Is Iron Blood Recruiting?

It would be strange if he didn't do it on purpose! Mogg muttered in his heart. He had lived for half his life and seen many people. How could he not understand the reason why Beiting Huang used Blizzard and killed Huang Meng in such a cruel way? It was definitely to create an advantageous position for themselves. Hmph, this brat was still young, but he was so scheming that he had to personally welcome him at the door. Mogg had no choice but to compromise under the tyranny of the iron blood!

"Haha, Your Excellency Ninth Huang, you're a young talent. I've heard a lot about you. I couldn't wait to see you!" Mogg glanced at the entire square where more and more people were gathered. Every gaze that landed on Beiting Huang was simply like looking at the god of death. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. What kind of monster was this?

It was comparable to the Night King's infamy!