Mind Prowess

'I should take advantage of my high mental attribute, and learn to shield my mind. Don't know who can read my thoughts right now.'

'King of Gods world has an eye prowess known as [God's Spiritual Eye] which I can steal from Zhao Feng and can directly upgrade my mental prowess to god levels, and the world of Harry Potter also has mind arts knowns as Occlumancy and Legilimency.

I cannot risk going to the King of Gods world right now as I don't know when and where I will be transported to, so it's best if I first go to the Harry Potter World and get those mind arts. I could also go to the world of Naruto and acquire the eye Prowess known as Rinnegan. I can tame the beast and use 'Kamui' to store them for easy access…Hmm.. Decisions Descisons.'


After planning for his next course of action, Hong Chen called the system in his mindscape.

'System, How many Salvage Shards will it take for me to go to the Harry Potter World?'

[Harry Potter World: 100 Salvage Shards/6 Months]

'Alright, I want to travel to the Harry Potter world.'

As soon as he confirmed, Hong Chen found himself in a forest, opposite to a Nundu.

Without thinking too much, he immediately used the [Three Thousand Lightning Movement] and created a distance between him and Nundu, and used [Oscilating Thunder] right after to instantly kill the Nundu with a heart attack.

The world of Harry Potter was indeed dangerous, but to cultivators like Hong Chen, it was but a time-consuming dungeon with moderate rewards.

Hong Chen stored Nundu's dead body in his system storage and used his Spiritual senses to know where the hell he has landed.

He willed his wings to come out, and soon, he propelled himself above the trees with his terrifying Rank 5 Purple Cloud Black Fire Eagle wings.

Flying for about an hour in a straight line, he saw a road, after which he sped up and started to fly towards the nearest town.

It wasn't long after that when he saw a signboard which displayed 'Hogsmede', after which he landed on the road and his wings vanished.

The town of Hogsmede was bustling with activities as always. Recently there had been a piece of news in the Quibbler that Harry Potter has put his name in the goblet of fire.

There were quite a lot of witches and wizards here, so before entering the town, Hong Chen wore a long overcoat on his traditional Chinese dress, which would've garnered him some attention that he didn't want.

Entering the town, Hong Chen started looking for the books shop, and soon he found the shop named 'Tomes and Scrolls' and simply walked in.

Hong Chen was not interested in other Wizard spells, which cannot do much against cultivators, and hence, his only focus was on the Tomes of Occlumancy, Legilimency and a couple others.

The crowd worked in Hong Chen's favour when he found the Tomes on these topics and simply made them vanish from the shelves and into his system storage, before walking out.

The shop had magical wards which could detect when a book was being taken out of the shop without paying, but since the books were in his system storage, the wards didn't alert the staff, who were too busy helping customers.

'Well, that was a smooth sailing. My luck is not that bad, it seems.'




Hong Chen went back into the forest he had appeared in and soon found the cave of Nundu which he had killed.

After summoning a comfortable bed in the cave from his spatial ring, he sat cross-legged on it and went to his System storage.

[Tome of Occlumancy]

[The Mind arts to secure one's mind against mental probes, and create a mental palace.]

[Evolve: Locked] [Use: Will Destroy the Tome] [Non-Salavageble. Only one-time use Skill Tome are Salvageable.]

'Use, Next'

[Tome of Legilimency]

[The Mind arts to read surface thoughts of anyone with an eye contact.]

[Evolve: Locked] [Use: Will Destroy the Tome] [Non-Salavageble. Only one-time use Skill Tome are Salvageable.]

'Use, Status'.


[Name: Hong Chen

Age: 15

Physical Attribute: 45

Mental Attribute: 470

Bloodline: Human

Cultivation: 4-Star Dou Master

Professions: Inscriptions(784/3000 Minor)

Skills: Three Thousand Lightning Movement(35/2000 Perfection), Wind-Lightning Dual Mantra(402/2000 Perfection), Oscillating Thunder(105/4000 Major), Crazy Lion Roar(5/400 Minor), Occlumancy(1/200 Minor), Legilimency(1/300 Minor)

Special Skills: Purple Void Lightning(1573/10,000 Minor), Purple Cloud Black Fire Eagle Wings(Evolve: 5000 Salvage Shards)

Equipment: Thunder Smite, 2 x Skill Scroll [A Million Lightning Blades] (Power: 1 Star Dou Ancestor)

Salvage Shards: 4789]

'Upgrade Occlumancy to peak perfection directly'

[Upgrading [Occlumancy] to Peak Perfection: 900 Salvage Shards]

[Occlumancy is ready for evolution. Evolve Price: 4000 Salvage Shards.]

