

Humanity has someone who has actually killed a god?

Why have I never heard of such a being?

The only possible way I can think of is if he predated even the gods . . .

"I had heard the legend but to think he would return here . . ." A new voice interjected, and I turned to see the tall form of my uncle.

"Hades!" Ares exclaimed, immediately giving up his seat for the god of the underworld.

"Before I took control of the underworld, I found out that demons weren't the initial inhabitants, simply the aftermath of the realms coming together to form something that could place foundations for our reality to exist." Uncle started, taking the offered seat.

"Hell itself, is an ever-growing realm that devours any realm that falls into its grasp, but one thing held it back."

"A human who's rage was so potent, that he gained the fear of the demons themselves." Hades finished, observing the few robed supporters starting to congregate in the crowd.

"And the legends were passed down amongst the humans themselves. Enough that he retains a small, yet persistent following." Uncle stated gesturing at the cultists that started making themselves known.

"Is their anything that we actually know about him?" Ares questioned, causing Hades to shake his head.

"Precious little. Only bits of rumors and hearsay. I once laid eyes on an ancient beast that he supposedly fought, but Beelzebub immediately snapped him up for one of his projects." Uncle replied, exasperation prevalent when talking about the reclusive Devil.

My eyes snap back to the arena when the announcer announced the start of the match. What surprises did this supposed Doom Slayer have in store for us?

[Tavish POV]

New Quest Added!

[The Drums of Ragnarök: Part 1]

The Gods have deemed humanities time is up. Show them otherwise!

Objective: Kill Shiva

Bonus Objective: Make a statement the god won't forget.

Reward: ?

There is something certainly thrilling about an arena fight like this. My opponent was grinning at me despite the overwhelming fear I was putting out.

"Wow! That Valkyrie really pulled out all the stops on this one . . . A God Slayer just for little old me? I'm touched, truly." Shiva commented, stretching out his four arms.

"Eh, sorry to bust your bubble mate, but she just swapped me in for the other fighter. I believe he's currently stuck in a sex induced coma, and it was more practical to throw my sorry hide into the ring than try to wake him up." I inform apologetically, causing a flash of surprise to cross his face.

"Really?" he asked me flatly, a touch of irritation crossing his features.

"Yeah, 'fraid so. Cheer up though! I'll give you a proper wallopin' in his place." I cheerfully inform, dropping into the stance for the "slayer's fist", the shotgun held loosely in my hand.

"And you think you can do that? With a shotgun no less?" Shiva mocked as he braced for our first clash.

"Oh sweetheart, this is just the appetizer . . ." I state, a bloodthirsty grin growing across my face.

Perk Activated!

[Indomitable Rage!]

Earth exploded from under my feet as I lunge at my opponent. Sweeping a leg to trip him up, my shotgun swings up, placing the barrel directly under his chin.

Channeling raw argent through the weapon, I pull the trigger, discharging the gun into his face. Not checking the damage, my arm hooks under his thigh, ripping his legs out from under him. The Doom blade extended and I drove it twice into the leg I had ahold of, before the other leg wrapped around my neck.

Disabling my weight reduction, I slam myself down on top of the Hindu god, causing the leg to release, and I jump up and back to give myself some space.

Seeing the slightly bloody punctures under his chin, it appears that the shotgun was less effective than I had hoped, but I was a bit glad that he didn't fall to that.

Would have made for a rather disappointing god if all I needed was a shotgun to take him out.

In contrast, the doom blade was significantly more damaging as the two gaping wounds were revealed as he got to his feet.

I did have to hand it to Shiva though, he was being a real trooper for tanking it out as blood gushed from the wound to the stadium floor.

"Wonderful staying power there, bucko! Shall we kick it up a notch?" I offer as I drop the shotgun into my inventory and pull out Stormreaver.

The soft blue glow of sentinel energy illuminated the area as the bearded axe was brought into play.

"You'll have to forgive me, it been a year since I last planted my boot in the ass of a god. But I hope my example gets through." I state examining the axe with touch of excitement.

