Chapter 391: chaos in the hidden leaf village

Chapter 391: chaos in the hidden leaf village

Fortunately it was also right at the center of the hidden leaf village it not that far away from the Uchiha clan.

Here his plan to create chaos in the hidden leaf village starts with his words and deeds right now.

Since the second ninja world war ended this is considered to be a peace time.

But it will not last for long.

It is only for around 6 to 8 months for the start of the third ninja world war.

Before the start of that Suzaku has to establish his prestige.

Suzaku came to the Uchiha police station where the Uchiha clansmen stood outside forming a circular shape with chakra running through their hand signs.

They have mastered the echo technique that Suzaku told them to practice.

Suzaku came and stood at the center of the circles in front of the astounded people of the village.

Suzaku quickly formed the hand sign to connect to the echo technique as the speaker.

"Hello, everyone

This is a special announcement from the village police station.

First of all we have discovered a ploy about the establishment of the police station where only Uchiha people are working.

It is a tactic to separate the founders of the village from the people and the village management power.

If you observe carefully the village never has a single person from the Uchiha clan in managements or any other important role.

They are only placed in this police station so that we would interact with the normal people and get the anger from them.

We found this situation long ago but while we are investigating we found that there were actually some people that are coveting our bloodlines.

We have confirmed this fact after the destruction of the Senju clan that is also the co founders of the village right after the death of the wife of the first Hokage.

Also we observed that the four clans of Sarutobi, Shimura, Mitokado and Utatane have not lost any of the combat power in the second ninja world war.

Also they were caught picking off the bounties of other hard working civilian ninja in the war.

So first we as the founding clan of this hidden leaf village have decided to take measures to protect the remaining people of the Senju clan.

Tsunade sensei that is the current head of the Senju clan has accepted our offer of support.

We are feeling that the village has too many traitors.

So we are going to make complete rectification of the village.

Second is that we no longer monopolize the posts of the village police station and the jobs here are given to the civilians.

We only stay here before the civilian ninja take over the posts after the screening.

As the first step to this we are destroying the symbol of out clan that is on the village police station.

It is to prove that we are not the owners of this police station but the civilians are…."

As Suzaku spoke he used the fire style ninjutsu to burn the mark of the Uchiha clan till it turned into molten liquid and fall off from the wall.

The burning was so precise that the member of the Uchiha clan that followed Suzaku was very impressed.

Right at that time third Hokage, Danzo, Homura and Koharu came over with Anbu and roots.

Third Hokage stepped forward.

"Suzaku, what is the meaning of this…?

Are you and the Uchiha trying to rebel against the hidden leaf village."

Suzaku let these words spread through echo technique and his words also follows.

"We came here to seek justice third Hokage.

I am doubtful that your village management has problems and moles.

We have lost so many men but these clans did not lose anything.

We are starting to doubt that the people are betraying us.

Unless you give us an explanation of all the listed problems we will not consider you as Hokage anymore.

We are here to seek justice for our brothers from the Senju clan that died in the plot made by the foxes of our own village.

Also we have reports that the roots under the management of Danzo an elder that you kept is kidnapping people from the civilians and forcibly brain washing them.

The ancestors of the Senju clan and Uchiha clan formed this village to settle down our clans and live peacefully instead of becoming food to some wolves.

We will go to any lengths to seek justice.

Also I heard that third Hokage changed the words of first Hokage about the will of fire and using it to create people loyal to you.

I am starting to doubt the village management completely.

As a decided leader of the founding member of the clans of both Uchiha and Senju, I am ordering a thorough investigation on the village management and roots.

Till the investigation is completed third Hokage and the rest of the people must be under the house arrest.

If you did not cooperate with us it is no different than accepting the charges.

Village management elder Danzo, we want you to hand over the locking and unlocking seal that you put on the tongues of the roots to hide your dirty secrets.

Also we want you to remove your bandages and show your right eye.

(His right arm is not modified yet)


Third Hokage did not speak because he saw that his voice is being projected throughout the village right now.

He doesn't want to slip up as he was in the state of panic by the sudden incident that happened right now.

He never expected that Suzaku that is usually silent would start something like this suddenly.

"Who gave you the right to say all of this?

He is the Hokage of the village and you did not have the right to question his decisions.

You cannot question the people of the management….

Also why should I remove the bandage and why…."


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