[Legilimency has automatically been upgraded to Major Tier due to codependency on Occlumancy]

Suddenly, as if the floodgates of memories he didn't know he had opened for Hong Chen.

Memories of his when he opened his eyes for the first time; Memories of the joyful face of his father who saw him walk for the first time; Memories of him meeting his Master Chen Yun for the first time.

His previously empty Mindscape soon started to change dramatically and converted into a space with large Quasars, Planets, Solar systems and whatnot.

He could feel that if anyone dares to look into his mind, he can trap them here for eternity, or kill them directly if their soul is weaker than his.

Even a stronger enemy would receive a major backlash if they tried to pry into his mind and he were to trap or kill their spiritual sense in his mindscape.

Suddenly Hong Chen could remember each and every detail of even the soul he had absorbed. He could see all his memory in great detail, and could study the novels that soul had read.

Occlumancy made an Index in his mind, in which he only needed to think of something, and all the information on it would be presented to him like a search result from his memories.


A Bright Smile appeared on Hong Chen's face and he started to fly towards the muggle London.



'He is so handsome! Is he a Model!?'

'Huh…Who is this guy? Kind of looks like those Chinese Actors.'

Hong Chen was using Legilimency left and right so he could upgrade it faster.

It had been 3 months since he had come to this world and was continuously cultivating and using Legilimency to upgrade himself.

Due to the world lacking Dou Qi, and being replaced with a much lower quality Magic, his cultivation was slow, but because his Dou Qi reserves were abundant, he used Legilimency on everyone, trying to upgrade it to the Perfect tier.

He knew that once he reached peak perfection in Legilimency, he can not only read the surface thoughts of the people, but can even dive inside their minds for specific memories; but he knew that he could only do that to people who were completely defenceless, or weaker than him in cultivation and/or Soul strength.

It also carried a risk of being found out of spying if the cultivator has artefacts or skills that can shield them against such mind-invasive skills.

'If I were to evolve Legilimency, will I be able to change their memories? Can it also allow me to mind control?' Thought Hong Chen as he sipped his coffee while sitting in a High-End Restaurant.

In these three months, he found technology to be quite dangerous.

He felt that it made people lazy and people would waste their time watching Television.

Still, he found it intriguing; as the house he took over from the people he killed had all sorts of new gadgets with them.

Hong Chen also quite liked the style of the Suit, which was a famous modern clothing across London and hence, he was wearing one right now.

Hong Chen visited Hogsmede again a couple of times and found that the T-Wizard tournament was over, and soon the Hogsmede vacation will take place in Hogwarts, where all the students get a chance to go to Hogsmede.

This was a key moment Hong Chen was waiting for as he was about to get a little more powerful.

Waiting for another 2 weeks in and around Hogsmede, Finally, the time arrived when the Hogwarts student would visit the wizarding village, and he patiently waited for his prey.




"Harry! Let's go see the new Nimbus 2002!" Came a voice of a very excited Ron Weasely's voice.

"Seriously Guys? We should go and check out the NEWT level course books as we will soon have to pick our electives" Interjected Hermoine as she entered Hogsmede with her 2 best friends.

"Let's settle down first in a hotel and freshen up."

Harry was not feeling very well ever since the Goblet of Fire tournament took place as he saw Voldemort kill Cedric Diggory in front of his eyes.

He was too scared and frustrated right now and just needed someone to hug him.

The Golden trio soon registered in a small Inn, as most were already full of travellers at this time of the year.

Harry and Ron took one room, while Hermoine took the last remaining room of the Inn, after which they all decided to meet at night.

Ron was in the bathroom, showering while Harry was preparing his garments when suddenly someone knocked at the door.




Ron took his sweet time showering, and after he came out of the bathroom, he froze.

In front of him, He saw a pool of blood, and in it, his dear friend Harry was lying motionlessly.

Far away from the town of Hogsmede, Hong Chen was driving an Aston Martin DB5, and before long, he arrived at the House he had hijacked before.

It was a nice Farm House a little away from London.

