Follow the Leader And Go All Out!

A strong surge of pressure rushed over again!

"Oh my god! So strong!"

"What's there to be afraid of? We have our leader with us. There are so many magical beasts. Hahaha, I'm going to catch my first ever magical beast!"

"That's right brothers. Take out all your weapons. We'll follow the leader and go all out"

"F*ck, this is too exciting. It's worth it even if I die!"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Weapons were taken out one by one. Compared to the deep and terrifying green eyes of the Blizzard Wolves, the weapons in Beiting Huang's team shone brightly under the moonlight!

The battle was about to begin!

"Come out, my partner!"

With a wave of Beiting Huang's hand, waves of light blue light flashed beside her. Under the frightened gazes of the crowd and the wolves, the bodies of the magical beasts slowly expanded and returned to their original forms.