Silver Moon, A Joke

In front of them was a team of more than 20 people and 18 mercenary groups. From their conversation, they should be escorting five people in the team across the magical beasts forest to the Alliance City. Such Quests were extremely common when there were major competitions on the continent.

"Cousin, if our mercenary group is registered in the union, you can also take on such missions. At first, we can only register as a C-rank mercenary group. I don't know how to upgrade it to B-rank. It would be best if it's A-rank," Beiting Huang said thoughtfully as she rubbed her bare chin.

"You're really ambitious!" Chu Feng lovingly rubbed her head. "However, with the strength of our mercenary group, it's really a pity if we can't become the number one mercenary group on the continent!"