"Hmph! You speak so casually about such a thing, yet can you back it up?" Shiva questioned as he started moving erratically, the Hindu pantheon creating a beat to match his movements.

"Oh?! It looks like Shiva is initiating his war dance!" I heard the announcer state excitedly.

The air started crackling with heat as the gods movements intensified, whisps of fire surrounding the god.

Well two can play at that game Shiva.

[Storm Rage]

Lightning crackled off my body as storm clouds formed overhead creating a temperature inversion.

Drops of rain started falling, increasing rapidly into a full-on monsoon that surrounded the stadium.

"The personification of all of the rage of humanity, the slayers rage is so potent, it affects the very world around him!" The announcer screamed excitedly.

Damn fucking right it does. But we're missing something . . .

The rhythm provided for Shiva's dance is too weird for my tastes, so I'll help them out a bit!

["Axe" of the Slayer]

A familiar guitar riff filled the stadium, slowly overriding the beat of the Hindu pantheon.

[BGM: Thunderstruck]

Lightning hit the arena with every refrain of "Thunder" as the surrounding mortals who recognized the song joined in.

Shiva however, had enough of a beat built up to maintain the flames arcing around his body as multiple images leap forward with a flurry of kicks.

The kicks scored strikes on my armor, melting through the plating but stopping against pieces of my exposed chest.

My fire immunity took care of any damage in that regard, but damn, his kicks hurt like hell, leaving massive bruising behind.

What was probably the most confusing part of this was I kept misjudging his strike as the god danced faster and faster, creating the illusion of multiple opponents.

It was when a foot came up and shattered my helmet, and I was forced to tear it off that I decided I had enough of that.


The illusions disappeared as Shiva slowed down drastically, with his leg inches from my face.

Well, who am I to turn down such an invitation?

[3rd Person POV]

The fight came to a sudden halt as Shiva collapsed screaming on the floor, the leg that had delivered the latest blow torn off under the knee. But the remainder of the leg was suspiciously missing.

The Slayer's doom blade was extended with his right hand grasping the remains of Shiva's leg, before he dropped it into a sub-space of some sort.

He then pulled a chainsaw out of the same space and pulled its cord, the bloodthirsty scream of the tool.

"YOU GODS STAND SO EAGER TO SEE THE DEATH OF HUMANS! YET WHEN THE SHOE IS ON THE OTHER FOOT, YOUR VOICES GO MYTERIOUSLY QUIET!" The Slayer roars at the assembled gods as he takes two of Shiva's arms, his godly blood splattering on the arena floor.

"SO WILLING TO TURN EARTH INTO THE STAGE YOU USE TO SLAY HUMANS, SO I MAKE MY COUNTER OFFER!" He continued, the chainsaw being exchanged for a sword that ignites with gleaming red energy. He plunged the blade through Shiva's heart and snapped it off at the hilt.


The Slayer then turned on his heel and made his way towards the gate on the human's side of the arena.

It was a few minutes after he left that the stunned announcer declared the victory in favor of the slayer.

But amongst the cheers of the human side, a new chant had started. Reverberating against the very bones of the gods.




While it was primarily led by the cultists, the other humans had no issue taking up the mantra.

The gods were suspiciously silent. The sudden gory death of the Hindu god, as well as the Slayer's declaration of war, left the assembled immortals feeling as if a lead weigh had dropped into their stomachs.

[Time Skip]

[Tavish POV]

I sat in a small arboretum that contained a large fountain as I quietly assembled a desert eagle. For the duration of my "vacation", my nano machines had laid in a dormant state.

Now that I had my powers back, the hive of activity within my body sprung to life as it resumed creating and innovating.

The side effect, resulted in the firearm in my hands as they shook off rust and got back into the swing of things.

While the fact that I had a foundry/workshop residing within my body did perturb me a bit, I brushed it off and started loading the newly finished gun.

I wanted to experiment with a type of "Spell Gun" and was trying to decide on a format that I would deem acceptable.

