I'm Here, How Dare You Be Presumptuous?

He held the longsword in his hand again. Light blue elemental energy wrapped around the longsword, and a cold light shot out. Beiting Jing's cold and ruthless eyes stared at Cameron like a wolf. "Your son died so quickly. Is it because he was also a genius?"

Ever since Beiting Huang appeared in the capital, her identity as Nan Ling's student had swept through the capital like the wind. Even though Beiting Jing was in the inner city of the Beiting Family, he had heard her name and rushed over without stopping. He had also heard the conflict between Beiting Huang and Cameron from afar.

As soon as Beiting Jing said this, Cameron's face turned red. Here it comes, here it comes again. The feeling of being so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

On the square, tens of thousands of people could not help but curse. As expected of biological brothers. They had the same poisonous tongue and could also anger the living to death.