Chapter 312: the innate skills break through and upgrade

Chapter 312: the innate skills break through and upgrade

So he was not moved but looked at Vicky with shock.

If Vicky were to jump into the water from his boat then he loses the test and might die in the hands of mermaids.

But if he won then he can get some good benefits.

At that time when the leader of the siren also took part Vicky started to move as he stood up.

William and other ship crew of the Flying Dutchman thought that Vicky is going to jump into the water.

Vicky was also in the trance state with his eyes looking dull and there is a stupid smile on his face.

His Will skill was at a critical juncture of breaking through.

As long as he resists with his strong will the skill would broke through and upgrade.

He took a step forward and came to the edge of the boat.

But he did not jump and stood there like a stone statue.

The singing of the three mermaid leaders and the siren was intensified and the voice is so sweet that some of the crew of the Flying Dutchman jumped into the waters.

Vicky stood still as his mind is having an intense war with himself to control his body and actions.

Finally after 5 minutes of struggle Vicky appeared to take a step forward but instead he stopped mid air.

William was excited.

Because as long as Vicky dies Elizabeth would return back to him and he don't have to pay off the big debt from the previous captain of the Flying Dutchman.

Unfortunately, Vicky did not lose his senses completely.

Vicky's eyes became clear and a pleasant smile appeared on his face.

He went back to sit on the boat and slowly rowed his boat to the shore of Isla Sirena.

The test will be over as long as Vicky lets his small boat touch the shore of the Isla Sirena.

That should be break point for him to upgrade his innate skill will.

The movement is slow and the time seems to have stopped when Vicky's boat finally touched the shore of the Isla Sirena.

As soon as she stopped he stepped on the shore of Isla Sirena, he received a notification.


The innate skill 'will' has upgraded to the innate skill "King's will"

King's will: tier 0 (320/ 100,000)



The innate skill 'Insight' has upgraded to the innate skill "Scholar's insight"

Scholar's insight: tier 0 (12/ 100,000)


Vicky looked at the number and his eyes flashed.

The kings will is very hard to upgrade.

At the same time the insight skill that is upgraded to Scholar's insight.

Vicky sighted and moved to the leaders of the Isla Sirena.

"Based on the rules of this island I have the right to make a deal with you people right."

Vicky looked at the beauties in front of him and smiled.

Even thought the mermaids and siren are not completely human and has beast features as long as they want to they can transform into normal humans.

That is the benefit that those leaders have.

It is not just illusion but they can change to become normal humans.

As for the other mermaids or siren they have to meet some requirements to appear like humans.

This is the difference between the leaders of mermaid and siren and the normal people of their races.

Vicky asked the system if those mermaid leader and siren leader know about the real world.

That is if he can speak to them about the real world.

But the system said that they don't know and telling about that would still drop penalty bombs on him.

So he chose the other route for this problem.

That is to use the help of calypso.

"We can speak inside"

The siren leader said and walked into the cave like structure.

The three mermaid leader also followed along with her and Vicky was behind them.

Well they are wearing some lose ancient Greek dresses.

When they walk their curves appear from time to time.

But Vicky still controlled his mind from falling into any traps.

Before they completely become his women, he should not even think about them.

The leader of siren wanted to introduce about her, but Vicky directly named her.

"You are the leader of siren called Peisinoe.

These three are the leaders of mermaids and their names are Morveren, Aquala and Aquila.

Calypso has already told to me about you people and the trident of Poseidon."

As soon as Vicky said that the walking people stopped and looked at Vicky strangely.

Then Peisinoe spoke to Vicky.

"You know too many things.

We will speak inside, so that other people would not listen to our conversation."

After saying these words they quickened their pace into the caves.

The internal cave structure is complicated and after walking for 20 minutes they finally arrived at a room that has stone table and seats for people to sit.

It looked more like an ancient stone room.

The throne was occupied by Peisinoe while the three chairs on the side were occupied by the three mermaid leaders.

 Vicky did not sit on those seats but he sat down on the chair he placed on table that he dragged over to the front of the beauties.

Well they widened their eyes because of Vicky's boldness.

But this was the current change came from the upgrade of his skill.

In case of deals like this Vicky cannot back down even a little.

He has to show his dominance so that he can gain their acceptance.

The people that have beast race blood line in them would be deterred by strong deterrence.

That is they worship the strong and despise the weak.

Even the people they love needed to be strong enough to be on the same level as them.

So Vicky has to show his level to never back down.

With the table as the base and sitting on the chair he is on....


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