Heroic Young Man

Since his son could not be found, Scarwood was not in the mood to watch the challenge. Just as he frowned and was about to punish this ignorant member, he heard the member say, "I heard from the people of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group say that the young fellow's name is Bei Ye. He saved the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group in Soul Breaking Valley. Isn't that where the young master and the others went?"

This member had been planted by Scarwood to pay special attention to the movements of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group. Naturally, he did not miss the report that Rikedo and Tynon had reported to Qin Yu. While they were talking, he had been beside them. He had even seen the unconcealed passionate admiration that Rikedo and Tynon had for Beiting Huang. He had also reported everything to Scarwood.