Quite frankly, I felt that the desert eagle was ill suited to contain all I wanted to accomplish with it. But as far as enhancing it with runes and technomancy . . . it was certainly something else.

Chambered in .50 AE, this hand cannon's basic rounds were determined by the type of magazine slotted in.

From high explosive, to incendiary, it should provide me a significant chunk of milage depending on where I went next.

I wanted to create some anti-magic, or maybe some anti-divinity rounds, but I guess my understanding of the two topics wasn't enough to actually craft those.

Ah well, I honestly was just killing time anyway.

Brunhilde had requested that I hang around a bit longer "just in case", so here I was, finding ways to occupy myself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favor of the Valkyries being on humanities side in all of this, but fuck me if Brunhilde isn't one of the craziest people I've ever met. And I've met a handful of cyberpsycho's in my time.

The maniacal look on her face after I killed Shiva was very disconcerting, so given the chance, I got out of there as fast as I could.

But to be honest, I wouldn't mind going back for round two based off of the loot I received from that last fight.

Quest Complete!

Rewards: Racial Mutation: Shiva, Hindu Loot Box, Skill max token (Yoga).

[Racial Mutation: Shiva]

A genetic mutation that can be applied to a growth type race that has a "Epic" or lesser designation for an unexpected surprise.

Warning: Must be applied to a race not yet used.

[Skill Max Token: Yoga]

A token that maxes out the ranks of the specified skill.

I already threw the mutation on the snake race I had lying around and was debating on opening the loot crate, before a rather interesting disturbance.



Lvl – God

Thoughts: Curiosity, apathy


Lvl – God

Thoughts: Bloodthirsty, scheming

Huh . . .

I thought this particular confrontation would be happening during my fight.

They were currently facing off on the other side of the fountain from where I was tinkering so I don't think Loki had noticed me yet.

Buddha was definitely aware of my presence though. His thought tag that came up in observe switched to curiosity as soon as I observed him.

I half expected that though with the way he could view energy.

Slowly pulling the Super Shotgun from my inventory, I listen as the chanting of the heavenly pillars fill the room.

The Heavenly pillars, or the seven lucky gods, proclaimed themselves as the heavenly executioners.

Quite frankly, I wasn't up enough on my mythology to validate their supposed claim, or what they actually did. Personally, I thought they were a bunch of pretentious fuckwits. But they did all combine into Zerofuku, the god of misfortune.

Zerofuku was the unfortunate victim of humanities greed, giving until he had nothing but misfortune left, and a ravenous hate for the Buddha. Not hard to figure why he wanted to kill humans anyway.

All of this exacerbated by Beelzebub as one of his experiments.

. . . . .

Putting aside my desire to rip the demon in half, I listen as the conversation gets more and more interesting as Kojiro Sasaki made his appearance with his fellow swordsmen.

Guess I'll throw my lot in for funsies


Leaping backwards over the fountain, I lock in on Loki.

My feet hit his shoulders, slamming him into the floor and shattering his teeth jamming the barrel of the Super Shotgun in his mouth.

I finish off with the crucible igniting under the throat of Bishamonten, the leader of the heavenly pillars, before releasing the Sandevistan back to normal speed.

The rest of the heavenly pillars started in shock as Loki screamed in pain from the explosive rearrangement of his dental work.

"Whats the phrase Loki; Talk shit, get hit? I growl savagely, the trickster god glaring up at me from around the barrel of the gun, blood gushing out the corners of his mouth.

"Huh. I was wondering when you were going to make a move Mr. Slayer." Buddha commented blankly, surprising the swordsmen that had stepped up to help.

"Ah, you know. You guys look like you had it handled, but I just had to remind these guys what would happen if they try to uphold their "supposed" justice here." I comment breaking another of Loki's teeth when he tried to get squirmy.

"Are you seeking war Slayer?" Bishamonten growled glaring at me.

"Are you able to take my boot up your ass? 'Cause that's the only result you'll get if you keep trying that shit." I threaten, reminding him of the blade against his throat.

