
The Uchiha clans specially tempered ninja wire? 500 million Ryo for anyone outside the clan.

Strengthened undershirt with almost a perfect defence against Kunai and Shuriken? 750 million Ryo.

New version of the Explosive Tag with smoke bomb features? 250 million Ryo for a stack of ten!

Nothing on the entire wagon cost less than 100 million. How could he possibly afford anything with these stacked prices? Isn't Konoha aware that we're here to fight to the death to defend our homeland!?

"What's wrong? Are they too expensive?" Kagura looked at Malaria with a smile. Malaria hesitated for a bit but nodded eventually.

"It's normal that youngsters like yourself can't afford these brand new, state of the art equipment. You can do like almost everyone else and pay for them by instalment. Here's an agreement for you. Sign it if you want." Kagura gave a contract to Malaria with haste and practiced ease.

Malaria looked at Kagura in a daze. Could equipment meant for war be bought by instalment? Are they not afraid others would default on their debt by, you know, dying for land and country? After reading the contract on the other hand, Malaria felt terrible. It was not instalment but usury!

[A/N: Usury: Lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest.]

Yamana tried to stop herself from laughing out loud, bur her shoulders were cramping, and she obviously couldn't hold herself back anymore. Malaria was certainly too immature and naïve for Kagura.

"Big Sister Kagura, if I may ask, what if I can't pay off the instalments in time?" Malaria asked.

Kagura's eyes glittered when Malaria called her big sister. She quickly took the contract back from Malaria's hands and gave him a new one. "I like the way you talk little fellow. Here's a new contract. Sign this one instead."

Malaria took a gander at it, only to be shocked. This contract was much more acceptable, with an interest rate slightly higher than the average bank when you take a business loan to open shop.

"Sister Kagura, I'm very bad at communicating, or I wouldn't have made so many people angry with me." Malaria said solemnly. "But if you were to go outside with Hikari, you two will definitely be regarded as sisters; Hikari being the elder one, and you will be the younger sister."

Kagura giggled in joy and took the second, much more reasonable contract back, only to offer a third one. Yamana watched all of this happening in shock, eyes wide. She commented, "You can do that?"

Malaria read the third contract which had no interests whatsoever. Nothing would happen to him so long as the money he loaned was paid back before the due date.

"Hikari-san, you must wait for me. Don't get tricked by that scoundrel Malaria."

Suddenly, he heard Kazuma's young and passionate voice. Malaria turned around, only to see Hikari standing in embarrassment next to that creep Kazuma.

"Another poor lad has confessed his love to Hikari." Kagura shook her head, not surprised at all. Malaria whispered in a low voice, "I would've chosen Sister Kagura over Hikari."

Narrowing her eyes, Kagura took a closer look at Malaria, "I can tell that you're not a good little guy."

"But you are just too charming, Sister Kagura." Malaria looked at Kagura affectionately, like a child that didn't want to part with his big sister.

"Aren't you very sweet?" Kagura glanced at Malaria, secretly delighted. She knew that Malaria was only saying that for a discount, but every woman liked to be considered beautiful and attractive. However, Kagura was indeed a bit curious. Malaria is supposed to be in Ninja Academy at this age, but his words and thinking was a lot more sophisticated then his peers.

Yamana subtly moved away from Malaria, feeling creeped out. She was going to stay on full alert just in case he tried to do something shameless to her as well.

At this moment Hatake Sakumo had made an effort to visit the encampment, to inspect the weapons arsenal before they enter into the Land of Grass. He will have to make a scouting manoeuvre against the Mist after this, before that village even does anything. "Kazuma, it's time to go – Hokage-sama told me you wanted some…"

The moment he came to the front stand of the wagon, Hyuuga Kagura was stunned at first, but then she sneered coldly. "Hatake Sakumo!"


Centered around Kagura, a terrifying pressure burst forth and blew Malaria and Yamana away without giving them any time to react. She activated her Byakugan in anger as she showcased strength clearly greater than what she led on!

"A Kage-level powerhouse!"

Malaria's eyes bulged when he saw that Kagura was radiating a murderous pressure into the air. The ground was cracking from her just standing there, something only a Kage-level or above could do by revolving her chakra!

"You must be kidding me! Hikari's mother is a person with strength comparable to the Hokage?" Yamana was dumbfounded. She had never heard that the Hyuuga clan had anyone above elite Jonin in strength.

"Sweet mother of God, I wonder how many of these freaks in reality are hiding inside of Konoha!" Malaria remarked with mixed feelings. That he doesn't know anything about Hinata's grandmother is entirely that filler-ridden shows fault! Hikari already had close to no screen time at all.

There were few people at such strength in the entire Shinobi world. Any of the powerhouses of this level was an invaluable asset to any village. To see one idling her time away as a scout in the logistics department nailed in a fact in Malaria's head. 'It is a miracle that Konoha has survived this long with these pig-like leaders in the village.'

"Kagura, I didn't know that you made progress to this level, too." Sakumo said with complicated feelings. Everyone except Malaria was shocked to hear that. 'You made progress to this level, too'? Was Hatake Sakumo also Hokage-level in strength?

Thinking about that, everyone's breathing turned rapid. That must be a joke! Kagura extended her hand and made the seal of confrontation. She said coldly, "Fate is kind enough to send the man who broke my heart back to me. I'll definitely kill you today."