Hong Chen quite liked the car he had stolen and he was confident, that when he upgrades his inscription profession, he can inscribe it and make it a Magical Artefact capable of working with Dou Qi.

After arriving at the house, he put his car into the System Storage and walked inside of his bedroom directly, where he sat down and leaned his back on the headboard.


[[Wizard Wand: 11", Holly, with a phoenix feather core] Salvaged. Rewarded 0.01 Salvage Shards]

Up until this point, Hong Chen had not tried to fight any witch and wizard, and hence he didn't know how to compare their power levels to Dou Qi but according to him, Wizard students had the magic reserves of a Dou Disciples, while teachers had the reserves of a Dou Practitioner.

Powerful wizards like Dumbledore would be around the level of Dou Master while immortal legends like the Nicolas Flamel and Merlin could be Dou Grandmasters.

He was not confident in fighting Dumbledore yet and hence he didn't set his eyes on Hogwarts, and waited till Harry was out of Hogwarts to get what he wanted.

With a thought, he summoned a black [Cloak of Invisibility].

[Cloak of Invisibility]

[A magical artefact used to render the wearer invisible.]

[Evolve] [Refine] [Salvage]

'Info on it's Evolve and Refine, please'

[After Evolving the [Cloak of Invisibility], the user can not only hide his physical form, but also his smell, breadth, and aura completely. Evolution Cost: 13000 Salvage Shards]

[Since the User is not the true owner of the Cloak, the system will instantly refine it for the user. Refining Cost: 1000 Salvage Shards]

'This a bit much.'


[[Cloak of Invisibility] refined. User can use it with a thought.]

'Now, onto the next one.'

[Tome of Divination]

[The Spiritual arts to divining the future, or gathering insights into future events, through various rituals and tools. All Divination carry a very small chance of being true or relevant.]

[Evolve: Locked] [Use: Will Destroy the Tome] [Non-Salavageble. Only one-time use Skill Tomes are Salvageable.]

'Use and upgrade to Peak perfection directly.'

[Upgrading [Divination] to Peak Perfection: 2500 Salvage Shards]

[Divination is ready for evolution. Evolve Price: 8000 Salvage Shards.]

[Upon Reaching Peak Perfection in Divination, There is no need for rituals or tools to peer into the future. Divinations are less vague and have more chance of showing relevant information.]

'That is good enough. What is the Info on its evolve?'

[Divination can be evolved into 2 branches.

Can accurately peer 5 seconds into the future. (Can use 1 time a week.)

Can vaguely peer a day into the future. (Can use 1 time a month)]

'My my…Now isn't that an overpowered ability?'




The entire Wizarding world was in shock and enraged.

Either Death Eaters or Voldemort himself had killed their favourite wizard right in the heart of the Magical Capital of Britain, Hogsmede.

There was a curfew in Hogsmeded and Aurors were thoroughly investigating every traveller there.

Dumbledore was angry beyond belief. He had instantly apparated to Hogsmede when he came to his office to find Harry's blood ward turn black.

When a blood ward turns black, it means only one thing, and that is Death.

The purpose of killing Harry was not to steal his [Cloak of Invisibility], as Hong Chen could've easily done that by knocking him out.

The real purpose of killing Harry was to start a fight between the Light Wizards and Dark Wizards, so he could fish in troubled waters.

While the magical world was in an uproar, Hong Chen entered the Regimental Headquarters of the Army in London.

In the broad daylight, No one could see him enter one of the most secured bases in London as his [Cloak of Invisibility] was working flawlessly.

Hong Chen patiently went and checked all the warehouses in the army and after deciding on what to take, he just waved his hand and countless rifles, guns, bombs, and ammunitions disappeared inside his system storage.

Obviously, such a big occurrence would get noticed and the security sirens immediately went off, but Hong Chen paid it no heed and started putting helicopters and tanks into his system storage as well.

Hong Chen tried a lot but he couldn't find any nuclear warheads in the entire base and dejected, he summoned his wings and just flew away from the Army Base, leaving a very restless army behind.

'Salvage all the tanks and helicopters and also salvage all the ammunition. Leave one piece of gun each and salvage the rest. Tell me the Salvage Shards I have gained.'

[Salvage Shards Gaine: 109]

'So the system doesn't consider weapons like Wands, Guns or battle tanks as a threat to Cultivators? Damm. I need to find their nuclear warheads fast.'




Another 2 Months passed in the blink of an eye and the entire world had gone to $hit.