Then the earth exploded next to us, Zeus and Odin stepping out of the debris.

"That's enough! Don't go starting trouble. Leave it for when Ragnarök finishes." Zeus rumbles, as his muscles twist and writhe back to normal.

I heavily debated on whether to just pull the trigger, but I doubt Zeus would let me off the hook.

Turning off the blade of the crucible, I slowly pull the barrel of the shotgun out of Loki's chops.

"Alrighty then! Do remind fucknuts here that if he tries this shit again, I'll do more than smash his teeth." I airily throw over my shoulder as I wander away, passing an emotionless Odin.

[Time Skip]

Unfortunately, that debacle with Loki resulted in the Gods very gently, but very firmly requesting that I stay in my quarters.

Buddha thought it was hilarious, and ended up chilling in my room until he decided to leave for a match of his own.

Honestly, if we were left together, I feel as if we'd get up to too much trouble.

Ended up exchanging him a large portion of my gourmet world candy for a big old loot crate containing various odds and ends.

Now that his fight was over however, it sounded like they wanted to hold an interim fight before the next match, and Brunhilde requested I hop into the ring once more.

I was all game for fighting another god, but something seemed off as I walked out into the arena once more.

Tuning out the announcer, I was more focused on the metal contraption being rolled into the arena, all sorts of piping and tubes being disconnected as they did so.

The covering was ripped from the container exposing the monstrosity within and my eyes alighted with rage.

Those fucks couldn't be more blatant . . . . .

[3rd Person POV]

"From the workshop of Beelzebub! A monstrosity from before gods started treading the earth, a hunter has been reborn. Specifically designed to hunt the Slayer and his Night Sentinels during the unholy crusades, The Doom Hunter, stalks the battlefield once more!

The covering unveils the cybernetically enhanced demon, its optic glowing a baleful yellow as it boots up.

"Will the Slayer prevail against such a ancient, lethal enemy? Or will he fall, like so many . . ."


Everyone looked at the arena to see the Slayer rip the Doom hunter from its rocket sled before pouncing on its crimpled form.

Breaking off both of its massive horns, and ramming them through where the lungs should be, he uses the leverage to suplex the demon head first into the floor with a neck shattering crack.

Grabbing ahold of the chainsaw arm, He ripped it off and used it to destroy the head.

"YOU FUCKS WANT TO KILL ME?! BRING ME ANOTHER GOD!" The Slayers rage palpable.

The arena was dead silent in answer to the Slayers challenge, none quite believing that the fight was over so fast.

"What's wrong? Y'all too cowardly to step into the ring? Afraid I might mount another god's head on my mantle?" His mocking calls enraged many, but no response came forth.

"Fine . . . If no one wants to step up, I'll have to make you step up!" He roared, his fabled Super Shotgun appearing in his hands.

He fired the meathook into the stands, directly at Lady Aphrodite, her man servants panicking before an unseen force knocked the meathook off course, impaling the wall behind the goddess.

"Fine . . . I was hoping I finally created something that would kill me, but it appears the time I spent resurrecting the creature was all for naught." A new voice floats through the arena.

[Tavish POV]



Lvl – God

Thoughts: Interest, Can you kill him?

New Quest added!

[The Drums of Ragnarök: part 2]

Objective: Kill Beelzebub.

Reward: ?

"I am a bit curious though. Why target Aphrodite of all gods?" The demon questioned, his skull topped cane hitting the ground with a slight vibration.

"Why? She was one of several who voted for humanities eradication. I was just making my way down the list. She was just going to be my first example to show that I'm not fucking around." I return, ripping the meathook out of the wall, a brick coming with it and landing in the arena between us.

"Funny . . . so you'd have no issue doing the same to Zeus? Or Odin? Even after all the atrocities humans have committed?" Beelzebub's voice carried around the arena with perfect clarity.

