Chapter 352: the horror of wood style ninjutsu

Chapter 352: the horror of wood style ninjutsu 

That is if Suzaku can use wood style.

If Suzaku can really use wood style then based on her husband's last words she would teach that person about sage techniques and sealing technique.

"Do you know about the wood style?"

Mito asked Suzaku.

"Yes, grandma.... Mito san"

Suzaku answered…with a little slip up.

Well it was all an act to gain more close relation with Mito and in turn be more close to Tsunade.

Being women from the Senju clan and Uzumaki clan they are strong in emotions.

Mito smiled like a good grandmother and said.

"You can call me grandma Mito, any way you are also from the Senju clan."

Well Suzaku is currently only 8 years old.

He has most of the devilish appearance of the Uchiha clan.

But his appearance is currently on the cuter side.

Then she asked.

"Do you know how to perform wood style?"

Mito asked again.

Suzaku appeared as if he was thinking for a moment and looked at the orange seed that was left on the plate on the side.

He went to take the seed and held the seed.

Suzaku knows how to use the wood style as he tried to control vitality before.

He tried to plant a seed and let it grow using the vitality chakra that he can emit.

Suzaku knows that this is wood style.

Having information is one thing and feeling the real thing is different.

With 100 percent Senju clan bloodline he tried to use his vitality and wood style with his thoughts.

After trying for a few times he finally succeeded and was able to grow a plant directly using the vitality chakra.

Then he was able to move the branches of the plant and manipulate them to do his bidding.

Now he was going to use it in front of Mito.

There is a fundamental different between the wood style ninjutsu that he and Hashirama use and the wood style of Yamato uses.

The wood style ninjutsu that he and Hashirama use can directly produce living plant and manipulate it.

Also the plant can live just like any other normal plant or tree.

On the other hand the wood style ninjutsu that Yamato use will only have vitality as long as he is in contact with it.

After that it would lose its vitality and becomes no different than dead wood that can be used to make furniture.

That is the main difference.

Suzaku used the vitality chakra that is a mixture of yang nature chakra, water nature chakra, earth nature chakra and natural chakra from the surroundings to some extent and concentrated it on the small orange seed.

Immediately after that the orange seed started to take germinate.

Suzaku directly placed it on the wooden floor and soon it turned into small plant and continued to grow till it turned into a medium sized tree and started to bear fruits.

Yes there are ripe orange fruits on the new orange tree right now.

Both Mito and Tsunade were shocked and excited at the same time.

This is because they finally found someone that can use the wood style Jutsu just like Hashirama did.

This thing is of utmost importance so both Mito and Tsunade told Suzaku to not to tell anyone about his capability to use wood style.

They specifically told him not to tell about this to either his father or the third Hokage.

With the things proved Mito decided to pass on the knowledge related to sage techniques and other techniques related to Senju Hashirama.

Also Tsunade would take Suzaku as her student.

As for Mito passing him knowledge would be done secretly even without the knowledge of Senju clan people.

This is very important and any leakage of information related to Suzaku can lead to the war between the villages.

The reason why those villages started war is because of the death of Senju Hashirama.

They feared him and Madara very much.

So they did not dare to attack the hidden leaf village as long as Hashirama and Madara are still alive and kicking.

On the other hand after they died they attacked the hidden leaf village giving raise to the ninja world war.

Hashirama Senju is a moron that believed that everyone would be happy as long as they understood each other.

It is just like Naruto.

Fortunately they were able to become strong and make their point.

If not they would be the first one to die because of their stupidity.

Suzaku is not like them.

His goal is to take over the entire ninja world.

The reason why Mito and Tsunade were so secretive is because the sage techniques and the wood style Jutsu have the deterrent effect on all tailed beasts.

Other villages would not want a person like that to live.

That is also the reason why the death of Nawaki was so well planned and executed.

Even though it was organized by the people from the hidden leaf village, for this to work many things are solved by the other villages in the dark.

Suzaku doesn't want to die like that.

Tsunade and Mito also understood this matter after the painful lesson of the death of Nawaki.

So they don't want to make the same mistakes again.

With that Mito started to tell Suzaku about the careful warning on who to trust and who not to trust.

Tsunade on the side added words from time to time.

They are going to teach Suzaku from now on.

Tsunade would teach the medical ninjutsu while Mito teaches sage Jutsu and sealing techniques.

They have already decided to make Suzaku as their successor.

Mito can feel that her life is not going to last for long.

So she decided to teach Suzaku first and takes most of his time.

Tsunade on the other hand would act as a cover using his shadow clone that goes along with her to act as distraction.

Suzaku can maintain a shadow clone with the amount of chakra he possesses so they taught him the shadow clone technique first.


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