Since the disappearance of such a large army war supplies was a big event, Magicals obviously thought that it was done by Voldemort's minions and he was planning something big after killing Harry.

Dumbledore had not only mobilized his entire Order of Phoenix, but also unfurled the Wizengamot completely.

He was leaving no stone unturned in his search for Voldemort, while the real Voldemort was very confused.

The muggle world was also no better, as London was put under curfew and the army was patrolling the streets and raiding any warehouse they could find.

[Upon Reaching Peak Perfection in Legilimency, User can read the surface thoughts of anyone in his Realm and Under by just eye contact.

If the user wishes, he can also dig into their minds for more secrets.

If User wishes to use it on someone who is in a Higher cultivation realm, Then it would require them to have weaker Spiritual strength than the user, and they should not be actively guarding their mind.]

[Legilimency is ready for evolution. Evolve Price: 7000 Salvage Shards.]


Hong Chen felt a feeling of elation. After such a long time, He was finally happy again.

This was an achievement he wanted to celebrate but he calmed down.

For the past 2 months, he had been practising Legilimency everywhere! From animals to muggles, to the witches and wizards he occasionally kidnaps. Wherever he could see someone, he would try to make eye contact with them and try to dig for secrets in their mind.

This was especially tricky as he needed to cultivate as well, and search for the location of London's nuclear warheads.

Plunging the city in chaos was a good decision, as there was a rebel front that would break the curfew all the time, as citizens could not be convinced as to why were they put under curfew.

The army cannot execute their own citizen, and hence it was very chaotic to manage the city riots.

The curfew was never lifted as more and more army bases got emptied mysteriously.



A week after reaching the peak perfection in Legilimency, Hong Chen finally found a heavily guarded hidden base underground of London's Space research program with his Spiritual senses.

He simply said 'Use' and the [Cloak of Invisibility] made him vanish from the spot, after which he started to wait.

He waited for someone to open the entrance and he didn't have to wait long, before a nuclear physicist came and opened the secret door leading to the Nuclear Warheads from a lift in the Space Research Centre.

After following the scientist for some time and making sure not to stumble on anything and trigger any sensors, Hong Chen finally arrived at the underground bunker where the Nuclear Weapons are tested.

London would test their nuclear weapons here and if they made some waves, they would claim that a space shuttle crashed.

It was a good cover-up, and hence it took such a long time for Hong Chen to discover it.

Because of one of the clauses of the treaty on the Non-Proliferation, it was required that they don't store 2 nuclear warheads near to each other, and hence, under the heavy electrical confinement, Hong Chen could finally see a real threat to a cultivator.

If a bomb, which can not only decimate an entire state but also ruin it's neighbouring states with radiation poisoning cannot threaten a cultivator, then Hong Chen had lost all hope for these muggles.


Alarms started ringing everywhere as the electrical confinement around the nuclear warhead suddenly failed, and the warhead itself disappeared.

Without deliberating, Hong Chen instantly said '[Salvage]',

And out came the response of the system.

[[Nuclear Weapon] Salvaged. Rewarded 5000 Salvage Shards.]

'Just enough for my final skill…and probably the most expensive to master in the world of Harry Potter.'

[Tome of Apparation]

[Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. The one who wants to apparate, first has to decide on the destination, then determine with certainty, the need to reach there and then apparate without any pressure, but with deliberation.]

[Evolve: Locked] [Use: Will Destroy the Tome] [Non-Salavageble. Only one-time use Skill Tomes are Salvageable.]

'Use and Upgrade to peak perfection directly.'

[Upgrading [Apparation] to Peak Perfection: 5500 Salvage Shards]

[[Apparation] is ready for evolution. Evolve Price: 15000 Salvage Shards.]

[Upon Reaching Peak Perfection in [Apparation], The User can now apparate to anywhere if he has enough Dou Qi to support the said [Apparation]]

[Breakthrough to 5-Star Dou Master]

As soon as he heard it, Hong Chen smiled and thought 'Apparate to Hogwarts'.

The Anti-Apparation Wards in Hogwarts shimmered with light before failing, and suddenly, Hong Chen disappeared from the Underground Nuclear testing base and appeared inside the hallways of Hogwarts.



Dumbledore was in his office, making plans on the map on where to find the Death Eaters when suddenly he was alerted of an apparition ward failing and instantly apparated to the location of the failed Ward.