"HA! Hell no I don't have a problem with threatening those two! As for humanities atrocities, aren't we created in the image of the gods? If we've done some dark shit, what's that in comparison to what the gods have done?" I snapped back, a grin growing across my face.

The arena fell dead silent at that proclamation.

"Just 'cause you looked in the mirror and didn't like what you saw, doesn't mean you get to be a petulant child and break the mirror. You pedantic sacks of shi-." The rest of my statement was cut off as a blast of force slashed where I was standing.

"Oh, I fucking hit the nail on the head, didn't I?" I cackle as vibrations rattle through my being, breaking up the remains of my armor.

Definitely felt that one as I couldn't escape all of the hit.

A glare met me across the arena from the god of darkness as he walked slowly towards me.

Alright then, lets dance demon.

Shrugging the remains of the armor off, the last round of vibrations destroying what Shiva hadn't melted, I reach into my inventory and pull out the blades of chaos.

"Nano machines, break down and analyze these." I silently command and the machines swirl around my arms and consume the blades and chains into whatever sub-space they happen to use.

-[Template added to archive!]-

"Reformat and integrate new design. Use the Crucible as a base design." I state doing mental calculations as I come to a halt twenty feet from the priest of gluttony.

-[I have no idea what I just woke up to, but I am here for it!]-

"Ah! 'Sup Mag'ladroth! How've you been?" I question the excited machine god.

-[Quite bored frankly. You did provide a point of excitement for my existence.]-

"Well hopefully I can provide some more." I comment sarcastically as argent chains wrap around my arms as the handles for two new blades form.

[Blades of Argent]

An amalgamation of two designs, this truly melds the demon slaying capabilities, with those of slaying gods! You never quite understood what the demonic symbols on the blades meant, but that didn't stop this or the crucible from looking badass!

Igniting the new blades for the first time, I admire the red glow before turning to the god; "Alright, I created this new toy just now, so you be gentle with it okay~!"

Beelzebub was slowly growing angrier and angrier at my nonchalant attitude to the situation, and silently grabbed the air, and pulled, causing the very air to vibrate apart, causing a distinct lack of oxygen to make itself prevalent in the area.

"This should shut your insufferable trap . . ." He said in his monitone, as I was choking.

Fuck, this guy wants to play hardball? Alrighty then, lets play.

Judging by the vibrating air, he must have vibrated oxygen molecules in the area apart so it was hard to breath.

Beelzebub raised his arm while I was contemplating life, and snapped his fingers, Engulfing me in a massive explosion.



My internal Geiger counter was suddenly going off, as I watched my health bar tick down.

A side note that I had noticed was that Iris had replaced my health points with a percentage gauge, as well as the mana and stamina gauges.

I tried to activate a helmet on my nano armor, but an explosion engulfed my head this time as Beelzebub snapped his fingers again.


Looks like I'll have to just push through.

Perks Activated!

[Until it is Done]

The limits of your rage have been removed allowing you to push past the limits of your stamina and mana while raging.


Allows the Slayer to redistribute his HP/SP/MP if one of these stats reaches zero.

While I could no longer breath, I was now getting angry.

I didn't realize before but I was slumped over on the ground, so I slam my fist into the floor and drag myself to my feet.

"Huh, usually most humans would have at least passed out by now . . . and they die after five minutes without oxygen. I wonder how long you'll last?" Beelzebub questioned blankly.

[Indomitable Rage]

[Storm Rage]

[Apex Daddy's home]

[Memories of Rage]

[Stand Before the Horde]

[The only thing they fear is you]

I slammed my foot into the earth, shaking the arena as raindrops fell and divided as they entered the area where molecules were vibrating apart.

My eyes locked on every single god that sat in the stands, cheering for the end of humanity.

This made it slightly easier to breath, but the "vibration field" I seemed to be stuck in was racing to keep up.

I was seeing red at this point as I grasped my blades tighter and lunged at the demon.

Beelzebub almost smiled at this; "And here I thought I was supposed to be the demon . . ." He drawled, slashing his hand through the air, leaving a vibration blade flying at me.

