Profound Strength

[Tranferring user to [Aginst the Gods]. Cost: 500 Salvage Shard / 6 Months.]




Chu Yueli was looking over the useless wedding of her genius disciple Xia Qingyue to a waste like Yun Che.

She observed the ceremony and as the night fell, she reminded Xia Qingyue telepathically to not consummate her marriage with Yun Che.

It was at this moment, when suddenly without any spatial, spirit or profound energy fluctuations, a very handsome young man appeared in front of her in the sky, merely a meter from her and suddenly terrifying wings sprouted from his back.

She immediately went on a defensive stance and looked at the young man who, from the profound energy fluctuations looked to be in Spirit Profound Realm.

As soon as Hong Chen appeared, he discovered that he was in the sky, and immediately summoned his wings to not fall to his death, only to discover that he was very close to a very beautiful woman.

Gu Xun Er and Han Yue were just girls, but this woman was a fully matured beauty.

Hong Chen noticed her stance and knew that if he didn't explain himself soon, then he would offend her completely and after quickly observing his surrounding, he bowed slightly toward Chu Yueli.

"Junior has seen the Senior."

Hong Chen didn't know when and where he had arrived and didn't know who the beautiful woman in front of him was.

Against the Gods world had nation toppling beauties everywhere, and the only clue he had was that the woman in front of him was shrouding herself in icy mist in a defensive stance.

"Who are you, and Why are you here?" was all Chu Yueli responded.

She was shocked to find that she didn't even feel any presence until this young man just outright appeared in front of her! Did he use a treasure to teleport? But for what reason?

"Before I answer, Can I at least know where am I?" replied Hong Chen with a smile, and instantly Chu Yueli became impatient and tried to incase Hong Chen in ice before interrogating him.

Suddenly, before the Ice could touch Hong Chen, his body was covered with the [Bone Chilling Flame], and the ice melted away, after which a scroll appeared in front of him which instantly drained the colour from Chu Yueli's face.

"Tyrant Profound!"

Hong Chen was angry that an attempt to arrest him was made. He had his pride, and in self-defence, he immediately summoned the one-time use Skill Scroll of [A Million Lightning Blades], and was ready to use it as soon as the woman in front of him made any further moves.

The Scroll was obviously carrying the Vindictive energy of a Dou Ancensor in it, which was equal to the Tyrant Profound Realm on Blue Pole Star.

"Let us not resort to our baser instincts and solve this situation like civilized people."

Said Hong Chen as he pointed towards the scroll hovering in front of his finger.

"Then the Junior should reveal his name, no?" Asked Chu Yueli as she summoned a token which seemed like a treasure to save her from attacks out of her league.

"Well, My name is Hong Chen, I can't tell the Senior anything about my background but I will say this, Senior doesn't want to go to war with my master. I was escaping a "very unfavourable" scenario and used a treasure which teleported me in front of senior.

Maybe senior will save me?" joked Hong Chen after giving her a general idea of how he happened to just appear in front of her.

"If Junior Chen is telling the truth, then I'll tell you that you are right now in the Floating Cloud City, in the Blue Wind Empire."

As soon as Chu Yueli told him where he was, he immediately understood his situation.

Being this high in the sky and using his spiritual sense, he had already seen the wedding celebrations in the small city underneath, and the fact that this woman was using Ice elemental energy, he quickly determined her identity.

Soon a plan formed in his mind and said

"Well, Looks like it will be a very restless night for these poor people"

There was a little regret in his voice and this made Chu Yueli immediately vigilant.


Seeing her agitated expression, Hong Chen smiled and said

"Well, soon the people who were following me would arrive here, and this village will go up in flames. I just wish my master arrives before that and saves this poor village."

Chu Yueli instantly disappeared from the sky after listening to Hong Chen.

The only reason she was here was because Xia Qinyue had requested to stay until marriage, but now that the marriage was over, there was no reason to stay here.

She thought that she would depart with her tomorrow to the Frozen Cloud Asgard, but if what Hong Chen said had even 1% chance of being true, she didn't want to risk it.

She immediately appeared before Xia Qingyue, who was sitting in front of the mirror with vacant eyes and said

"Qinyue, Let's go. Your wishes were respected, and now you must come with me to our clan."

Xia Qingyue was startled by the sudden appearance of her master.

She was thinking of how to tell this Yun Che about her situation, and just when she felt that he was finally coming to her bedroom, her master appeared instead.

"Master, what happened? Why so suddenly?" Questioned Qingyue as she sensed the urgency in her Master's voice.

