Chapter 142: fantasy world black lagoon

Chapter 142: fantasy world black lagoon


Since beginner's time period is over with this fantasy world player can enter fantasy world once a week at the specified price by the system.

The system gives 4 weeks a month as base calculation.

For the first time entering fantasy world in a month is free.

For the second time entering fantasy world in a month costs 1 million chaos points,

For the third time entering fantasy world in a month costs 1 billion chaos points and

For the fourth time entering fantasy world in a month costs 100 billion chaos points.

For the remaining 4 weeks of time in a year can be considered as rest or odd times that can be learnt from the system.

Each entry to the fantasy world will requires 7 days of time break between them.

Only for the current month player can enter another free world after the current fantasy world.


Vikram was not shocked by the rules and the prices as he already know from the simulation memories.

After checking the things again Vikram entered the portal.

The similar white room appeared surrounding him.

Vikram looked at the difficulty and chose the Disaster mode: 140 percent difficulty.

With his current stats he can bear with this level of difficulty.

He has already crossed over the normal level for this world.

The range of stat points related to this world is from 35 stat points to 85 stat points.

In that range any player can easily survive.

The higher the stats the easier it is to survive.

So for Vikram choosing this difficulty is not a problem.

After that he got some information through notification.


The beginner player were given grace time of 7 days and they can enter 7 days before the other veteran people in the story line."

Vikram understood that.

Vikram directly bought the information related to this world spending some chaos points.

Even though it was like the world the same as that of the previous world he came from there may be some changes.

Also looking at the small areas and the distribution of power and people in this world is very different.

This is especially so for the Roanapur that does not exist in the real world.


Vikram did not change any of the characteristics of his appearance.

As for the rank and back story he chose the free one that he can get with his current military and civilian rank.

Just like back on earth he is a mercenary in this world too.

He made sure that he did not have any records that would hit his bottom line with his new background.


Vikram has bought a special face mask for 100 million in the auction before.

This mask has the properties to cover his image from the players but for the storyline characters the image will be normal.

Vikram wanted to put his first mark of being the hidden demon from this world and the real world.

Now he has to select the location where he should enter the fantasy world.

Vikram is going to use the treasure map of the Treasure Island that he got before.

Also in this world he is going to need some money.

Well he doesn't have to worry about the cash because he can convert them back from the chaos points.

The conversion rate is horrible.

1 chaos points will give 50 dollars but for every 100 dollars Vikram can only get 1 chaos point.

That is the conversion rates of this fantasy world.

It changes for different fantasy world and the system would give the conversion rates.

For starters Vikram need some cash for basic things.

Then he can earn back the money from this world.

If he plays his cards well he will be able to gain more from this world.

Since it is not a apocalypse world Vikram has the chance to gain more from this world.

He has few sets of contracts prepared before entering t his fantasy world.

Now the location he chose is England.

Previously the Treasure Island was close to the south side of the England.

7 days are there for Vikram to make some preparation.


After the arrangements Vikram appeared in a railway station with the familiar transparent barrier around him.

Then the system mission for this fantasy world appeared in front of him.


Main quest: get a foot hold in the city of sin Roanapur

Description: player has to gain recognition as a person of Roanapur within the next 30 days.

Time period: 30 days

Hints: become a member of a group in Roanapur or become a mercenary in Roanapur.

Rewards: rewards will be given based on the achievements of the player.

Based on the group joined or reputation acquired in the fantasy world player can extend their stay.

Base rewards are 1000 chaos points and 1 free stat point.

Penalty: no penalty


Vikram know that 30 days is not enough to gain anything in this fantasy world.

With the appearance of the quest the transparent barrier around Vikram disappeared leaving him standing to the side in the railway station.

Vikram sat on a bench and then took out the map to look at the longitude and latitude appears on the map.

He found a local internet center and made his way there.

After paying a few bucks he went to a computer.

Then he started to hack into the system creating some fake certificates and passports.

Also he earned few thousand dollars in a matter of minutes hacking into the accounts of some big third rate hackers of this world.

This world is not very advanced and their security system is not to Vikram's level.

He has good skill level even in magic software so the normal software is very easy for him.

With the earned money he went to a government registration office to get the relevant documents and certificates.

Well he needs some on hand cash for that...…


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