Lord Gu Hao, Do You Want to Join in?

Scarwood's face twitched fiercely. He had originally intended to leave this magical beast for his son. It had not been easy for them to capture this magical beast. They had almost been wiped out. It was only with the help of an expert that they had obtained it. That person had even circled the magical beast and said that it was a rare dark-element magical beast.

A dark-type magical beast would only have a powerful offensive power in the world's impression.

At that time, Scarwood was almost overjoyed. He thought that from now on, the Divine Judge would be with the Xing Tian Mercenary Group. Who knew that as soon as he returned to the city, he would learn that his son was missing? Last night, he learned that his son was dead. What was the use of this magical beast left for his son?

Its only use was to dig a hole for Beiting Huang.