Setting Off

The Yamanaka clan is as very ancient family, one with a history that could be traced back to the beginning of the warring states period. The records show that they used to have mindbenders that could take over the bodies of clan Patriarch's of the Kage-level without a problem, causing immense losses to their enemies.

However, for some reason, the Yamanaka clan couldn't recreate those techniques. It wasn't a question of talent, but it was as if a shadow in the past destroyed their inheritance when nobody was looking. The records don't detail what happened either, leaving the Yamanaka descendants to teach by word of mouth.

At this moment, Yamanaka Inoyarou, the current Patriarch of the Yamanaka clan was listening to the report that the little genius of their clan was vandalising their forward encampment to the Land of Grass. She was a good seed, one on the list of candidates to become the wife of Inoichi, the next clan Patriarch.

"Lord Patriarch, according to the latest news, the little miss is flying around with that demonspawn Malaria's Winged Mechanical Device. The one Akimichi Narute gave to him during the wedding, which Danzo was supposed to confiscate." a servant reported.

Inoyarou waved his hand, signalling for the servant to take his leave. After he left, Inoyarou looked at Yamanaka Yaman, his newphew and Yamana's father, and said, "Yaman, it's time for the Yamanaka family to rise in these turbulent times. We can't leave the village in the hands of the Sarutobi and Shimura any longer."

"Is it time to unseal 'that' thing?" Yaman exclaimed and looked at Inoyarou in shock.

Inoyarou nodded and said, "Malaria has already begun distinguishing himself in the village. Sarutobi Kazuma is practicing the Eight Inner Gates and will become the village's ace card. Uchiha Dobito just recently left the village together with Minato to fight in the war. Everything indicates the arrival of a new era of geniuses. How can the Yamanaka clan not be a part of it?"

"But Yamana is only thirteen… She's still immature…" Yaman hesitated. Anyone that receives the inheritance of 'that' tends to become… different.

"What about it?" Inoyarou snorted. "Our ancestor that led us through the Warring States Period weathered through it at the age of ten, without any change of personality. She's thirteen. Why do you think she can't handle it? Must we wait until she's an adult?"

Yaman sighed. "I'll bring Yamana back to the clan and try to get it finished before tomorrow morning." Inoyarou waved his hand pompously, and Yaman backed off in respect.

At the Logistics caravan gathering, Kagura gave an enormous sealed scroll to Hikari and said, "This is what your father left for you. Since you've grown up and started take on responsibilities, I'm giving it to you."

Hikari unsealed the scroll and saw plenty of notebooks and smaller scrolls that recorded tips and knowledge on separate fighting styles to the Gentle Fist she grew up with. Apparantly, the Hyuuga clans most prized taijutsu is full of loop holes the elders refuse to patch up.

There was a strange light-blue eye with a flower motif on the cover of every book and scroll. Anybody that knows their history and saw this mark would exclaim, because it was the symbol of the Otsutsuki clan from the moon. The real main family of the Byakugan Hyuuga clan - the Tenseigan Otsutsuki clan.

Just over a dozen years ago, the prior heir of the Tenseigan was looking for a spouse in the 'mortal world' as that man would call it. In reality he was looking for a Byakugan of high purity to complete his own Tenseigan, but instead fell in love when he met Kagura.

At that time, on a spur of the moment the deed was done - the rice was cooked. Once it was time for him to return to the Moon, he didn't have it in himself to bereave Kagura of her eyes. Instead, he left a lot of inheritance the Hyuuga never got their hands on for Kagura.

Back then Hatake Sakumo was part of Kagura's three man squad, and he was one who knew of the man's presence and reported it to the village! Shimura Danzo immediately went to investigate the matter, hastening the Otsutsuki' mans departure from Kagura. In anger, she wished to decapitate Sakumo for this, but her strength wasn't enough.

Spending her time raising Hikari to an oustanding woman, while training harder than ever before with the Otsutsuki's resources, she soon stepped into the Kage-level. The old emotions of anger had mostly faded, but her hate for those two buffoons still simmers at high heat in her heart.

"It's all because of Malaria's 'father' and 'uncle'. Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to return to the Moon so early. You could have embraced your father and been taught these methods personally, but no!" Kagura slapped the wagon angrily.

"Malaria?" Hikari looked at her mother in confusion. Suddenly, she felt that the complexity of Malaria's identity is right there in the open. What Aburame? He's clearly a Shimura! Years ago, her father came to the 'mortal world' on a mission, but had to return empty handed because of Danzo's meddling.

Her mother said it was all Sakumo and Danzo's fault that she never had a father at home. How long was his intended mission period, anyway? She had read the Hyuuga clans records, and not once had an Otsutsuki stayed around for long in this world. 'Mothers charm truly is enormous, to capture even an Otsutsuki!' she thought.

"It's pointless to talk about that now." Kagura sighed and said softly, "Dear daugher, I've talked with Hokage-sama. I'll take my wagon and follow you to the Land of Grass, so that we wouldn't have to be away from each other." Hikari's lips twitched. It was true that a Kage-level powerhouse could do whatever they want.

Who could possibly stick their nose in another squad's mission by asking Hokage-sama just like that? Also, she wasn't a kid anymore and doesn't need her mothers assistance at every turn!