"Well, we both know that Fairies from the Frozen Cloud Asgard must remain pure to practice our [Frozen Cloud Arts], and hence nothing positive could be gained by waiting for your husband who is coming with thoughts of defiling your purity."

Listening to her Master, Xia Qingyue was not satisfied. She could see a hint of urgency in her master's voice, but still nodded and held her master's hand, after which Chu Yueli instantly flew away from the room with her.

Earlier when Chu Yueli scanned Hong Chen when he appeared in front of her, his bone age appeared to be around 15 or so odd years, and his cultivation level, which was fluctuating in the realms of Spirit Profound realm made her realise that this boy's talent was around the same as Xia Qingyue.

That, and the fact that he had some scroll with the power to wipe out a small city like the Floating Cloud City; made her believe his words of the imminent threat in the Floating Cloud City.

As she was taking Qingyue away, a sense of guilt flashed in her eyes and she couldn't help but think that if the Floating Cloud City is destroyed and Xia Qingyue's family dies in it, then Xia Qingyue was smart enough to piece together the puzzle and conclude that Chu Yueli knew about the disaster on the Floating Cloud City and let her family died.

She didn't want to raise a disciple who would stab her in the back in the future, and hence she went up to Hong Chen again, who was still hovering over the sky, making a mental map of the city in his mind.

"Senior is still here. Is she really going to help me?" Asked Hong Chen with a smile as he turned around and saw Chu Yueli holding the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

She had a pair of indescribably magnificent eyes as if the world's essence laid deep within. Her two tranquil pupils, clear like crystals, were like the radiance of a flowing dream, her two black thin and curvy eyebrows, similar to a pair of crescent moons. Her jade-like skin and creamy face were as white as snow under the moonlight. Her lips were like the world's most delicate petals and her nose was of the most beautiful of sculpted white jade, high and proud with an innate nobility and her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders.

Hong Chen didn't need an introduction to know that she was the main heroine of Against the Gods, the one whose beauty shocked even the realm of gods and rightly so, as he could feel his blood rushing to his lower region.

Xia Qingyue was confused and shocked by the young man's persona, who was hovering over her city and looking below as if a god was watching ants while his frighteningly purple wings were releasing arcs of purple lightning, which made her feel as if only a random arc from that could instantly kill her.

His lack of fear of her master's presence and the way he said 'save' sent an ominous premonition in her heart.

'Who is he…' she thought when suddenly her master started speaking.

"Junior Chen. When your master comes, can you ask him to spare the Xia Clan from the disaster?"

Listening to her, Hong Chen instantly understood why Chu Yueli came back to him.

"Well, I will ask the master to do it…-" as Hong Chen was speaking, he was cut-off by Xia Qingyue

"My Xia Clan is in danger!? Master, what is happening?"

"Well, Someone who is after my life may or may not arrive here shortly. But if my Master arrives here a little late, then a battle is imminent. It all depends really. This small city can go up in flames or it is also possible that my master just comes here and take me away, and nothing happens to the city."

Hong Chen dramatically responded without even looking at the 2 women who were in front of him as he made a sad expression about having to destroy such a beautiful town.

Xia Qingyue's mind went black! Her Brother, Her father…2 most important people in her life could die today?

Chu Yueli could see Xia Qingyue's world falling apart and instantly asked again

"Can Junior Brother ask your master to save the Xia Clan?"

Hong Chen first looked at Chu Yueli for a while and then to Xia Qingyue's who was intently staring at him, and sighed.

"Okay, I can ask master to avoid the periphery of the Xia Clan. Just point me where it is and I will keep it in mind. But…This favour won't come cheap."

Hong Chen's word made Chu Yueli furrow her brows and she asked with caution

"What does the Junior Brother want?"

"Well, I want one promise. One favour I can redeem from you anytime and you cannot deny. Obviously, I will not ask anything…..'improper'."

Weighing her option, Chu Yueli nodded in agreement.

Hong Chen till now had not done anything to warrant her hostility, and he even warned her of the imminent disaster of the Floating Cloud City.

She had doubts but she just couldn't find a reason for Hong Chen to lie so extravagantly to her.

If it was a lie then it didn't make sense, and hence there was no harm in being cautious and extracting Xia Qingyue early.

On the contrary, it was a good thing for Qingyue to reach Frozen Cloud Asgard as soon as possible.

Xia Qingyue very attentively heard the interaction between them and understood that at least her family is saved, but she still couldn't just a stranger's word for the life of her family.

Her heart was very uneasy, and upon thinking of something, she said

"Can Senior Brother also save the Xiao Family?"