'The man who broke her heart?'

Malaria was expressing eager interest in the drama involving two Kage-level powerhouses. Without any hesitation, he put his hand into his Ninja Pouch to take out some jerky to chew on, waiting for the drama to start in earnest.

Yamana didn't hesitate, either. She sat down next to Malaria and stole a few strips of his jerky, ready to watch the show.

Kagura and Sakumo stared at each other. Hikari looked at her mother full of anxiety. She obviously knew that her mother was Kage-level before this encounter. Kazuma was a bit lost as it seemed that his teacher had wronged Hikari's mother. Did it mean that nothing could happen between himself and Hikari?

While chewing on his piece of jerky, Malaria nudged Yamana and asked curiously, "Do you think Sakumo could be Hikari's father?" Yamana thought for a moment and nodded. "It's not unlikely. I've never seen Hikari's father when I visited her home. Since Aunt Kagura calls him a heartbreaker, I think he's probably Hikari's father."

Malaria continued, "Then, do you think Hikari could become my girlfriend?" Yamana looked at Malaria with spite and disdain. What a shameless scoundrel. He had clearly abandoned the last shreds of his integrity, seeing that Hikari was covered by at least two Kage-level powerhouses.

"Malaria, Hikari is mine. Keep your hands off her." Kazuma was enraged just listening to what he said. He would never allow this scoundrel Malaria to take advantage of Goddess Hikari. Yamana nodded her head at Malaria and said, "Here's your rival for her hand."

Malaria snorted in disdain. "Do you think this 'Thug B' deserves my attention? He fell over after a light tap."

"Malaria…" Kazuma was so infuriated that he felt the urge to force himself into the 3rd Inner Gate to punch the scoundrel in the face. "Kazuma!" Sakumo broke the silence and suppressed Kazuma's agitation. "I'm sorry, teacher!" He had almost ruined his future by wasting time in a sick bed because of his anger.

Sakumo waved his hand and looked at Hikari's mother, "Kagura, we are not young anymore. Some things are better left forgotten."

"Not young anymore?" Kagura sneered in contempt. "Then why did you do that in the beginning?" Malaria and Yamana quickly started munching on their jerky in excitement. Was the mystery going to be revealed so quickly?

'Swoosh, swoosh!'

Right then, dozens of ninjas flickered into view around this particular wagon in the caravan. "These people are the guards on duty around the encampment. Why are they here?" Yamana was left in a daze.

Malaria said, "They must've sensed Sister Kagura releasing her Kage-level chakra in the centre of our armoury. That's why they're here to take a look, if there's any enemies about to attack."

Orochimaru came over with a bitter look on his face. It was truly not easy to lead this campaign with all these big-shots showing up one after the other!

Over the recent years, his strength had stagnated somewhat due to his fascination with researching a way for immortality. He could not defeat either party, or afford to piss them off. So, he could only play along and win their favour in a humble manner.

"Orochimaru, how dare you come to my wagon looking like that?" Kagura glared at Mr. Snake.

"Kagura, are you done?" Sakumo frowned and stepped forward in front of Kagura, in case she wanted to vent her anger on the army commander.

"Kagura-san, I did not keep Sakumo's arrival a secret on purpose. I didn't know that you two had history - I'm not very interested in gossip, you see." Orochimaru hurried to apologize in the sincerest manner he could. He didn't want two Kage-level powerhouses fighting in his army, or it would be a major disaster to the troop morale.

If a Jonin could be compared to a tactical weapon, a Kage-level Ninja was the congregation of thousands of such weapons going off endlessly and on repeat. With the lack of S-class techniques, their stamina and chakra reserves can hold out for several hours, if not days, in all-out combat.

If those two people were to fight in the army, his expedition would probably be reduced to smithereens in just a few minutes. How would he explain that to his teacher, Sarutobi Hiruzen? He can't fight a war without ample amounts of troops.

"Humph!" Kagura snorted. She obviously knew the consequences of breaching order and waging internal strife in the army, especially during war-time.

Malaria was disappointed that the two Kage-levels were not fighting, so he rose and approached Hikari. Laying his hand on her hip very naturally, he said, "Dad, Mom, since you are both here, I won't keep it a secret anymore. Hii-chan and I are having a kid. You are going to be grandparents. Aren't you excited?"

Yamana's jaw hit the ground. She had seen his brazen and shameless attitude before, but this was breaking new records. Malaria is impossibly shameless! He called them his parents without even thinking - he was truly a man without the slightest integrity!

Infuriated, Kagura scolded, "What are you talking about? Why on earth would I have a child with such a worthless man? Hikari is not his daughter!"

Sakumo replied calmly, "I have no child outside of Kakashi. She is not my daughter." Malaria was stunned. It did not sound right. Was there a third person in this whole matter? What happened to all the grumpy ex-wife complaints he just heard?

Hikari slapped off Malaria's paw and glared at the scoundrel. This shameless jerk truly took advantage of her kindness all the time. Who would ever want to have a kid with his mosquito-ridden ass?

Kazuma's eyes were glowing with malicious brutality. If his gaze could kill, Malaria would've died countless times – shredded to papier-maché.