Little Ninth, I'll Follow You!

Beiting Huang and Thunderbolt ran around and finally got rid of this group of damned flying Magical Beasts. They didn't dare to fly in the sky above the Magical Beast Forest anymore. No wonder those Heaven-rank powerhouses didn't dare to walk casually in the Magical Beast Forest. Although they could avoid those high-level Magical Beasts, those low-level groups of Magical Beasts were really too powerful. A large number of ants could bite an elephant to death. That was what they meant.

Along the way, Beiting Huang and Thunderbolt came to the Magical Beast Forest on foot. She had killed magical beasts along the way and stabilized her strength as a Level 2 Seven Starred Spirit Master. Although her progress had increased slightly, it was very difficult to exceed Seven Stars. Now, she was looking for a way to break through. She had heard that the Dragon Spirit Fruit could make a high star spiritual master get a break through with a 90% certainty. How could she not be tempted?