Dropping to a slide underneath the blade, I slash up across his face before I'm blown back by another explosion.

Digging my blades into the ground to halt my backward propulsion, I look up to see the god holding his bleeding face, the slash wound going across his left eye.

Letting loose the blades, I grasp the chains and slam the blades down atop the god forcing him to dodge to the right, their impact causing the earth to shatter.

Flipping up and over, I use the blades to launch me towards Beelzebub.


Embedding one of the blades in the floor, I wrap the chain several times around the demons neck, as yank it tight, my vision flickering as I forced my body through the lack of oxygen.

My lack of oxygen was suddenly resolved as Beelzebub was preoccupied with his sudden choking.

"Tit for tat, fucker. Lets see how you like it!" I snarl at the frantically choking demon.

He threw another wave of vibration that nicked my cheek, so I tightened the chains further, crushing his windpipe.

His eyes roll up into his head as he foams at the mouth a little, before collapsing limply.

I tighten my grip, and grab the other blade to finish him off, only for his head to twist a hundred and eighty degrees, his eyes completely black.

His joints crack as it breaks to reposition and his hand rams through my heart.

Blood gushes from my mouth as my heart explodes.

[Indomitable Will]

Your sheer willpower, drives you forward regardless of injury, as you seek to kill anything in your path. None can chain the mind of the slayer or stop him from carrying out his objective.


"FUCK OFF SATAN! I'm trying to kill this little shit!" I roar, my fist causing his head to spin a further three hundred degrees as Beelzebub's body takes on full "blare witch" effect.

It was bad enough when Beelzebub was causing nuclear fission just through vibrations, I didn't need Satan intervening on his behalf.

Kicking the horrific monstrosity away from me, revealing the gaping wound in my chest to the wider stadium, I pull out the BFG.

"DIE!" I scream as the high-density argent plasma, blows the limbs off the monstrosity.


The Betrayers hammer makes itself known as I bring it down on his head, turning it into a pulp.

Driving the Crucible through his chest, I snap off the blade once more, and nearly collapse as I try to regenerate the damage.

Dragging myself to my feet, I turn to face the gods side once more.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKS IS NEXT?! I CAN DO THIS ALL FUCKIN' DAY, SO WHO'S THE NEXT CARCASE THAT NEEDS A NEW ASSHOLE!" I roar out once more, into the dead silence of the arena.

"What an upset! The Slayer takes victory in his latest match!" I hear the announcer yell faintly, as my bloodlust seeks for a new target.

Until I felt a tugging on my pantleg that is.

I look down to see the small Valkyrie. Göll I think?

She was clearly shaking from having to approach so close to my bloody form, as I look down at her.

"M-Mr. Slayer? C-can you come with me for a bit? They need to clean up for the next match." She stuttered, clearly terrified at what I might do in response.

Reigning in my fury, I gently pat her on the head.

"None of that Mr. Slayer stuff Miss. I'm just Tavish." I chortle slightly, before a hacking cough reminds me of the heart attempting to regenerate.

Oddly enough, now that I wasn't raging, it was kinda hard to move around without a heart to pump blood and all that junk.

Step by step, I made my way back to the human's side, the doors opening as I approached.

[Time Skip]

After that last bout, I was asked to step back to let the gods "cool off", so I decided to move everyone back to the fortress.

Stepping through a portal into the Fortress of Doom, I reflect on the minute changes to perks and skills.

Its as if the system has gone through a mass generalization of a lot of existing perks and skills.

Honestly, I don't care that much. In the grand scheme of things, big numbers helped me make more things go boom, so generalization helped me not have to do maths.

The first thing I noticed walking through the fortress was a room labeled "Player Body"

[Ah! This has been something I've been messing with for a while.]

[Take a look!]

Following Iris's advice, I step through the archway into a big room filled with two large tubes.

Within the first tube it looked identical to me, but within the second tube, I saw a copy of my lich form.

[This is your Player Body room.]

