
'Náli..' I turned around as the voice echoed all around me. I had no idea where it was coming from because everything around me was white.

'Who said that?' I questioned in a small voice, my mind alert just in case.

'Come.. To.. Me..' The voice was coming from all directions at once. I turned around again and again in search of the voice but to no avail.

'Who are you?' I said as the whiteness around me blinked in and out of focus. It was like the world around me was fading away.

'I.. am.. Ki-' I woke up with a gasp as my guardian's annoyed face came into view. I felt cold all over and felt that my forehead was wet when I touched it.

Ki.. I thought to myself as the guardian grabbed my arm and lifted me from the bed. I didn't even know that I was in the shower until the ice water brought me to reality.

I was shivering by the time I was done, reaching for the warmth of the towel.