
Nancheng University.

In the spacious and cold building housing the bio labs, blood covered the walls in the already ghastly environment. The crawling and dragging had left blood marks all over the place, and they all led to corpses that were chewed up.

However, even more of them were zombies with their heads blown off. Black blood and brain matter splattered across the floor until there were no clean spots for anyone to stand on.

There were still countless zombies wandering in the corridors. Many of them had just been infected, and their intelligence had not fully deteriorated. They tried to open the sealed entrance and other zombies followed them in. A few hours ago, they had caught this group of people off guard!

After a bloody battle, around eight soldiers attempted to escort over a hundred students into a sealed laboratory. Over 50 people survived.

"I was so scared! I was so lucky... Otherwise, I would have died right there and then!"