[Its designed to keep a record of every race and power set you've used over the course of your adventures!]

[The one in the center that looks like you is what I call "The Origin" Body]

[It will keep a record of all of your accumulated power across all forms.]

[The skeleton body is obviously from when you were a Lich, and it keeps the record specifically of that form.]

A handful of other cylinders rise up from the floor, revealing a Doom Slayer, a werewolf, and a human sized egg.


[Snake Race] (Mythic)

Lvl – 0

Thoughts – None

[These forms will be represented in their base state, and will represent your level of "growth" with each race.]

Walking over to the "Origin Body" I start messing with the terminal as I look over and confirm what Iris is saying.

"Can I fuse one more thing with the Snake body before I take it out for a spin?" I ask Iris.

[You can . . .]

[Just remember, that the Snake form is locked to a particular challenge token.]

[So If you start it, you're in it for the long haul.]

"What was the challenge attached to that particular form?"


[You have extremely limited access to previously acquired powers.]

[You are allowed a single class to select before leaving.]

[Live long enough to leave the world.]

That's it?

Checking on the location of my companions, Ivy had immediately went to check on the progress of the Ark while Liz and Elise were practicing with their "tear" abilities.

Harley was busy playing with Wolfe and Bear, and V was experimenting with some of the fruit trees I had cultivated before the system shutdown.

I think she was attempting some canning, but I hadn't asked her directly.

Making up my mind, I take the rewards from my fight with Beelzebub.

Reward: Sin of Gluttony Perk, The Research of Beelzebub, Skull Cane, Two-faced Perk

[Sin of Gluttony: Assimilate] (Mythic)

Grants the ability to gain power from what you eat and removes the limits of what you can consume.

[The Research of Beelzebub] (Epic)

Beelzebub spent many years researching various was to kill himself leaving an extensive collection if information behind after his death.

[Skull Cane] (Epic)

The culmination of Beelzebub's research on vibration magic. This is his grimoire/amplifier when using such magics.

[Perk: Two-Face] (Rare)

If you are attacked while asleep or unconscious, your subconscious will run to your defense and make decisions on your behalf for the duration of while you're in danger.

Adding the "Assimilate" perk to the snake body, I select "monster tamer" as the class to take with.

[Why monster tamer?]

[What happens if you end up in the mass effect world?]

[Or somewhere else equally scifi?]

"Then I just might be fucked then, Won't I?" I cheerfully reply to Iris's query.


[Alrighty! The world has been selected!]

[Anything you need to do before we depart?]

"Nah. Everyone else is unaware of the passage of time right?" I question, getting a quick affirmation in return.

"Alright then, hit me with it Iris!" I cheer, falling through the portal that opened underneath me.

[Initiating World Jump!]

[Syncing with new body!]

[Sync complete in . . .]




[Happy Birthday!]

I lose all sensation of my original body as I feel as if my body rearranges, as coils and coils layer on top of each other until darkness hits, and my consciousness fades out.

[Time Skip]

My world comes back to darkness, as it feels like I'm trapped in a small space.

New Quest added!

[Survival of the fittest!]

A new snake has been born into the forest. Its up to you if you'll die immediately, or gropw to be the apex predator of the area.

Objective 1: Break out of your egg, and find some food [ ]

Objective 2: Evolve and get stronger [ ]

Objective 3: Discover the oddities of the world [ ]

Objective 4: ?

Bonus Objectives: ?

Objective four was still a mystery, but lets leave that for later.

Lets get out of here first . . .

I contract my body and ram myself nose first into the wall of my container.


A crack formed. A tiny crack but a crack none the less.

Wedging myself against it I spend several hours making it wider, and eventually push out.

It was a complete mindfuck not having any arms, or legs for that matter, but I made do with what I had.

It was an odd experience at how wide my overall vision was. It felt abnormal even for a snake, but that was nothing until my tongue flicked out reflexively and tasted the air for the first time.

Nothing had been in this cave for roughly five days, but I was already sensed something edible outside the cave entrance.

