Jealous hearts chapter 4

"Wife?You and her are together ?"What the hell was this doctor talking about.

"I'm her cousin you idiot."Adrian was getting irritated with Alexis.

"So as I was saying Miss Addy has lost a lot of blood but the bullet did not do any damage and she is stable for now."

The two men glared at the doctor for nearly killing them with his first statement.

"Can we see her ?" Adrian wondered how Addy was gonna react she might be a little of an introvert but the woman had a nasty temper so whichever idiot had shot her was gonna pay dearly.

"Yes.She is in room 12."with that the doctor parted with the men who were too eager to get to their loved one.

As they got in Addy was a little drowsy but she could make out the two figures in front of her.As angry as she was with Alexis for getting whipped by that witch that had just tried to kill her ,she did not have that much strength to argue.

"Are you feeling better sweetheart ?"Adrian leaned in to get a better look at her eyes which were struggling to keep open .

"Let her rest Adrian,she's tired."Alexis was almost at tears ,who the hell did this to his Addy ?Addy was as nice as any church girl even though she had a temper but she was still nice.

"So care to tell me now how this whole thing happened"Alexis sat on one of the Sofa's in the private room Addy was in.

"maybe you should ask Bridget why she would shoot Addy in the middle of the fucking street." Adrian was angry and he wanted Alexis to at least hear the truth ,whether he believed it or not was up to him.

"What the hell are you saying?Bridget would never do anything like this." No way Bridget would be this evil.Alexis was so confused with everything .Adrian isn't the type of guy that would lie so that would mean that Bridget might have shot Addy.

"Are you sure its her ?Bridget doesn't even know how to use a gun and she hates violence."

"Not as much as she hates Addy.Are you even sure she is pregnant ?I mean her belly is so flat that you'd think exercising is all she does."Ok,so Alexis believes him.Addy might finally get her prince charming back even if he was an idiot.

"I don't know and I don't even remember the last time I was intimate with her.I mean women usually know these things."Maybe Adrian was right about everything.

"I'm not saying the baby is not yours ,I just want you to be sure."

"I don't even remember how Thomas was created or born whichever term describes that...and now this"Alexis was really stressed if what Adrian is assuming as the truth then he owed Addy his life.

"Dude you had sex with her while you were semi-drunk and then you being an idiot called her Bridget."Adrian could make out the horror,regret and guilt all displayed on Alexis's face.

"Shit!No wonder she accepted that divorce as if she didn't care.I forgot everything the following day and I didn't think it was her I slept with ."What had he done to Addy?He had to make everything right.For god sake she was a virgin that's why his sheets were bloody and he had foolishly thought it was her menses.

"You're a jerk ,an idiotic one at that.She loved you and you threw that away but now you're gonna have to work for it."Adrian gave him a little pat on the shoulder and left to make sure Thomas was OK.

"I'm such an idiot. I let her go all because I was a fool to realize her true value.I need her in my life ,I may not know whether I love her or not but I know I need her in my life."

Alexis was busy voicing out his thoughts not knowing that Addy heard every word.And she was gonna make sure he was to work hard for her trust as well as her love if he chose to want all of her .Not that Bridget was forgiven for all her bad deeds,she was to rot in jail her whole life and Addy would make sure of it.

There I was lying in a hospital and missing my little pumpkin while this vile ,idiotic and stupid man sleeping right next to me as if the world was all perfect.

I so wanted to wake him up just for the fun of it.Its his fault that maniac did this to me and i was not gonna let this go even if it means stabbing that bitch to death.

I wonder who he left my baby with?I do trust Alexis with his son but with a crazy girlfriend on the loose ,you just can never be safe.

As soon as i notice his slight movements that he is probably waking up ,i shut my eyes and pretended that i'm still sleeping .

I felt his gaze on me and then he lightly pressed a chaste kiss on my forehead and i just could not help the quickening of my pulse which annoyingly made that stupid machine they connected me to beep loudly.

"I know you're awake Addy ."I hear him chuckle as i nervously bite my lip and stubbornly refuse to open my eyes.

"I would appreciate it if you opened those big orbs of yours."For a moment I almost forgot I was supposed to be furious with him and not be all shy about him being this sweet to me.

"Where is my baby?"The change in my moods baffles him for a sec and his eyes finally meet mine and I see a lot of guilt mixed with surprise.

"With my sister and that guy you were with."I notice the slight frown as he mentions Adrian.

