The Deal with Chuanji County (Part 2)

"Which family are you from, girl?"

Cao Huibao's hair was in a complete mess. In the chaos, someone even kicked her, but she didn't know who kicked her.

"My grandfather's Cao Qingcai, you must be Grandpa Wang. When I was young, you always said that my braids fell off! You were very annoying!" Cao Huibao was very pompous when she was little. She wouldn't stop playing with her two braids after they were done. 

Meanwhile, Grandpa Wang Er had the habit of strolling around with his thermos flask over ten years ago. The most immoral thing he had done was to lie to Cao Huibao that her braids had fallen off. Cao Huibao was so scared that she cried out loud when she really thought that her braids had fallen off. She looked for them high and low, and many people laughed at her back then.