It's His Highness the Night King!

After running for a while, the Nine-tailed Firefox helped Beiting Huang choose a cave. Inside, a Seven-star Spiritual Beast was laying with a nest of cubs. Beiting Huang wiped them out in one go and threw them into the bracelet space along with the nest of the Spiritual Beast. She searched through the cave and instructed the beasts inside not to bully the new residents.

"Master, this is only a Seven Star Wind Wolf. It's not even enough to fill the gaps between my teeth." The Komodo Cloud Leopard said with grievance.

"Hmph, I never eat my own kind." Silver Wolf Lightning narrowed its eyes lazily and moved its head slightly to continue sleeping.

"Master, hurry up and advance. This space is getting smaller and smaller. It stinks everywhere. I don't like these smelly wolves." Little Vine licked herself clean and pouted as she complained aggrievedly.