"So how are you going to deal with this ?because we both know its all your precious Bridget's doing." He looks at me and the guilt is still there but what surprises me is he is not defending her like I thought he would.

"I will deal with her my own way and I want you to leave her alone."He goes all serious on me as if I would leave the bitch alone .

"I won't hold back this time Alexis ,I let her have her way for way too long ."I'm so angry with him for still trying to protect her.

"And what if she hurts you again ?Who will take care of Thomas and I just.... I can't lose you again."he whispers the last part and looks else where but at me.

He is acting really weird for a guy who is always in control.

"I want her to experience the same pain I went through and I will make damn sure she does or else I will kill her with my own two hands ."

"Would you stop it!She is carrying my child and you won't lay a finger on her."He stands up and starts pacing around the room all angry.

"Watch me."I say glaring at him and i'm pretty sure I've stabbed him a couple of times in my mind right at this moment.How dare he?

"Don't test me Addy!"He stops right near my bedside all domineering with his tall height and that angry scowl.

"And who said she is pregnant ?She is two months pregnant and her tummy is so flat that even a moron would know she is not."I so wanted to laugh know one of those evil laughs cause I've never met anyone as trusting as this man .

"What are you talking about?She is pregnant and i saw the scan."He stares at me as if I've grown a head or something.

"You must be completely stupid then."he is hopeless.

"I don't like the way you speak to me Addy and I demand respect.''He was really furious now.

"Respect?" I laugh humorlessly at that.he must be crazy.

"You don't talk to me about respect after you spent our wedding night with that bitch!" I let the tears fall as I continue

"You don't talk about respect after you slept with me and acted like a jerk by moaning that woman's name on our matrimonial bed ." OK maybe he was not supposed to know that but what the heck I was an angry ,hurt ex-wife and I could careless.

"Addy I...I thought... But I..."He was still looking at me with that guilt expression on his face that was just pissing me off.

"Just get the fuck out Alexis!"I've never been so angry with him than i am now .I wouldn't have minded if he hadn't acted like nothing happened that day because I'm pretty sure he knew I was the one he slept with. I lost my virginity to this coward and all I got was nothing ....well except for my precious baby boy.

"Addy would you...."

"Get out !Out Alexis!"I was screaming while my face was covered in snort and tears.

"I hate him."I continued to painfully drown my self in my own tears until I fell asleep.

A lot of what Addy said kept bothering me all the way home. I just needed to clear my mind that is why I called my sister to babysit for the night .

I just thought about that night,I remember coming home drunk and Addy was in the kitchen eating ice cream and then I was all over her .

I still think my actions were justified ,I mean what man would not want to go all cowboy on a woman who is licking a spoon as seductive as if she is.....never mind.

She did kiss me back I think after sometime and then I think I carried her upstairs and to think I was drunk!What the hell did I do?

So I'm pretty sure we made love and I'm sure it wasn't just plain sex because I've never been that satisfied with a woman before.

I remember sobering up as soon as I looked into her dazed eyes that were so full of love that it scared the booze straight out of me. She loved me and that was why I said her name...I mean it was all cowardly since all I said was 'best sex ever Bridget '

I'm such an idiot for saying that.I had feelings for Bridget but they were not as strong as for Addy.I mean I was almost addicted to Addy ,I remember after the divorce I slept in her room all the time and I would sit in the kitchen eating her favourite ice cream .

I was too much of a coward to admit that she had won my heart even though we weren't married under the best circumstances.

The truth is I tried to get to know her but she was so shy that I found it hard to talk to her.She would hide in her room and disappear as soon as I came home but now she was different. Even though she still had her shy moments but now its better than before.

Only problem is I hurt her again today and I know she hates me.I just find it weird that she still thinks Bridget is not pregnant .I did doubt at first that Bridget was pregnant but she showed me a picture of an embryo or maybe she was lying and then there's the accusation that she tried to kill Addy.

After spending my time all alone at the park and in my own thoughts ,I decided to take the bull by horn and I went straight to her penthouse.

"Bridget!"to say I was shocked would be an understatement.There in the middle of the room was my supposed fiancé all glorious in her nines with some man humping the living day lights out of each other.

"What the fuck is going on?"They weren't even startled ,they looked irritated at my intrusion to say the least.This is so unexpected.

"What are you doing here ?I thought you were at the hospital or at least preparing for a funeral." This woman is crazy and that would mean Addy was right.