Her words made Hong Chen visibly angry, and with irritation, he flared up at Xia Qingyue

"I do not owe this backwater 'village' anything to inconvenience me. I already have a few Tyrant Profound experts hot on my tail. If you want to save your Xiao clan, then please stay and do so, otherwise, I suggest you leave."

Hong Chen's words completely shocked both Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue.

If a few Tyrant Profound experts were looking for him, then first of all he was not from the Four Major Sect as she couldn't remember anything that described such a young genius in the other 3 sects. Also, the Blue Wind Empire had very few Tyrant Profound experts and he shouldn't be talking about them. Adding to that his master, who he says can save him must be the peak Tyrant Profound Expert…or the Legendary Sovereign Profound Expert.

Now there was no doubt remaining in her heart that Hong Chen was saying the truth; either that or this guy was mentally unstable; because he just said that they can wait and watch.

If he was lying, then he wouldn't be as confident in his stance, and on top of that, he wasn't even leering at them, and was trying to look at the city and planning something.

Hong Chen's words instantly stunned Xia Qingyue! Since she was a kid, no one has ever talked to her like that. Every boy would lick the floor she stepped on since young age, yet this guy just reprimanded her, and that too in front of her master.

'Just who is he?' She thought.

"Junior doesn't have to get angry. My disciple has just married into the Xiao Family and was worried about them. Please, I would appreciate if the Junior keeps his promise. My name is Chu Yueli and I am a Frozen Cloud Fairy."

After listening to Chu Yueli, Hong Chen acted to appear guilty and just nodded to them before speaking

"Well, Don't worry too much. I will ask the master to save the Xia Family, and if possible, I will stay away from the Xiao family. It is also possible that nothing happens after all."

Hong Chen's words made both of them a little relaxed, after which Chu Yueli took Xia Qingyue to the Xia Family.

No matter what, they were not brain-dead enough to let the 'supposed' fate of the Xia family fall into a stranger's hands, and Qingyue immediately came to her house and woke up her father and brother.

This could very well all be a lie, but they can investigate it some another day and there was really no need to test it now.



Yun Che entered his bedroom with excitement but soon his excitement left him when he found the bedroom empty.

He thought that Qingyue must be in the bathroom, but upon checking, the bathroom door was open and no one was there.

He started searching in and around his house and could not find his wife anywhere and got restless!

'So she just left me…just like that?'

Yun Che was beyond angry! After searching for a while, when he didn't find his wife, he started walking towards the back mountain to calm himself down, when suddenly his body was paralyzed and he fell on his back.

"You are a very tricky person to kill, Mr. Yun Che"

Came a voice in his head, after which the person who said it came in front of his eyes.

"Having cheats like [The Mirror of Samsara] which is one of the [Seven Mysterious Heavenly Treasures]. It is good that you have used it twice now and it has gone into hibernation, or I wouldn't know what to do with you."

Yun Che heard the mysterious voice but couldn't say anything. He could only look up in horror as his heart failed, and before his soul could completely perish, his body was cucked into a different space.

'Salvage! Salvage the body and soul fast!'

Hong Chen was anxious as he didn't want the [The Mirror of Samsara] to suddenly work again and transmigrate Yun Che again.

Soon, the mechanical voice of System came into his mind.

[Sky Poison Pearl]

[One of the [Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures]. The Sky Poison Pearl's capabilities are centered around poison, medicine, purification, and space.

Can be used with the [Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations], and give birth to the [World Destroying Poison: Life Extinguishing Myriad Calamities].]

[Evolve: Locked] [Refine: 3000 Salvage Shards] [Salvage]

[The Mirror of Samsara]

[One of the [Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures]. It can pass through the cycle of rebirth and distort cause and effect, the time and conditions for its activation can only be known after refining it. After every use, it'll enter into hibernation for 20 years.]

[Evolve: 50000 Salvage Shards] [Refine: 5000 Salvage Shards] [Salvage]

[[Soul Body], [Dead Body] Salvaged. Rewarded 0.1 Salvage Shards]

"Xiao Che!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ligxi, who was a little sad at the marriage of her childhood friend and came to gaze at the stars in the night shouted with a jolt when she saw Yun Che disappear at a stranger's feet.

She was shocked and speechless at first but soon, her grief found her voice and she screamed Yun Che's name with all her might.

This instantly irritated Hong Chen to the extreme. He was already kind of depressed to not be able to refine the treasures instantly, as he need the [Sky Poison Pearl] to store and heal Jasmine.

He also need the [Sky Poison Pearl] to detect the [Star Concealing Grass] and deal with Chu Yuechan's poison.

