Episode 4

"There are lot of things you're not allowed to do here. The manager didn't inform you concerning that?" Chris asked. "No he didn't! " Jack replied.

"let's go in. You still have a lot to learn!" Chris said. They both walked into the room. Jack took his seat on an empty chair. Sitting around were some group of guards. They all paused and stared at him.

"Guys this is the new dude I was talking about. He's Jack" Chris said to them. Jack smiled and waved at the lads. They didn't respond but kept on staring at him weirdly.

"Alright, guess we'll do the introduction later. So Jack, there are lot of things you can't do here.." Chris said. He suddenly paused when their phone buzzed.

"All units report downstairs now.." A deep voice said. "Who was that? " Jack asked. "That was Matt. He's the boss's most trusted Guard. Also not much of a conversationist.. " Chris replied.

"Just like your friends here.." Jack whispered. "No, I think they're just not Into you yet. let's wait and see how things go.." Chris replied. "Wait, where are they all heading to?" Jack asked as the guards all trooped out in a haste.

Chris stood up. "Let's go Jack, the boss's about to eat breakfast.. " Chris said. "wait, what?" Jack asked in confusion. "Follow me Jack!" Chris said and walked out. "What the heck is going on?" Jack asked himself.

He quickly stood up and followed Chris. They went downstairs and to the dinning table. Guards were all round the table completely quite and motionless. Chris and Jack quickly took a spot and both stood still

"What's next?" Jack whispered. "The boss's coming now.." Chris replied. They all paused as they heard footsteps climbing down the stairs slowly. A man suddenly showed up.

"Good morning Boss. It's so nice Meeting you. Thank you for giving me the job, though it wasn't you who actually gave me the job. It was the manager. Anyways..ouch!" Jack let out a soft moan as Chris hit him slightly. The guards all chuckled slightly.

"What was that for!?" He asked furiously. "That's not the boss silly. That's Matt!" Chris replied. "Oh, then where the heck is He!" Jack asked. " boss's a woman. More like a Lady! " Chris replied.

" Mr Deane never told me that" Jack said. "Deane didn't tell you anything! " Chris said. "I know what he's trying to do. He wants me to get fired so I can get out of his way!" Jack said to himself. "What?. dude, just shut the fuck up. She's gonna be here soon!" Chris said.

Jack nodded and paused. Footsteps were heard again. Jack waited in anticipation as the the footsteps drew nearer. A young lady finally showed up.

"Heard there is a new dude.." She said. "Where's your mom?" A voice suddenly came from the guards. Miss Red paused in confusion as he stared at the Dude. "Oh no!" Chris said in fear.

"Where's your mom, The boss? " Jack asked again. Chris pinched him repeatedly trying to shut him up. "So as I was saying..." "What the heck is going on here. Where is the boss?? " Jack asked again interrupting Miss Red.

"Who the fuck is this!?" Miss Red asked angrily. "Sorry Sweety. Can you just go upstairs and get us your mom, the boss. We're growing tired here.." Jack said. "This is not happening!" Chris exclaimed.

"Dude, she's the boss!" He whispered. "Yeah, I know her mom's the boss. Wait, what did you say!?" Jack asked. "She's the boss. She's the fucking boss!" Chris whispered loudly.

"Holy shit!" Jack exclaimed. Miss Red moved closer to Jack. "Who are you? " she asked. "I'm new here mam.." Jack said shivering in fear. "so now I'm mam?" Miss Red asked and laughed.

"I'm so sorry mam. You weren't what I was expecting.. " Jack said. "I think I'm gonna pass out now!" Chris exclaimed. "And what were you expecting? " Miss Red asked. "I don't know. Some ugly, wicked looking Grown up woman. You are kinda cute though" Jack replied.

"Christ, make this stop now!" Chris said. "Hmm, you were expecting a wicked looking woman?" Miss Red asked. "Yeah, people do talk about you all the time. How wicked and Heartless you are. Oh my God, I was not supposed to say that" Jack said.

"You shouldn't have even open your stupid mouth in the first place!" Chris whispered. "So, I'm a wicked Lady?" Miss Red asked. "yes, i mean No!" Jack replied. Miss Red laughed for some while and then proceeded to a chair. She took her seat and kept on Staring at Jack.

"Why is she staring at me?" Jack asked Chris. "you should be asking yourself how you're still standing here!" Chris replied. "Deane gave you the job? " Miss red asked him. "Yeah, he did.." Jack replied.

"Go get me Deane" Miss Red said to Matt. He grabbed his phone and left the dinning table. Matt soon returned and stood next to Miss Red. "He's coming now.." He said to her.

Deane walked in almost immediately. "Morning miss!" He said to Miss Red. "Morning Deane, This was the Dude you employed? " Miss Red asked. Deane cleared his throat and stared at Jack. "yes mam, it's him.." He replied.

"You gave him instructions?" Miss Red asked. "Yes.." Deane replied. "Then why the heck is he acting like a clown!? " Miss Red asked. "I'm so sorry mam. Maybe he failed to read the instructions carefully.." Deane replied.

"wait, you didn't give me any instruction" Jack opposed. "Will you shut the fuck up. Mam, it's clear this dude here is an imbecile. You can just get rid of him cause it seems like he's a problem!" Deane said.

"Was about to do that..." Miss Red said. "Alright mam. I'll be heading back to my office now" Deane said. "Alright, thank you " Miss red said. Deane left afterwards.

"So dude.." Miss Red suddenly paused when Her dog, Charlie. suddenly showed up. "Oh, my Darling. You're up! " Miss red said. Charlie ran past her and went up to Jack. She stood and wiggled her tail.

Charlie reached for Jack's feet and licked his shoes.