Chapter 380: why do you want to protect me?

Chapter 380: why do you want to protect me?

So he has no resistance to speak the truth when Kushina, the person he loved asked him to tell her the truth.

So he immediately started to talk about the incident that happened with him and the third Hokage.

"When you first arrived at the hidden leaf village, I fell in love with you.

At that time I was performing well and third Hokage wanted to talk to me.

While speaking to him I told him that I liked you.

So he said that he would support me to pursue you.

From then on every time you are in trouble someone from the third Hokage would signal me to save you.

Well at the start it was senior Suzaku Uchiha saved you a few times before I have a chance to get close to you.

Later third Hokage said that the Uchiha people are not good and he would send senior Suzaku away so that you would be safe from falling into Uchiha clans hands.

After that senior Suzaku was sent to the war with senior Tsunade.

From then on I saved you from all kinds of trouble. 

This way we can become close to each other....."

The more she listened the more Kushina became aware that she was tricked into loving Minato.

Most probably all the troubles that she had were caused by third Hokage provoking to create opportunity for Minato to show off in front of her.

Her mind immediately became complicated.

She understood that Suzaku is originally saving her for real.

But later he was diverted by the third Hokage and Minato took the place from him.

She became sad that she actually suspected the person that is really helping her and believed in wolves that should be her enemies.

The more she thought about this the sadder she became.

But she concealed it as she moved on back to the hidden leaf village.

While moving she heard the voice of Suzaku.

"Kushina I will meet you back at the hidden leaf village later.

Don't worry; I will be there to protect you at all times."

Suzaku said and his voice vanished.

Pearl tears fell down her eyes for a moment listening to the voice of Suzaku as she wiped them quickly without the knowledge of Minato.

They returned back to the village.

After speaking to third Hokage she returned back to her home.

She took a bath and wanted to rest but she was unable to sleep.

There are people monitoring her house.

But suddenly they all fell into Genjutsu,

Suzaku walked into the house of Kushina and appeared in her bed room.

She suddenly woke up sensing that someone came into her bedroom.

She was alert from the incident that just happened yesterday with the cloud ninja.

But when she looked at the person her guard dropped.

She is 13 years old and she looked very beautiful.

Suzaku came over and sat beside her bed on a chair and looked at her without blinking for a few minutes.

Kushina was also looking at Suzaku.

Then he finally spoke.

"I am sorry that I could not interfere with your things before to cause you to have this heart breaking situation.

But I am not strong enough.

Even now there are enemies strong enough just hiding behind and playing the lord.

I need another 2 years of time to become strong enough to defy all the people in this ninja world.

Till then I can only protect you from the shadows and not in the open."

Kushina was moved but she has one doubt.

She was cheated once by Minato and third Hokage.

She doesn't want to be cheated again and trust anyone blindly.

So she asked directly.

"You are not from Senju clan or Uzumaki clan, 

You should be from the Uchiha clan, so why granny Mito asked you to protect me and sister Tsunade."

Suzaku smile and made a hand seal.

Immediately the flower pot on the side, as if it was given a stimulant started to grow and a bunch of flowers bloomed.

The eyes of Kushina widened.

"You know wood style, 

How is that even possible?"

Suzaku smiled and started to speak.

"I am an orphan in the Uchiha clan with my parents died after my birth.

But it is a lie.

My father is the current head of the Uchiha clan Ryo Uchiha and my mother is from the Senju clan.

She is the secret mistress of my cheap father.

She died giving birth to me and later my cheap father left me in the orphanage covering up the traces that leads to a scandal on his life.

So technically I inherited the bloodlines from both Senju clan and Uchiha clan.

Mito san, knows about this and she also knows that third Hokage is plotting against the Senju clan just like he did with the Uzumaki clan before.

Well he did not do anything directly to the Uzumaki clan but went to steal things when their home is burning.

Senju clan originally opposed Sarutobi Hiruzen taking over the seat of the Hokage.

It was Mito san that helped him take the seat but he still held the grudge against the Senju clan.

But he could not act rashly.

So he waited until Mito san died and wanted to separate you from the Senju clan.

With the jinchūriki supporting him, he can use the provocation tactics to kill off all the Senju clan members or at least the main bloodline to quench his anger and grudge towards the Senju clan.

He wanted you to stabilize his position as Hokage or at least the power of Hokage is still in his hands even if he is not the Hokage.

As for my reason it is simply I like you and Tsunade along with Mikoto, Hazuki and Himeko.

I like you not as friends but as my woman.

So I tried to protect you.

It is not a bad thing to love many beautiful women…."


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