"You're not pregnant?"I saw the man startled at that revelation.Does that mean he has been with her the whole time?

"Seriously Alex ?I don't get how you could think I am.The last time you even touched me was months back."She pulled on her robe and threw a irritated scowl at me.

"I trusted you!"I so wanted to strangle her ,how could she be this indifferent? She is just crazy.

"That right there is your problem.Look I really need to get laid so do you mind?"

"Do I mind?I'm marrying you and you're asking if I mind if you play slut house with him!" I was so angry with her and the fact that people knew I was being played made me feel worse.

"I want you out of my life Bridget and you better be prepared because the woman you almost killed Is coming for you."I should let Addy rip her to shreds and to think I defended her believing her to be innocent while she was just busy opening a whore house.

I lost Addy because of her and by tomorrow if she is still in that house she would be a lucky bitch.I am going to leave her with nothing ,not even a single cent.

How was I even going to apologise to Addy with all she has done to her.I ought to just plead and beg for her forgiveness .I can't go on without my little family and right now I need both of them.

Two damn full weeks and he never even bothered to check up on me .I knew that he was with Thomas and that he had been dropping him off at the hospital with his sister.

I heard that him and that witch were over and of course I was over the moon ,not because he was available but because I wanted revenge and I didn't need him to mess up my plans.

Honestly though, I missed him.Today I was finally going home to my baby so Adrian had picked me up and he kept staring at me weirdly.

"What is it?"I snapped and shifted a little in my seat so I could face him since he was driving.

"You look sad and angry .Do you still love him Addy?" Way to be blunt Adrian .I sighed and ignored him completely.

"Addy if you still love him shouldn't you at least try to talk to him." He was starting to piss me off.

"Look here you twerp!!I don't want that asshole near me ever again." Maybe I was overreacting but what the hell..."just drop it Adrian."

I know I was being a bitch to Adrian but I was just angry.My mood had been sour all week and I think maybe the fact that the guy I love and hate is an ass .

As we pulled over my driveway I saw him there with Thomas in his arms.I couldn't keep my eyes off of them.They both were wearing cute matching outfits and had the same grin plastered on their cute faces.I internally swooned at how cute and perfect it would be if he hadn't messed up.

"My baby boy!"I took Thomas into my arms and I heard him mumble something like mummy.I stared at the man in front of me and saw how nervous he looked and I just let it go and went inside .

"Addy should I leave?"I looked at him as if he was crazy .I mean he doesn't stay here so why would...

"You've been staying here?" I was really surprised by that.

"I sold my place after I realised a few things." He means after seeing her true self.

"You can stay here since you already made it your home ." Now that I take a better look at my place it was different. He had pictures of him and Thomas and a lot of toys I had seen them in Thomas's room earlier.

"Just for a week and then the house would already be done by then." He had this smug smile on as he talked about his supposedly amazing house that he had been building for the past years.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"he questioned as I glared at him .I had finally remembered I was mad at him.

"Like what?"I kept my voice low since Thomas was sleeping.

"Like you want to kill me and hide my body."he chuckled at that .

"So you think abandoning me at the hospital is funny?"I couldn't believe I let that slip ,he didn't need to know the reason.

"So you missed me?"He winked at me and I annoyingly blushed.

"I didn't say that.What if I had died at that hospital all alone without giving you my last words.''I'm pretty sure I was overreacting again.

"You mean your confession of how you have been in love with me since the first time we met?" I swear I went pale at that...why was he being so different ?he was not even joking as his expression was serious.

"What are you talking about?I dont ...i'm not inlove with you."I looked anywhere but him which was really hard as his eyes were sorely on me.

"Really? Don't lie to me Addy!"his voice had a hint of irritation to it,which was pissing me off.

"You've no right to drag my feelings out like that after what you did that night."I glared at him and he just raised his brow looking as if he could careless.

"What did I do to you that night?"His voice dropped a few octaves lower .

"You know what!"I blushed as I knew exactly what he wanted me to say .

"I wasn't completely wasted that night Addy." He winked at me as he stood up in the direction of the kitchen.

What the hell did he mean by that? Did he remember or was he playing dumb about not knowing that we had slept together and like a fool he had called me by her name.What the fudge is he thinking ?

"Aren't you eating or you want something else?"he poked his head out the kitchen ,with his full smug smile on.

