Adoptive Parent

The Purple Flame Companion Source was left behind for the little lion king. After he finished eating it, Beiting Huang carefully scraped the inside of the stone platform with a jade slip. He actually obtained 13 drops. This was already not easy. He really did not know where the little lion king, Zi Tong, came from. He was even more valiant than his own kind when he was born. He actually could obtain so many Purple Flame Companion Source Drops at once, more drop flowed out of his mouth than his own kind.

Zi Tong was the little lion king's biological mother named him. When the adoptive parent Zi Tong introduced his name, he also told it to Chu Feng.

Ximen Song also had these two things in his ring. One was a drop of purple flame companion source, and the other was an Black Spirit Fruit. These were things that he had never imagined would appear in his ring.