Fighting the Violent Earth Bear


The tip of the sword carried an unparalleled aura as it infused elemental energy into the divine artifact. The edge of the sword was sharp, and it was enveloped in earth-shattering energy. It welcomed the Violent Earth Bear's slap. With a slash, bright red blood spurted out. A crack appeared on the Violent Earth Bear's thick bear paw.

As for Beiting Huang, after the attack, she tapped the ground with the tip of her foot and slid sideways to avoid the strong wind brought about by the Violent Earth Bear's paw. Her flying hair slid in a beautiful arc in the air. Where she had been standing just now, a wave of dust and rocks exploded with a bang, and a finger-wide crack appeared on the ground. The Violent Earth Bear slapped down and actually cracked a huge rock on the mountain ridge.