I tried to walk forward but just fell flat on my face, quickly realizing that my lack of legs would be to my detriment.

Thankfully, somewhere in the primal part of my being, something clicked and allowed me to transition once I properly register that I no longer walked around.

Slithering out, the sunlight hits my scales, and I let my eyes adjust to the light.

A rabbit with a single horn sticking out of its forehead sat at the base of a tree, about four meters to the right, so I duck down and creep closer.

The rabbit thing looks up and around, causing me to freeze, before it resumes cleaning itself.

Show time!

Coiling my muscles, I aim at the rabbit's back and spring!

My teeth sink into the rabbit and it thrashes around, its horn raking down my side.

I hold gamely on as notifications fill my vision.

Abilities discovered!

[Pounce] (1/100)

The Snake equivalent of Sneak attack! Can increase your damage by x 2 if you catch an enemy by surprise.

[Poison glands: Minor] (1/100)

You secrete poison in your glands! Biting an opponent will provide a minor "poisoned" status to deal damage overtime!

Ignoring the notifications, I wrap my body around my prey until finally, it struggles weaken and it finally, lays still.

I uncoil from the rabbit, and glance at my health bar, noticing that I had about 75% of my health gone!

Looks like I'm going to have to be a hell of a lot more careful here.

Now . . . am I supposed to just swallow this thing or what?

I need to find a lake or something . . .

Fortunately, their was a river nearby and I was able to glance at what I looked like finally.

The river showed two sets of eyes looking back at me, with weird gold stripes on my face, one of them looking like another eye of all things.

Opening up my mouth I saw rows of sharp fangs filling my mouth to the brim. Kinda reminded me of that basilisk from harry potter with the number of fangs I was sporting, but no matter.

Turning back to the dead rabbit I bit into it and started swallowing, feeling the rabbit disappear in my gut as my health slowly regenerated.

Assimilate activates!

You learned the ability: Escape (1/100)

The fuck?

No description, no details . . . .

The hell am I supposed to do with this?

Am I a goddamn Pokémon or something?!

[Omake: The Infinite and the Slayer]

A large hooded Necron made his way through the halls of one of his many galleries. Taking his time, he stopped to write notes when a new voice interjected into the air around him.

"Absolutely gorgeous collection of Tech you have here friend, but I do believe it is missing a few pieces . . ." the voice mused, causing the Necron to whirl around.

"Possibly, but I generally don't like discussing the contents of such thing with mysterious voices." The necron idly commented.

"Fair . . . check to your left . . ." The necron whirled towards the voice revealing a large man with red hair trailing down to his shoulders.

"Sorry 'bout the hair, keep forgetting to cut it." The man muses idly.

"Metal is much more efficient . . ." the necron replied leaning on his staff now that he had eyes on the supposed intruder.

"Anyway, I wasn't talking about this particular collection . . ." The redhead stated gesturing to the squad of Catachan warriors that I was observing; "I'm talking about universally." He said gesturing, and a hologram of Holy Terra appeared in his hand, and then copies of the planet appeared around it each with different labels and designations.

"Have you ever heard of Multiversal theory?" the man stated invitingly as the necron pages through and reads several descriptions.

"Your offer intrigues me . . ." The necron commented his eyes brightening at the potential offered to him.

"I wish to establish a trade partnership, as mutual collectors of course. . ." The man offered.

"What is your proof?" The necron asked guardedly.

The man pulls a large double barreled sawed-off shot gun out of a sub-space.

"As a token of trust, I present the Force-A-Nature. A very rare shotgun from a human-variant world." The man said holding out for examination.

The necron examines the weapon with multiple different types of scanners, before letting out a satisfied noise and looked at the man.

"Very well, I Trazyn, Am willing to deal Mr . . ." The necron asked leadingly.

"Tavish Byrne, may this agreement be fruitful for both of us!" The man exclaims cheerfully.

The two leave discussing possible "wish lists" as Trazyn guides his new guest through the many halls of his collections.