Honest Celebration

City Lord Mu Feng personally brought people to welcome them. As an important figure in this battle and a hero replaced by the soldiers with an arrogant heart, Beiting Huang naturally received the most grand welcome. The city guards divided into two teams and spread a red carpet on the ground, leading to the main camp. There, bonfires had already been lit. Residents who had spontaneously rushed over from the city brought exquisite food, mellow wine, and beautiful girls. They sang and danced, and the wine smelled good. Their enchanting figures and pleasant singing stimulated everyone's nerves, making them intoxicated.

"Lord Bei Ye!"

No one knew who shouted, but everyone gathered around and raised the wine in their hands, hoping to clink it with Beiting Huang's cup. The beautiful girls looked at Beiting Huang with their big, watery eyes, hoping that she would give them a sidelong glance.