Wanting a Female Phoenix

"Alright, alright!" Beiting Huang was a little speechless when she saw Dongfang Jiao throwing a childish tantrum. She could only comfort him. "How about this? I heard that there are many divine beasts in the Soul Breaking Mountain Range. Why don't we go and catch two together? I'll help you tame one. How about that?"

"Catch two? Divine beasts?" Dongfang Jiao jumped up in shock. "Are you sure that the two of us can catch two divine beasts?"

"Why not? Maybe a Sacred Beast will come out and take the initiative to be my contracted beast!" Beiting Huang rubbed her nose. It was just a Divine Beast. It was not like she had never fought with a Divine Beast. What was there to be afraid of?

"Little Ninth!" Dongfang Jiao looked up at the sky. There was a floating cloud in the sky. After a while, it disappeared. "You're not a genius, and you're not a freak. You're a complete lunatic!"