"I'm not hungry."I practically ran upstairs with my heart beating out of my ribcage.My feelings had never changed and with him acting like this I might fall and he may not be there to catch me.

I woke up the next day feeling fresh and ready to tackle the day.I took a quick shower and got my booty shorts and a Batman T-Shirt that was two sizes bigger.

"Good morning !"I was so startled hearing his voice ,I had forgot about him.

"Yeah."I stood in the middle of the kitchen awkwardly as I watched him prepare breakfast for both of us .

"Mama!"I finally saw my little chubby pumpkin all dressed and bathed with a milk bottle half empty in front of him on his chair.

"Eat."he passed a full plate to me and I amazed at this new side of him ate without any complaints.

"So what are you doing today?" I wasnt planning on doing anything .

"Just spend time with my baby boy."I pinched Thomas's chubby cheeks who giggled and went back to playing around with his bottle.

"Wanna go out on a date with me?"I literally spat a mouthful of juice on his face.I bet his mission is to give me a heart attack.

"That was nice."He took his top off and wiped his face with it and me being the Pervert i gawked at his muscular body.

"Eyes up here Addy!"He chuckled and I blushed at that.His morning voice was just so...soothing especially when he laughed .

"I ...where are we going?"I don't know why I agreed but I was bored and I had missed Thomas a lot and I saw how he had grown attached to his father .

"To the park for a little picnic."He was smiling and I stared again .Memorizing his facial features as I had never seen him that happy before.

"I'll pack extra clothes for Thomas."I stood up but he got in my way and I being the clumsy fool almost fell down.

"Everything is ready I just need to get dressed."He looked down on his bare chest which I did too .

An hour later we were busy enjoying our little picnic when he got all serious on me.

"You know we have to talk about everything that has happened and how we are gonna raise our son right?" I guess its time we settled our differences

"OK.You got me pregnant ,We divorced well I'm not sure about that ...and at the time I didn't know I was so I left and now I'm here."Thinking back to how we used to be ,hurt a lot and i was not ready to let him in yet.

"Did you meet ...did you see anyone during the time we broke up."I cant believe that's all he wants to know .

"Yeah i did.I could not just sit and wait for you,I'm a woman and I have needs too."I watched him with all his fury and that brought a little satisfaction to me .

"What needs are those Addy?"Now he was full on angry...I just had to add a little fuel and he would explode.

"Sexual needs and not forgetting to be loved.I mean I was single I might as well go all the way."His eyes were now closed and he kept taking small deep breaths calming himself down.

"Is he still the picture ?The man who you slept with."Lord this man is dumb he didn't even know I made everything up.

"Yes...we see each other every weekend since he works in another state."He was so angry that he just grabbed everything furiously and got in the car.I guess its time to go home.

When we got to my place I practically hightailed out of the car and put Thomas to bed ,I didn't want him to be awake in case we end up arguing.

I got to the living room and he wasnt there so I thought I might just go and hide in my woman wants to mess with a jealous husband.

As soon as I got in my room,I closed the door and locked it .

"Did you actually think I would let that go" I let out an involuntary shriek and saw him flinch... How did he even get in here before me?

"You!?...what are you doing here?"He stood up from my bed and stalked towards me and he was still fuming .Why did I even lie ?

"I want you to call that twerp and tell him never to see you or touch you again because you're my wife and all of this ..."he trailed his hand on my arm towards my bum which he cupped and then pulled me flush against him.

"Its all mine Addy and if i hear or see any man near you I would kill him ."I was staring at him all flushed red and for a sec I was just entranced by his boldness as well as how possessive he was.

Without thinking much i stood on my toes and kissed him ...a little perk which seemed to calm him down.

"I'm not seeing anyone ..I never was."

"And that's how it should be ,now you're with me 'your needs' will be dealt with by your husband." He had calmed down and was grinning from ear to ear.

"Now that we have that dealt with can I kiss you now ?"He didn't even wait for a response ,he just went and assaulted my lips passionately and I was so caught up in our little make out session I didn't realise we were on the bed which brought out a little red card in my heard.

I had never been intimate with anyone except him and that night was really good even though I still think he was drunk .I slightly pushed him back so I could untangle my self from him and probably come up with an excuse to leave.

"I need to check on Thomas."I didn't wait for his response and hurriedly left the room.

If we're starting a new chapter he has to take everything slowly plus he hasn't apologized for neglecting me so until he does i will have to keep him wanting more.