Chapter 388: dividing the Uchiha clan, finding and killing traitors

Chapter 388: dividing the Uchiha clan, finding and killing traitors

"The Uchiha clan is treating you so well.

Why did you betray the Uchiha clan and your own people?

To whom are you trying to send those messages about me and other right now?"

Suzaku asked with anger in his voice.

Immediately the surrounding people understood two things.

First is that their clan has traitors and

Second is that the barrier around them was actually placed by Suzaku to prevent information leak.

They were really surprised by the thinking of Suzaku that was many steps ahead of others.

Also they noted down his caution and severe measures that he might take towards the people that betray him.

With Suzaku questioning the Uchiha clansman feigned ignorance.

But under the influence of the Sharingan he spoke everything.

He was an informer under the third Hokage.

With the information obtained Suzaku directly wanted to kill the person.

But then he remembered the usefulness of the Sharingan.

So he took out a bottle and let the shadow clone take the eyes of the traitor and then killed him in a peculiar manner.

After that Suzaku spoke.

"This is the traitor, now he is dead.

But even in death he has to be useful to the Uchiha clan.

Drop his body at the side of the training grounds secretly and then make sure that our people discover the body with some civilians tomorrow.

Also try to leave a dying message in the name of roots and Danzo

After that we would make the propaganda that he was killed by the roots to get his Sharingan.

We need explanation for this matter.

Well one might not be good, we need two people."

Suzaku said that and looked at the elder that manages the orphanage.

In the next moment under the interrogation of Suzaku the elder spoke all the atrocities that he did during this term as an elder.

The remaining people were disgusted by listening to the deeds of the elder and his fate is no different than the traitor before.

Every time Suzaku killed someone Suzaku come to Ryo Uchiha and slapped on his face while saying.

"This is entirely your fault.

If you are a proper head can so many things happen?


After taking care of these two people Suzaku stored the Sharingan aside and then started to speak.

"Other than this I want to tell you all about the most important thing related to the Konoha guards.

It was the trap set by that moron second Hokage and our previous clan head and the current clan heads are morons that accepted with great honor.

It was set up so that we interact with the people of the village and get their hatred for doing good things.

After many years we will be seen as a scourge of the village.

The will use the public disinterest as the reason to publicly suppress us and slowly kill us.

Also if we did not perform ninja tasks then the income we receive would reduce.

Along with that we will also lose the training, chance to choose the advanced ninjutsu from the forbidden and everything.

This was a big trap.

Also the symbol on Konoha guards is the symbol of Uchiha.

So even if Uchiha clan reduces in the future we will still be scolded by all the people of the village.

If you want pride then there is no Uchiha clan.

The people in you that wanted to be really strong can follow me and do as I say.

If you follow the bastard Ryo Uchiha you can follow him.

I will not do anything to you but you will not benefit from me either.

As long as a single word of what I said is out of your mouths then I will directly kill you and your families.

I am giving you 5 minutes to chose.

Betrayal is out of the question.

Don't thing that you are smart.

I can see through your soul."

Suzaku spoke and waited for them to make their choices.

After a while the group of people is divided.

Few elders and most of the youth sided with Suzaku.

Many elders and few youth sided with Ryo Uchiha.

Suzaku did to look at the other people instead he looked at the people that sided with him and used the Mangekyō Sharingan to make them speak the truth with strong illusion.

Among them the traitors were taken out.

Suzaku did not kill them directly instead he checked their thoughts and took action based on their thoughts.

Then he turned his face towards the people that took the side of Ryo Uchiha and then used the illusion to know their thoughts.

It is necessary to see if there are more traitors in the group on the others side.

After solving these people Suzaku has a total of 5 pairs of three tomoe Sharingan.

With them on hand Suzaku smiled at the other side and then told the people that came to his side his orders and plan.

As for the people on the other side they are fearful and don't want to participate in the matters that Suzaku is speaking.

Also their leader Ryo Uchiha is useless and he is still the head of the Uchiha clan.

Before they left Suzaku spoke.

"I am going to marry Mikoto, Hazuki and Himeko in a few days.

Make the preparations.

If you did not make the preparations nor did something behind my back, you will see the demon inside of me.

Trust me at that time death would be your only wish."

Suzaku said with his red eyes giving the people the same feeling as Madara or even strong feeling than him.

Mikoto finally came to Suzaku and hugged him.

Only this time she proposed to Suzaku with her blushed face.

They kissed in front of the other without a care.

The elder that is also the grandfather of Mikoto,

So along with her he also joined the side of Suzaku for his granddaughter.


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