Chapter 392.5: the evidence about the ugly secrets

Chapter 392.5: the evidence about the ugly secrets

"…We should blame the people that trained you to become stupid.

Isn't it because of the lack of proper training that we did not rescue our ally the Uzumaki clan and let them all perish?

If you have been working properly how could you only save one person from the entire Uzumaki tribe…?"

Suzaku then turned towards third Hokage and asked the same question and said.

"Now tell me third Hokage, why did you not let the Uchiha clan go to the rescue of the Uzumaki clan.

Are you deliberately colluding with the other villages to kill our allies…?"

At that time Tsunade also got into the argument and started to voice out her opinion.

This made the people of the village immediately change their opinion on third Hokage.

His popularity diminished at a visible rate.

What Suzaku is doing right now is to buy as much of time as possible for his clones to get the evidence.

All he need is another 10 minutes to complete the entire investigation.


In the group of people here there are also players that came to watch the show.

But they did not dare to meddle in this matter.

At that time the people involved are all big shots.

Any wrong move would add them into the hit list of the village management and there is also Madara Uchiha that is watching the things through Zetsu.

As long as they wanted to remove obstacles then no matter what they try they would die.

So they only watched the show silently….


Hiashi that found that news that Himeko was taken by Suzaku was devastated.

He is also here and looking at the show.

He was hoping for third Hokage to kill Suzaku so that he could take Himeko and his honor back.

Fugaku and Ryo did not appear because Suzaku almost broke their legs and there are many internal injuries.

They are not in a position to walk.

Third Hokage started to talk smoothly to release his son but Suzaku argued back with many things that are happening in the village.

Soon 10 minutes are passed and many Uchiha clansmen appeared from three directions.

Immediately Suzaku got the information from his three clones.

"Now there is evidence of what roots have done under the leadership of Danzo.

I have proof that he dug the graves and stole the dead of the Senju clan."

Only of the Uchiha clansmen brought over a small child around one year old.

Danzo that was currently on the floor panting for air immediately became shocked.

Suzaku looked at him and spoke while giving the child to Tsunade.

"Tsunade sensei, after your brother died they dug your brother's body and used it for experiments.

You should have heard that many children of the village are suddenly missing,

They injected the cells of Senju clan into many children and the finally result is all of them died except for this child.

He was able to integrate the Senju clan cells of your brother and he most probably can use wood style.

This is what roots people did.

There are also many things like the pairs of Uchiha clan eyes,

The bodies of previous clan heads that are used for experiments…..

Other than that there is also secret investigation done on the children of other clans…"

Suzaku spoke as he took out the copies of investigation and passed them to the respective clan heads.

Danzo that knows that if he did not speak right now he would definitely die opened his mouth to speak.

"How can you prove that it was all done by me?

What evidence do you have that pointing towards me?

How can you prove that it was all done by the roots under me?


He started to shoot off the questions but Suzaku got answers to all these questions right now.

He took out a video tape and said.

"All the investigation was recorded from the start to end from the time you left the roots base.

Even you are recorded in the video.

All the people in the roots were incapacitated and captured by the Uchiha people.

They are currently being held for further enquiry.

We consider village integrity as the important thing and unlike some old foxes.

So we did not kill anyone.

We know that you have this seal on their tongues that would make their brain fry the moment they spoke about your ugly deeds.

So I only held them as hostage without questioning.

Is the seal you made for hiding your ugly secrets or for hiding the village secrets?

Don't worry we will get all the information we want soon.

This is the evidence…."

As soon as Suzaku spoke Danzo wanted to snatch the video tape with all his strength and wanted to destroy it.

Destroying a video tape does not require chakra.

Suzaku let him do that with a smile and said.

"Now everything is proved to be true with your actions.

Actually that is just an empty tape and the real one was safely hidden.

Next we will see the records of other two elders about their ugly deeds.

Utatane Koharu was charged with money embezzlement and changing many of the ninja gear for war resources into duplicates.

These cause the deaths of many of our ninja during the second ninja world war.

Mitokado Homura was charged with money embezzlement and changing the valuable medicine and few other medical resources with duplicates.

These cause the deaths of many of our ninja during the second ninja world war…

You are the lowest of the scum.

One of you even cut corners in the money given to the war orphans, orphanage and widows of the dead ninja of our village.

Tell me, how I should punish you…?"

Suzaku specifically read out all the crimes of these people and the civilians name by name to prove his point.

Because of the open place none of the people were able to move and stop Suzaku.


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