Treacherous, Too Treacherous!

Treacherous, Too Treacherous!

Dongfang Jiao, who had suffered a great loss at the hands of Beiting Huang, suddenly felt the corner of his eyes twitch. Seeing Beiting Huang's fox-like expression, he seemed to recall the way she had attacked him back then. He thought that Beiting Huang would at least wait until later to cause trouble for the Nangong family. He didn't expect this guy to be someone who would take revenge immediately and not even wait overnight.

Not only did this guy want to take revenge, but he was also unwilling to do it himself. Was he trying to drag the Nangong Family and the Divine Hall of Judgment into a fight?

Beiting Huang was too young. His face was so delicate that it was even prettier than a little girl's. As for his strength, it was almost negligible. He also looked like he was trying to curry favor with the God of Judgment Temple. It did not make the God of Judgment Temple feel disgusted or wary at all.