Dragon Spirit Fruit Mission

It wasn't easy for her to leave the group of people. The sky was already dark. Beiting Huang found the largest tree nearby. There was originally a level-nine magical beast, a giant python, coiled around the tree. After Beiting Huang killed it, she occupied its territory. No other magical beasts would come over for a while.

Beiting Huang sat cross-legged on a tree branch and summoned Thunderbolt. It transformed into a kitten-like formation with the flexible sword wrapped around its abdomen. It looked like it was unwilling to let go. Beiting Huang flicked his forehead and said, "I've never seen a magical beast that likes weapons."

Magical beasts all had their own inherited spiritual techniques. No spiritual technique could be used with a weapon.

"Master, you don't understand. After all, this is the first spoil of war I won from someone." Thunderbolt narrowed its eyes at Beiting Huang. It was extremely smug.