Chapter 382: tailed beasts seem to be of eatable kind right?

Chapter 382: tailed beasts seem to be of eatable kind right?

She reluctantly looked into the eyes of Suzaku.

Their immediately turned red and then one tomoe, second tomoe and finally the third tomoe appeared startling her.

But it did not stop there.

The three tomoe started to rotate and rotate finally merging into one forming a star like symbol that is rapidly rotating in his eyes.

This startled Mikoto very much.

She knows that Suzaku has Sharingan and he is hiding it.

But she never expected that he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

With this she was sure that Suzaku is strong enough to ask her hand in marriage.

But still it would be complicated.

She doesn't want Suzaku to suffer after becoming so strong just for her.

But her attitude stayed strong and rejected Suzaku but her eyes have reluctance.

She opened the three tomoe Sharingan right at that moment thinking that she would lose her beloved forever after rejecting him today.

This grievance has made her feel so sad that it made her opened the three tomoe Sharingan directly.

Well if things go on like this and Suzaku lost his life in front of her.

Then she would definitely open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

That is how much she loved him.

Suzaku smiled at her instead his mind but only showed reluctance to her on his face.

He wanted her to have a surprise later.

After talking to her Suzaku went to invite Himeko for a chat and the result is the same.

She was even more surprised to see that Suzaku has awakened that the great Madara Uchiha that is called as a god awakened.

She was more optimistic than Mikoto about Suzaku.

Even though she rejected him, she was sure that Suzaku understood her point and would come for her.


After parting from Himeko, Suzaku returned to the battle field.

Then he took leave to visit back the village officially.

He was going to meet with Hazuki.

This way he would be able to divert the attention of many people.

As long as Suzaku becomes couple with Hazuki, then third Hokage would feel relieved as Suzaku would not come for Kushina.

Ryo Uchiha would feel relieved that Suzaku would not come after his daughter in law.

The head of the Hyuga clan would be relieved that his daughter in law is not getting close to Suzaku.

These people are all on the edge during this time.

It is especially so for Mikoto and Himeko that was very close to Suzaku.

They even prepared all the things for their wedding as soon as they turned 18.

For Mikoto, Fugaku is already ready, for Himeko, Hiashi was chosen as the next head of the clan.

They were anxious because Suzaku was more handsome then the chosen partners.

At the same time his job is mostly risk free and very profitable without any life risks as a doctor and medical ninja.

Because of this reason most girls would prefer a person like Suzaku over many other people.

For this very reason they are fear that the women would rebel against them and go away with Suzaku.

Well Suzaku also has a special status as the disciple of a powerful ninja like Tsunade.

Also he might even get a chance to become Hokage with the trust that third Hokage shows.

Because of these reasons they would not be able to fight back with Suzaku's background.

So they are a little anxious.


Now Suzaku came back to the village and started to hang out with Hazuki.

Many people witnessed this and the rumors started spread.

With these rumors the anxious people have their hearts calmed down.

But they would never expect that Suzaku would hit on more than one woman at the same time.

Well they don't know his plan at all.

After few days Suzaku returned back to the battle field as the number of injured has increased exponentially.

Also Tsunade cannot handle the situation because of her blood phobia.

Suzaku has other thoughts right now.

It is about the tailed beasts.

He heard rumors before that the gold and silver brothers of the hidden cloud village were able to eat the flesh of the nine tailed fox and gain some of its power like a jinchūriki.

This gave him the idea that how it would feel like eating the tailed beasts.

He was especially interested in the turtle three tails.

He is going to have too many women so he needs to have a strong virility to satisfy them all.

He heard that the eating turtles can improve the good thing of a man.

So he was very interested in this matter.

Because of this he left a clone here and started his journey towards the hidden mist village.

Any way the tailed beast should recover again after three years.

He would kill it and eat it now.

If everything is alright then he would go for other tailed beasts.

As for the nine tails he doesn't have to worry immediately.

He will slowly take his time to eat.

Also the 10 tails should be a tree in its original form.

So it is eatable.

Well compared to the strange things that the people in Harry potter drop in their potions and drink, it is not strange at all.

All he has to do is to find a way to eat the 10 tails.

With this thought Suzaku reached the hidden mist village and started to search for the strong chakra signature.

But he could not find any.

He thought that this should be hidden in a barrier.

So the second solution is to use the Sharingan to enquire.

With this enquiry he got the information.

Currently there is no three tails jinchūriki.

Instead it was specifically kept in a big lake on the biggest island of the hidden mist village.

There it was being restricted by a strong barrier.

This barrier is actually a stolen sealing art from the Uzumaki clan.

So Suzaku was very familiar with this thing.


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