"Albus. Percival. Wulfric. Brian. Dumbledore." Said Hong Chen word by word with a smile as Dumbledore came in front of him only to make the grave mistake of using Legilimency on Hong Chen; Probably out of habit.

Dumbledore's consciousness was pulled into Hong Chen's mindscape where it was petrified to find another Solar system.

No one in the history had ever cultivated Occlumancy to such levels, not even Merlin.

"I genuinely thought that you will be a very good opponent. But Alas….."

Dumbledore's consciousness was forcefully ejected out of Hong Chen's mind and before he could cast any spell, his entire body was suddenly paralyzed and he died, just like that.

[[[Wizard Wand: 15", Elder, Thestral tail hair core] Salvaged. Rewarded 0.01 Salvage Shards]]

"So the famed Elder Wand is nothing special, eh?"

As soon as Dumbledore died, one after another, Aurors and the members of the Order of Phoenix started rushing to where the Wards detected a death.

But Hong Chen couldn't be bothered by it, and just used the [Cloak of Invisibility] to get past them.

He released his spiritual senses completely to first find the office of Dumbledore, in which the only useful thing that he found was the Phoenix.

'Now, which Phoenix bloodline would be more powerful? This one's, the one in Against the Gods world, or the one in Dou Qi Continent? Hmm, Based on my assumptions, the World of Against the Gods should be more powerful than the Dou Qi continent, and they also have that Ode of Phoenix….But I guess the real question is if it will help me to assimilate this Phoenix's bloodline?'

The Phonix was burning with golden flame trying to attack Hong Chen while Hong Chen himself was musing over what bloodline to acquire next, and finally decided to try it.

He killed the Phoenix instantly with a heart attack (using his signature ability [Oscillating Thunder]), and took the Phoenix's dead body to his system storage.


[[Modified Chicken] Salvaged. Rewarded 0.001 Salvage Shards]

An eerie silence descended in Dubmledore's office, after which Hong Chen silently left.


In the entirety of Hogwarts, the only valuable thing Hong Chen could find was the [Mirror of Erised].

However he didn't rush to Salvage it, as he wished to learn how it was made.

But since he had less and less time in this world, Hong Chen decided to find and learn how the Room of Requirements was made.

While everyone was searching for the killer of their Dumbledore in Hogwarts, Hong Chen was freely studying the Room of Requirements under everyone's noses.

They all thought that the killer or Voldemort had escaped, but who would've thought, that Hong Chen doesn't even put them in his eyes.




[Time Expired in the World of Harry Potter. Use 250 Salvage Shards to record the Space-Time Coordinates?]

'Noo….I still haven't completely deciphered the inscription patterns of the Room of Requirement' complained Hong Chen like a baby, after which he sighed and refused the system.

[Space-Time Coordinate not recorded. It is highly likely that the next time User visits this world, it will be in an alternate timeline.]




Hong Chen appeared above his Nether Crow at the exact same spot in which he left, and not even his Rank 4 Nether Crow detected something unnatural.

'Wow…So much time has passed, yet not only a moment has passed in this world.'

Hong Chen could see that he has changed a lot in the last 6 months in the world of Harry Potter.

It was a surreal feeling, and after appreciating his Divine Artefact 'Salvation', he breathed '[Status]'


[Name: Hong Chen

Age: 15 (+6 months)

Physical Attribute: 47

Mental Attribute: 500

Bloodline: Human

Cultivation: 5-Star Dou Master

Professions: Inscriptions(1572/3000 Minor)

Skills: Three Thousand Lightning Movement(114/2000 Perfection), Wind-Lightning Dual Mantra(721/2000 Perfection), Oscillating Thunder(378/4000 Major), Crazy Lion Roar(6/400 Minor), Occlumancy(Evolve: 4000), Legilimency(Evolve: 7000 Salvage Shards), Divination(Evolve: 8000 Salvage Shards), Apparition(Evolve: 15000 Salvage Shards)

Special Skills: Purple Void Lightning(1602/10,000 Minor), Purple Cloud Black Fire Eagle Wings(Evolve: 5000 Salvage Shards)

Equipment: Thunder Smite, 2 x Skill Scroll [A Million Lightning Blades] (Power: 1 Star Dou Ancestor), Mirror of Erised

Salvage Shards: 421]



Sitting up high in the sky, Hong Chen used [Divination], and soon saw some visions….