The next morning, Malaria found his Flying Device leaning on his mud hut. Strapping himself in, he figures he has to practice flying sometime, so why not now? Arming himself with the last Fūma Shuriken at his waist, Iwa Chakra Sword on his back and the Kunai launcher in his arms - he barely lifted off the ground before heading to the drilling ground.

When Malaria landed and took off the Winged Device while panting slightly, the other squads preparing to depart for their missions couldn't help but lose their cool. Recoiling as if seeing a great enemy, everyone made motions in preparation to dodge. Yamana's escepades the night before ruined the sleep for at least half the encampment.

"Why is it that scoundrel Malaria that's flying with those demonic wings, isn't that a Yamanaka clan relic?" A Genin with black circles under his eyes couldn't help but ask. His tent had been demolished three times last night, barely giving him any rest at all.

"Akimichi Narute offered it to him during Himawari's wedding. That Yamanaka girl is part of his three man squad, so perhaps he just lent it to her?" A Chunin captain answered. "He's the most shameless person in all of Konoha. While others compete for resources, he sells his competition to the highest bidder and gets rewards like the Wings on the side."

"Keep an open mind, brother. Everybody knows Malaria's rage-inducing talent. As long as he doesn't murder civilians or betray Konoha, everything he's up to will be counted as nothing special." A Jonin captain that's about to lead five squads commented.

"That's right. As long as you're capable enough, you will be appreciated however sordid your methods are. It's like a law of life, so long as you are shameless enough - any place can be your paradise." The Genin nodded his head, figuring things out.

"You're both wrong. What I see is that you should take the chance while you're young to be as shameless as possible. If that devil was a year over thirteen, I promise you he would be thrown into a jail cell." The Chunin concluded.

"…" Malaria snorted. He was being shameless to ignore the itch that's absolutely growing stronger as his chakra increases. The thrill and shame he feels when he acts like a bastard completely negates the senses his itchy body drills into his nerves, cOnStAnTlY wItHoUt RePrIeVe..!

At this moment, Hikari arrived with black circles around here eyes, yawning now and then. It was obvious she barely slept at all last night.

"You had a lot of fun last night? Was it that Kazuma brat that sneaked into your tent?" Malaria looked Hikari up and down. He didn't know that she was accepting of nightly activities.

"What are you talking about?" Hikari glared at Malaria and said, "I was addicted to my father's notebooks last night. Once I started reading I couldn't extricate myself." Yawning some more, she truly could use a nap right about now.

Malaria immediately grew interested. "Who is your father exactly? What's his relationship with Uncle Sakumo? Also, why is your mother in the logistics division when she's clearly a Kage-level powerhouse?"

"Tehehe!" Hikari didn't give any reply to his questions. That's what he deserves for slandering herself at every chance he gets.

Right then, they heard someone scream from around the edges of the drilling ground, "Ah…!"

They turned around, only to see Yamana treading carefully towards them while holding her head. However, the ground was visibly roiling after her every step. The other squads evaded her path in abject fear.

Behind Yamana, a Chunin was rolling on the ground screaming while holding his head. He had obviously touched Yamana as she passed by and got hit by something.

"This violent girl is particularly strong-looking today!" Malaria changed his expression. For some reason, Yamana was radiating a pressure even his fused souls had trouble resisting. It seemed she had received some sort of mind-powerup but she needed more time to get it under control.

"Her strength seems to have soared." Hikari raised an eyebrow. Had Yamana used 'that' forbidden thing from the Yamanaka clan?

"What's the matter with you?" Malaria asked Yamana curiously. She responded gloomily, "I don't know. I was having fun flying your device yesterday when my father took me back to Konoha and told me to accept a certain heritage. It was extremely excruciating, and I ended up fainting. I found myself in my hut like this in the morning."

"Clan heritage!" Hikari and Malaria stared at Yamana. This rude little girl seemed to be ranked higher in her family than they gave her credit. All the families and clans with heritages were famous cornerstones of Konoha. The Yamanaka clan's heritage must have something to do with mind-powers.

"Why did Yamana have to go to the academy when her family could just boost her to peak Chunin, if not further just like that?" Hikari asked in confusion. According to her mother, the descendants of any clan with family heritage are usually coddled and pampered to become heirs to the clan.

"Every clan has its own secrets, it's not good to pry into these matters." Suzuki Yamaha approached them and looked at Yamana solemnly. Had the Yamanaka clan decided on their pair of heirs? He knew about Inoichi already reserving one of the two quotas, but to pick Yamana? Malaria frowned. Were there any more secrets in Konoha he didn't know about?

"All right, you guys follow me - we're joining a separate caravan into the Land of Grass." Yamaha raised his chin at a chain of wagons at the edge of the drilling grounds.

"Isn't this too blatant, just waltzing into the country like that?" Malaria was slightly disappointed. He was prepared to walk for hours and days, fighting Iwa-ninja every step of the way.

"This is only a caravan to lead us into the country. The real journey begins once we're on the plains." Yamaha led them onto one of the wagons in the center. Malaria sealed the Winged Device he was still wearing into a scroll, and jumped onto a front seat next to a wagon driver.