Chapter 157: talking business with balalaika

Chapter 157: talking business with balalaika

This was the time like around 1990 and 2000 where the technology is in rapid growth state.

So the plastic surgery is not preferred much unless they want to change their appearance no matter what.

Since Vikram has something that can cause a difference why not try that.

Balalaika really loved the gift from Vicky.

But at the same time she was vigilant as the big gifts requires big favors to return the favor.

So before receiving the gift balalaika resisted the temptation and asked Vicky.

"The gift is great but the favor is also big.

Tell me Vicky what is the catch or the business that you spoke off."

Vicky smiled back at balalaika and said.

"If I tell you that I fell in love with you and right now giving the gifts to flirt with you.

Would you believe that?"

Balalaika's heart sting was pulled a little.

But she thought about it and concluded that such a thing will only happen in fairy tale.

Vicky is a handsome and capable man.

He was at least 15 years younger than her.

Why would he want to flirt with an old lady like her?

She thought that he is teasing her.

"Enough jokes Vicky tell me, what is the business that you spoke of for the favor of the gifts you want to make?

Don't tell me you want to produce this medicinal cream and sell it outside."

Vicky sighed and said.

"What I told you before is not a lie balalaika.

Well it is one of the reasons that I came to you.

As for this medicinal cream, it is impossible to make this with the current technology of this world.

Even if you have the technology finding the herbs required is even harder.

So forgot about that.

My goal is a little different.

Have you heard about the secret societies of the leading countries that would live in shadows and deal with the paranormal things?"

The first sentence made balalaika tense a little.

Well there are few reasons for this which is his skills related to seduction and his persuasion skill reaching higher tier than this fantasy world level.

Then when he talked about how hard it was to make this medicine has made her feel sweet inside her heart.

But it also aroused the questions in her mind about his background.

Later when Vikram talked about the business she became serious again.

When she heard about the secret societies she has some idea.

These secret societies were deeply embedded in every country with long civilization.

They have a tactical agreement that no other secret society would prey into the secrets of the other one unless they are in war with each other.

Well this only applies if both of them are equal in power and have all good conditions.

These secret societies would not care about any mortal affairs and only acts when there is something that really culturally related to paranormal things.

At the same time they cannot be messed with easily even though balalaika has strong background to support her.

"What do you want to know about these secret societies?"

Balalaika asked with serious face.

She remembered that Vicky has some magical like things which are in line with those secret societies.

So she has a feeling that Vicky was going to say something crazy.

Vicky smiled and said

"Well if you can find their hide outs then I want to go there and have a look at them.

There are a few things I wanted to borrow from them..."

As Vicky stated the same thing as he said in his memories.

He knows what balalaika would say but he strongly told her that it is not a problem to search for these things for him.

That is all he wants from her.

Balalaika sighed and agreed to Vicky request.

Before leaving Vicky suddenly turned around and said.

"Balalaika, I really love you and want you to be a part of my harem.

There are other secrets of mine that I wanted to share to you.

You have to trust me enough to know those secrets.

It is not like I don't want to tell you but I cannot tell you until you truly trust me…

Well think about my proposal and contact me when you make up your mind."

After saying that to balalaika, Vicky left the hotel and returned back to the lagoon company office.

Balalaika was in deep thought looking at the back of Vicky.

Vicky found that balalaika has reached the favorability of 39 points and only 1 point away from trusting him.

Also Boris seems to understand the intentions of Vicky and has complicated thoughts related to Vicky.

But his favorability has reached 35 points too.


On the way back to the lagoon company he called Abraham to know the progress of the information about the secret societies.

Even if this is a fantasy world some things like Mount Everest and other things are constant in all the worlds.

Similar to that there will always be people taking care of the secrets of the magical things too.

That day was uneventful as Abraham was still investigating.

Even though Vikram know all the details from the memories of simulation he still want to make Abraham continue to investigate.

Abraham actually found a special clue that even the secret societies don't know.

It is related to a discovery in the Egyptian mythology.

It was because some writer is doing research here for a movie related to treasure hunt.

This is related to Indiana Jones: riders of the last ark.

Unlike the 10 commandments that should be there in the original story this ark of that once gods created to save people in ancient times from great flood.

This is very important to Vicky so he let Abraham go on with his enquiries.

May be there are other things that can be found too.

This time Vicky called him to tell him that he should not leave any information unchecked no matter how irrelevant it might seem...…


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