My God's Light Is Everywhere

On the other hand, Leng Qianmo was standing on the last step of the stairs, leaning against the handrail. It was not that obvious.

The Holy Son was the representative of the God of Judgment. If the Holy Son did not kneel when he descended, it would be disrespectful to the God of Judgment. In the Central Continent, no one dared to openly resist the God of Judgment.

As the Holy Son, how could he allow such a weak person to challenge the prestige of the Judgement God in front of so many people?

The pressure became heavier and heavier. The pressure of the Heaven Rank was directly exerted on Beiting Huang, trying to force her to submit. Sweat dripped down her face. Even though her black clothes were drenched in sweat, it was impossible to tell. This was the benefit of being black. No matter if she bled or sweated, no one would know. She had to retain her last bit of pride.
