Chapter 341: other players

Chapter 341: other players

But he tried his best to control chakra and tried to create the yin seal.

Based on the information he got from the real world, he can make the yin seal anywhere on the body.

But forehead is the best spot which is close to the head.

He knows the theoretical process but he did not have the practical experience.

Any way for learning this he is willing to spend an entire year.

That is how important this is.

Also his success can give him extra benefits of fine chakra control which is essential for all kinds of techniques in this ninja world.

Killing two birds with one stone is the best way of doing things.

With that his daily routine has another thing added to it.

The thing he is currently good at is actually Taijutsu and throwing technique.

Both of them are possible because of the accumulated experience of his skills from the real world.

It is especially so in the throwing technique where the kunai he threw would curve in the air and hit the targets in the blind spots.

But he did not show this skill to others.

Fortunately the clan gave them a set of kunai and other ninja gear for free.


Another 6 months passed by and the 20 children that showed aptitude to ninjutsu were enrolled in the ninja academy.

Orphans got their academy fee paid by the clan.

During these 6 months the war has increased and the number of causalities is very high.

He went around daily to collect the bloodlines spending the chaos points.

Some times in Senju clan dead people he found few preliminary sage bodies that he extracted.

This coupled with the previously extracted sage body has let him move close to the complete and perfect sage body.

It was not complete yet.

But he was sure to complete at the end when all the Senju people die like a stupid group of sheep.

On the other hand many people from the Uchiha clan are old and died because of their old age.

Suzaku got some good profits.

During this time his Uchiha, Senju, Hyuga bloodlines has completed 100 percent and the Uzumaki bloodline has reached 80 percent.

When the son of Mito that is the father of Tsunade dies, he will be able to complete both the Uzumaki bloodline and sage body would be completed.

Other than that his Otsutsuki bloodline has reached 15 percent.

It was already active and all the other bloodlines are already integrated into the Otsutsuki bloodline.

Well they would appear independently showing their percentage but still they all merged into Otsutsuki bloodline.

That day Suzaku actually opened the three tomoe Sharingan and almost opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

If his Otsutsuki bloodline increased more he would definitely be able to open the Mangekyō Sharingan without worrying about the after effects of the usage of Sharingan.

That is not the only thing that is improved.

His chakra is also very high compared to many and the body is showing good signs of health.

His spirit is also like that.

It became very strong after many spirit supporting bloodlines collected by him.

The only bad thing is that the amount of Otsutsuki bloodline harvested is still very low.

If he was able to find the bloodline of Hashirama Senju or Uchiha Madara or few other powerful people, he will be able to make good progress.

But it would not happen right now.

As for opening Rinnegan Suzaku is still waiting for completion of Uzumaki bloodline.

It will definitely happen soon in the future.

But right now he has other things to focus on.

The most important target is to become strong enough to break the rules of this world.

Only then can he do anything that he wanted.

Till then he is just a weak chicken even with all kinds of bloodline in his body.

If he made one wrong move then he will be the best testing object of the mad scientists and greedy old men of the ninja world.

During this time he actually found other player.

The reason why he was able to recognize them is because of his insight skill.

Others cannot recognize the player in the life fantasy world because they all are born biologically in this world.

Suzaku found some training and some of them are curiously looking around the village.

Well not everyone can become a ninja with the randomness of the system.

One has to specifically pay the price and select the system to born with ninja talent.

Some player did not do that as they have other thoughts or they are simply too poor and accidentally entered this life fantasy world.

Suzaku did not meet many only a few people that are practicing hard in the training grounds and few other people that are with dazed look on their faces.

If there are some in the big clans he will not be able to know about that.

Also if they are in other village he will not be able to know about them.

During this time he was close to Mikoto many times and even spared with her.

But he never showed his talent that is beyond her or the Sharingan that he awakened.

During these 6 months he was able to gain more control over chakra and the flow of chakra is very smooth.

As for the yin seal it did not form yet.

But he was very close.

He continued with his daily routine and reported to the academy on the next day.

He naturally sat beside Mikoto after asking permission from her.

His tone is particularly gentle and there is no fluctuation at all in his tone.

Because of his good nature, sweet Mikoto did not notice any difference at her age and let him sit beside her.

Today Suzaku was able to find other player that entered along.

There are quite a few of them.

Most of them are in the third year of the academy.


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