Seven Swords, High Sword Star Spirit Master

Of course, Beiting Huang was happy. Facing the morning sun, her dark eyes flashed with determination. The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she seemed to be in an extremely good mood.

"Agul, you're indeed willing to take me as your master? You know that I already have a Natal Magical Beast, so I can only sign a master-slave contract with you." Beiting Huang glanced sideways at the red colored devilish man that followed by her side. Even though she didn't understand why he was the same as the tiny cauldron and called her master whenever he saw her, she had a mysterious belief in her bones that neither he nor the tiny cauldron would harm her.

This was also the reason why when she saw Agul falling from the sky, she couldn't control herself and impulsively transformed into armor to save him.

"Master, I'm willing!"