Chapter 151: spanking Revy

Chapter 151: spanking Revy

With the threat from Vikram, Dutch was stopped in his tracks.

Revy don't know what to do as no matter how she shot she doesn't seems to be able to hit Vikram.

Vikram only took 2 minutes to complete his transaction and then turned around towards Dutch.

Vikram did not kill the two people.

It is not that he fear them, it is just caution against future troubles.

Till he reaches the fifth ring, Vikram don't want to have any fights or kills with his own hands.

So he gave them each a needle and told them to prick each other.

They feared death but the pain cause from Vikram is even more unbearable.

So they can only listen to Vikram and prick each other with the needles.

Vikram collected the needles and went to speak with Dutch.

"So you are pirates that came here to get something from the punching bag over there…

You big guy looks like the captain of the pirates….

May I know your name…?"

Dutch was still cool and said.

"It is Dutch….

What do you want to talk to me?"

Vikram smiled back and said.

"Mister Dutch, you know I have a few cases on my head and I have a hard time travelling from country to country directly.

I paid this ship's crew to take me to a specific place for a good sum of money.

But now you and your group came here to cause so disturbance.

The costal guards will be here soon.

Now tell me how should I escape this ship and reach my destination…."

Before Vikram finished speaking Revy cut off with her rambling.

"What the fuck, are you tell me that we are the reason you are being caught.

So what, what does it have to do with us…?"

Vikram was a little annoyed and came in front of Revy with his quick speed.

She did not even finish her words and Vikram was already in front of her.

He flipped her with her hands dislocated restricting her movements.

Then he sat down with her lying straight on his lap with her ass facing up.

"Phat….Ahaaaa...Where the fuck are you hitting me…"

"Little missy… you know when someone speaks you have to stay silent and listen.

"Phat….Ahaaaa…I will kill you bastard"

As far as I know that big black man is your boss right.

"Phat….Ahaaaa….stop that I will kill you when you let me go"

So when I am speaking to your boss why are you interfering in the middle like a second rate mother in law.

"Phat….Ahaaaa fuck stop it already."

Can't you close your mouth for a moment before I complete my words?

"Phat….Ahaaaa….okay fuck I am sorry let me go"

You should be punished for this…"

"I could not hear you say that again."

"Phat….Ahaaaa….sorry I will not speak in the middle again.

Please stop hitting my assssss"

Vikram finally stopped and looked at Dutch.

Dutch has an imagination of getting hit on the ass in the same way as Revy just now.

His forehead sweated a little.

But his imagination was shattered by Vikram's words.

"Don't worry Dutch, I only swing towards women and did not like men that much.

When it comes to men, look over there…"

Vikram pointed out at the blond man and red stripped haired man that are currently twitching at one corner.

"That will be my punishment for men…."

Vikram did not let Revy go and placed his hand on her ass as he spoke.

Revy was silent digesting the grievance that she just had with Vikram.

"As for the thing that I want to say is.

Since you are a pirate in these waters you should know where Roanapur is right…."

Revy wanted to speak but swallowed her words because the hand of Vikram is still on her ass.

Her ass still has the tingling sensation from the spanking that she received just now.

Also her pussy was a little wet strangely to her.

She never knew that she has this masochistic nature inside her.

But she is in no mood to think of that right now and listened to what Vikram is about to say.

For his previous question Dutch answered with a nod that he knows Roanapur.

"Oh that is good.

Then take me to Roanapur on your boat then.

I will pay you two grand for that.

Since my trip was already ruined by you people it is only natural to compensate.

But still I cannot let your take me for free so I am going to give you two grand as payment…."

Once again Revy wanted to speak and said.

"What two grand….

Do you think our lagoon company works so cheap?

You want to go to Roanapur…

Do you think that place is a park…?"


"I told you to be quite…

Why are you rambling again…?

It seems that the punishment is not enough,


Are you actually enjoying getting spanked like this…?"

When Vikram came with the last sentence Revy became silent again and only refuted with cold snort.

She doesn't want to speak as she was thinking the same thing.

Well it is actually related to the special perverted skills package that Vikram bought from the system before entering this world.

Just like the comfortable hug, arousal scent, seduction, dirty masseur.....

Now he got skills like arousal touch, seducing spanks, mesmerizing kiss...…

All of them were converted into pervert package skill set.

Vikram was able to get all the skills in a package to form the entire set into a single packed and they became an art instead of a skill.

When the skills of a specified theme were added along with the theme specified title will become an art.

Improving arts is a very hard thins because the experience required to improve an art is hundred times more than that of a normal skill.

Also the experience gained is also very slow.

But the good thing is that the number of sources of gaining experience is very high….


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