Chapter 329: cooking, pill refining, crafting guilds

Chapter 329: cooking, pill refining, crafting guilds

Vicky kept them aside and called Titia.

With her help he moved the silent Mary to one of the docks and told her his idea of the ship design.

She immediately got into work of improving his ark ship.

On the other hand Vicky arranged for the new people and the island also grew bigger.

The big turtle shell was moved under the place that black rock island that is the island filled with crystals and a strange resonance started to form.

It is said that in ancient times the earth and universe was carried on the back of a turtle.

So this should be the resonance of those beliefs.

Whatever the case it might be the magical energy on the ark island started to improve by leaps and bounds.

As for Isla Sirena that merged with the ark island has created a unique beach view island full of mermaids and sirens.

Vicky came here to speak to them and also declared this place was restricted for the entry of men without permission.

If anyone enters without permission Vicky don't mind them being killed.

At the same time Vicky told the siren and mermaid leaders to become more human like and mix in with the people freely.

If they don't want to mix in then they can always stay away on the merged portion of Isla Sirena of the Ark Island and life their life as they liked.

As for food and other thing Vicky told them that they can work to gain food and the work details were arrange by balalaika and other woman.

The mermaids and siren trust Vicky and they wanted to see what the human civilization is like.

After dealing with this matter Vicky called over his women and showed them many ornaments and artifacts that he collected from the pirates of the Caribbean world and mummy world.

He gave them free reign to choose whatever they wanted from the things.

Also Vicky gave the swords that he got from William as he commissioned before.

These were also distributed among his women that liked the swords.

As for the remaining they were kept for future use.

Vicky let them choose the ornaments and left the place after arranging things.

After coming out he went out of this place he returned back to the main land.

Then he came to his apartment to rest.

He has to set his mind to normal and align it to the current time.

Living in the fantasy world would cause the player to have problems with age and timelines because of the changing environment and living conditions.

So they need some peace of time to set their mind to normal.

There is also medicine for this if the after effects are strong enough to cause mental problems.

Well Vicky doesn't need them.

His cultivation technique is good at soothing minds.

He did not simulate but to stay and rest for 2 days.


His clone has stepped on the safe island on the second ring and started to open up the store again.

As for the backing he spoke about did not appear directly instead he put on a store front with a new registered brand called the "The fate"

Here he would do cooking, pill refining, and few of the crafting too.

When people asked about the background that recruited him Vicky simply told them that they don't want him to reveal about themselves.

Also they are the one that made him open the store so that he can improve his chaos monster cooking to the next level.

This way he can be of use to them.

In the next week Vicky also applied at the gourmet guild, pill refiners guild and crafting guilds at the same time.

He got the one star license on all these fields from the guilds.

At the same time he patented some of the food recipes that he accidentally found during his cooking experiments.

Well it would be his extra income.

With that there are many people that are investigating the background of Vicky's backer.

Actually the people that are checking are only grass root level managers.

Vicky is not really in the high popular level.

There are many safe islands and there are many cooks.

They see potential in Vicky and recruiting him would give them some bonus.

This is their plan.

So Vicky did not have a problem for the time being.

He has already spent 9 days doing all these things.

During this time he used all of his free time to simulate.

He did not expect that after entering the second ring the cost of everything is doubled.

He found this when he was in the pirates of the Caribbean world.

But he cannot do anything.

He is feeling sad that when he reaches higher tier, how many time the price of the simulation would increase.

At the same time there is another thing he noticed.

Extracting of genetic essence or other materials would actually cost him double the amount in the second ring.

This distressed him about his funds.

For this year it was okay and the chaos point that he got from other rich second generation were helpful.

But as he moved forward his costs would be balanced out with his earning.

At that time he will not be able to do anything.

So he has to think of a way to increase the amount of chaos points he has on hand.

At the same time there is good news.

The map promised by calypso was already with him and he can see the entire area of the second ring on the map.

It is like a 3 dimensional holographic map with all kinds of information.

But it has information only up to fourth ring.

Well anything is better in this situation.

This is not the only thing.

He also got the information on other trident pieces that calypso knows about.

One of them is actually in Harry potter series...…..


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