Chapter 372: Orochimaru became a servant

Chapter 372: Orochimaru became a servant 

He immediately knows that something is completely wrong here.

He wanted to withdraw away from Suzaku.

But he was unable to do that as Suzaku held him tightly.

The process of application of soul servant Mark is slow.

Well not for ordinary people but for ninja it was slow.

Suzaku has to hold down Orochimaru till the seal is formed.

Suzaku did not fear that he would be attacked by Orochimaru during this time because Suzaku is very strong.

He is at super Kage level that would not let him be damaged by the likes of Orochimaru easily.

After few seconds the seal is formed and Suzaku let go off Orochimaru.

Orochimaru immediately wanted to run away but he was stopped because of the command that Suzaku gave him.


Orochimaru stopped in his tracks without any movement.

Even though he wanted to run his body is not moving.

"What did you do to me?"

Orochimaru asked while trying to check if there is anything wrong with his body, mind or soul.

Suzaku let him search for a little while.

Suzaku was a little exhausted because this requires around a massive amount chakra to complete the process along with the spirit energy.

He would not show his exhaustion in his appearance but he would recover before making a move.

He did not fear Orochimaru but it is always good to be cautious as one cannot expect from where the attack or death comes from.

Orochimaru finally found the location of the Mark straight on the forehead of his soul.

This Mark is the same as the one he saw in the hand of Suzaku that placed on his head.

He was immediately shocked and did not know what this is.

But based on his interaction with it just now he found that it was some sort of control Mark that can control his soul and from soul his entire body.

Even though he has independent thinking he did not have a choice but to follow the commands of the Mark owner.

He tried to probe the Mark with his spirit energy and chakra but the result is a big negative.

He could not do anything to it.

Suzaku that has just recovered used the wood style to create a rocker chair and sat in front of Orochimaru.

The eyes of Orochimaru widened because he saw Suzaku use in the wood style.

Suzaku smiled at him and gave another command.

"Stand in attention position like a good servant."

Immediately Orochimaru came forward and stood in front of Suzaku.

He did not have a butler dress but he looked more like Sebastian in black butler series.

Suzaku smirked at Orochimaru and said.

"That is a good servant position.

I will think of a way to get you a butler dress that suits you very much.

As for your current condition,

Well I made a special seal Mark on your soul.

There are only two ways to remove it.

First is I should remove it through a special way.

Second it that your soul is shattered completely that would not even be able to enter the pure world.

So you are my servant for life without any other choice.

You have to bear that in mind from now on.

Also as a permanent command,

'You are not allowed to harm me or my woman or my children in any way or instigate others to do the harm.'

Now the reason why I gave you a warning before is to bring you here to attack me.

You see, I really like your talent.

I wanted to a mad genius scientist like you to be my subordinate.

So you should follow my commands from now on.

Don't worry; I would not interfere with your work or anything.

When I need something I would tell you in advance.

Now you can go back and act as nothing happened….."

Suzaku gave him a few instructions and sent him back.

On the other hand Suzaku wanted to return back to the hidden leaf village.

He is wearing the eyes cover that would cover his Sharingan for a day.

He will go back to the village with a changed appearance and give few instructions to certain people.

They are the father of Tsunade, elders of the Senju clan, Minato….

This way future plot would follow the original path without causing him extra problems.

He used the flying thunder god technique to immediately return to the village and completed these small things.

He took caution about one thing that is to avoid detected by 9 tails.

Well even if detects him it would not tell Mito but still it is better safe than sorry later.

Suzaku completed his work and returned back to the camp in the land of rain.

He returned back to them in the evening.

No one suspected anything as he left a clone here to do the pretending.

Jiraiya decided to stay here to teach the trio of Nagato's group,

Tsunade along with Orochimaru left here to return back to the hidden leaf village.

Tsunade was anxious so she urged them to move faster to return to the village.

She wanted to talk to her father and other elders about this matter.

Orochimaru acted as if nothing happened and does what he does as usual.

After returning back Tsunade did not go to third Hokage to report back the mission.

She left it to Orochimaru and left to the Senju clan.

Orochimaru looked at Suzaku and asked.

"Are you going to go after Tsunade?"

Suzaku looked at Orochimaru and asked.

"Did you have any thoughts on her?"

"Actually not on her, but the one that is following her called Dan Kato.

He has a special spiritual technique that I am quite interested in.

You don't mind me playing with him for experiments right."

He asked Suzaku like a good subordinate.

"I don't mind, also I am glad if he goes on his way during the war later."


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