Chapter 396: catching and cooking one tail beast

Chapter 396: catching and cooking one tail beast

Suzaku on the other hand sent a shadow clone to the land of the grass to bring the mother of Karin.

Well currently she should be of the same age as Kushina and Suzaku don't want to lose those red haired beauties.

Having two at a time would be a good thing.

When you have enough power you should know how to use it for your enjoyment.

He is going to marry Hazuki, Mikoto and Himeko in a few days.

After that he would try to get Tsunade and other milfs and hotties of the Senju clan.

Then after 2 years he would pull Kushina and Karen Uzumaki into his harem.

That would be the best.


The players in the village are having a hard time digesting the information.

It is especially so for Hiashi that wanted to marry Himeko.

His plan is gone.


It is not a hard thing for his clone to save someone from an easy place like the land of grass.

Suzaku was staying in the village while third Hokage was thinking of what happened right now.

Third Hokage never thought that Suzaku has such a background.

Even now third Hokage did not blame Suzaku because he thought that what happened was because he pushed Suzaku too much causing this situation.

He was sure that originally Suzaku has fallen into his web and became loyal to him.

But later when one by one the people close to him was pulled away from him by the village management and the clan elders.

That is Mikoto, Himeko and Kushina.

This made him become angry and investigated the bad things that village management and those clans did.

Third Hokage thought that this was the cause of all the mess.

If he had known he would have definitely used his Hokage power to make those clans marry Mikoto and Himeko to Suzaku so that he would not become like this and support him.

All of this was caused by Ryo Uchiha and the head of the Hyuga clan.

Third Hokage found the people to vent his anger.

Right now his eldest son is being healed by the ninja doctor.

After the analysis they found that all the injuries are internal and only normal injuries that cause pain but not real injuries that would stay for life.

He felt that he has missed a great chance and left Suzaku into the hands of Tsunade.

Suzaku on the other hand is quite calm.

Other than the clone that went to get Karen Uzumaki there are few other clones that is constantly monitoring the surroundings and his women for safety.

Because of the high level techniques and chakra of Suzaku no one has discovered him.

All of his clones are at least in super Kage level and they are wood clones.

So they can recover chakra also they can use sage mode.

Suzaku sent a clone to the land of the wind to see if it could slay the one tail Shikaku and bring some good meat.

One tails is not as strong as the three tails.

After consuming the meat of the three tails Suzaku has become strong by over 30 percent.

His body can emit tailed beast chakra and use it to form a cloak around to fight.

Also his physical body became strong.

It is especially so for his dick that is continuously standing all this time.

He really wanted to poke someone but he held back till the marriage to have fun with his women.

With everything is set to motion, Suzaku peacefully sitting in the yard meditating to calm his mind.

There are Anbu appeared to check the situation of Suzaku but they could not come close to the location Suzaku is.

They did not dare to come because they don't know if Suzaku would kill them directly.

Suzaku actually did not care about these people monitoring him.

Even if they monitor they would not be able to find anything about Suzaku.


Suzaku's clone appeared in the land of the wind and with the flying thunder god technique he threw a kunai into the air to take a look at the field.

Then use it to trace his way towards the hidden sand village.

After coming here he checked the situation of the hidden sand village first.

Then he used the Sharingan to enquire about the location of the jinchūriki of the one tail.

The process is extremely smooth.

Soon he came to a cell that locked an old man.

The cell has many makings of seals.

He looked more like old bones without any fat on his body.

Also there are many symbols on his body like a seal.

Suzaku looked at the miserable man and decided to give him his freedom from this life.

Suzaku used the Sharingan to control the man and took him out.

For Suzaku solving these small seals is nothing more than child's play.

After solving the seal without the notice of anyone Suzaku took the jinchūriki away from here to an uninhabited area.

There he removed the seal and brought the one tail beast Shikaku outside.

After that the man died.

Suzaku's clone used the Sharingan to control Shikaku into creating a grave for the man using sand and stone.

After the grave is formed Suzaku's clone controlled Shikaku and started its dissecting process alive.

The process was smooth as he started by removing the sand layer outside.

Then he went to cut the beast to get all the useful meat as quickly as he possibly could.

After getting the meat he let the beast die and dissipate like the three tails.

With that Suzaku's clone started to cook the meat then and there before bringing it back to Suzaku.

The entire process only took a day.

Because of the high amount of chakra and energy Suzaku's appetite is also high.

So the entire cooked meat only sufficient for him for three days at the minimum and 5 days at the maximum.


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