He could also not just refine Jasmine for immediate benefit as she knew too many skills which were way above Heaven rank like [One Route Heaven], [Star God's Brilliant Annihilating Slash], [Star God's Broken Shadow], [Soul Star Relegation], [Heavenly Wolf Hell God's Tome], [Great Way of the Buddha], etc.

Right now, he didn't have any technique to cultivate his physical body and nor did he have any weapons technique. He desperately needed some heavenly rank techniques, and right now, only Jasmine could give them to him, but he never thought that he would appear at the start of the novel, unlike in Harry Potter, where he appeared way ahead in the story. He was under-prepared for this travel and he cursed himself in his heart.

The anger in his heart exploded when Xiao Lingxi screamed Yun Che's name at the top of her lungs, and he snapped.


Hong Chen's voice suddenly carried the profound energy of the surroundings as he used the peak perfection voice art, [Crazy Lion Roar] towards Xiao Lingxi.

The Xiao Family disciples who were patrolling the grounds when heard the scream of Xiao Lingxi coming from the mountains immediately started rushing towards it, only to freeze in their steps when they heard a terrifying roar, which sent shivers down their spines and made them stumble and fall at their back following which they saw a very wide and deep gully form in the mountain, which not only engulfed the screaming lady, but also completely wiped out Yun Che's courtyard, where Xia Qingyue was staying.



'Salvage [Thunder Smite]'

[[Thunder Smite] Salvaged. Rewarded 5000 Salvage Shards.]

'Refine the [Sky Poison Pearl]'

[[Sky Poison Pearl] refined. Cost: 3000 Salvage Shards]

Suddenly, [Sky Poison Pearl] vanished from his inventory and he could feel all the knowledge about its use entering his mind.

From refining any type of herb completely to make a pill, without the use of any cauldron, and detoxifying any poison in the world, an Infinite amount of storage space and a natural treasure detector for rare herbs. The Pearl had lost its ability to create poison due to [The Mirror of Samsara] merging it with Yun Che, and hence, he has to find the second part as well before being allowed to evolve it.

Hong Chen immediately went to where he sensed the spiritual disturbance and found jasmine lying there, and without further ado, he sucked her soul body into the [Sky Poison Pear].

She was naked in her soul form, and hence Hong Chen also left an enchanted red dress he had prepared near her and took out another enchanted bed from one of his spatial rings, and then put it next to her.

In the entire interaction, he made no skin contact with Jasmine, as he knew that even if she was an earth shattering beauty; she was not some mortal to be trifled with, but is the crown princess of the Star God Realm! At a young age, she inherited the strength of one of the Twelve Star Gods, the Heavenly Slaughter Star God and he was not about to f#ck this up because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

He soon heard more and more people coming towards his place and just shook his head.

He used his spiritual sense again to search around him and soon found 2 blades of [Star Concealing Grass] with the help of the [Sky Poison Pearl] and used the said pearl to harvest it.

Like his [Cloak of Invisibility], the [Sky Poison Pearl] also just works at the mental command of 'use' and doesn't need a specific body part of his or the pearl touching his target, unlike Yun Che, who had the pearl merge with his left hand.

After acquiring everything he needed to, Hong Chen disappeared from the place and said 'Status'


[Name: Hong Chen

Age: 15 (+8 months)

Physical Attribute: 53 [Danger!]

Mental Attribute: 515

Bloodline: Human

Cultivation: 2-Star Dou Grandmaster

Professions: Inscriptions(937/5000 Major)

Skills: Three Thousand Lightning Movement(211/2000 Perfection), Three Nuclei Empyrean Mantra(167/5000 Minor), Oscillating Thunder(410/4000 Major), Crazy Lion Roar(Evolve: 9500 Salvage Shards), Occlumancy(Evolve: 4000 Salvage Shards), Legilimency(Evolve: 7000 Salvage Shards), Divination(Evolve: 8000 Salvage Shards), Apparition(Evolve: 15000 Salvage Shards)

Special Skills: Purple Void Lightning(2011/10,000 Minor), Bone Chilling Flame(15/5000 Minor), Purple Cloud Black Fire Eagle Wings(Evolve: 5000 Salvage Shards), Sky Poison Pearl(Evolve: Locked)

Equipment: Cloak of Invisibility(Evolve: 13000 Salvage Shards), 2 x Skill Scroll [A Million Lightning Blades] (Power: 1 Star Dou Ancestor), [Gu Prontiff Shard], Mirror of Erised, The Mirror of Samsara(unrefined)

Salvage Shards: 2593]



'I need salvage shards….Well, I guess I should just go and do it then.' thought Hong Chen with a sinister smile as he broke into a shop under the [Cloak of Invisibility], and stole a map.